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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Obama to finally do something about DADT?

I kind of want this to stay, even though I'm gay. I don't really want to serve in the military. I remember when I was younger and we started the War on Terror I felt that once I turned 18 they'd start drafting. I'm still irrationally scared. :(

What, so just because you personally don't want to join the military, you sort of want this to stay for everyone? :/

This is why I like the RAF, we already have complete anti-discrimination (not sure if the other British armed forces are the same). If you're in a civil partnership, you can even apply to get your civil partner on the same base as you if possible, just like a normal marriage. :D
Yeah, our army is totally fine now. And the navy. There was a gay/lesbian recruitment drive a while back because they were like "hm there aren't enough gays in our military. WE NEED MORE."
What, so just because you personally don't want to join the military, you sort of want this to stay for everyone? :/

Well, I don't want gays to not be able to serve in the military no matter what, but I'm not going to picket the White House to get this removed. But I'll use any excuse possible to not go into the military.
Fuck you with a stick. The military is a seriously awful place. I'm HAPPY I don't get in. I wouldn't want to be in there if you paid me a million bucks.

Dont get bashing now, some of us take pride in our military. Without the who knows what dictator in a uniform with a funny hat would of pwned us by now. If you take the military out the muslums will make a second 9/11.

To secure peace is to prepare for war.
A cookie for who can tell me who said that. :P

And to get on topic if anyone gay is desprate to get in have you heard of lying
Locho Mocho said:
If you take the military out the muslums will make a second 9/11.

Many Muslims, uncannily enough, did not agree with the 9/11 bombings. Don't generalise a very large group of people just because you don't understand.

also if taking out the military will create a second 9/11, how did the first one occur, as there was a (very large) military? :O
And to get on topic if anyone gay is desprate to get in have you heard of lying
hurr. way to fucking miss the point. Why should gays have to lie in the first place?

To secure peace is to prepare for war.
A cookie for who can tell me who said that. :P
Please explain how countries creating larger and larger militaries to kill each other secures peace

please think or get your facts straight before you type, thankyou
Dont get bashing now, some of us take pride in our military. Without the who knows what dictator in a uniform with a funny hat would of pwned us by now. If you take the military out the muslums will make a second 9/11.

Ok can you just die

I mean

die in a fire

seriously you are so retarded words can't describe
And to get on topic if anyone gay is desprate to get in have you heard of lying

That's not the point. If you're found out to be gay then you can be discharged - often a dishonourable discharge. Lots of gays want to join the army and be able to have girlfriends/boyfriends and have a love life at the same time - just like their straight counterparts can have!

Amazing, really, that people want equality under the law.
I see two ways to look at this potential dissolution of the DADT policy.
Firstly, I can see this as a great stride toward equality and justice, as surely gay men can fight as well as any others, and I believe that homosexuals should, on that basis, be allowed into the armed forces of the USA if they want to join.
On the other hand, I can hope that DADT will stay in effect for at least a little longer, because all American men 18 or older are required to register for the draft (for the love of all things good and right why do we still have a draft law at all), and I'd imagine that formally announcing one's self to be of a not-quite-heterosexual orientation would be a simple way, under DADT, to avoid compulsory service, a practice which I am fundamentally against.
Um... "I don't want to" isn't excuse enough?
that probably doesn't work if they have a draft.

not that it has any relevance to the topic at hand, just sayin'~

If you take the military out the muslums will make a second 9/11.

if you take the military out of the middle east, "the Muslims" will be LESS likely to make a second 9/11.

also you *could* kinda say that things like 7/7 and the Madrid bombings constitute a "second 9/11". stuff DOES happen outside of America!

I'm sorry, was that... racism?
Or is it religionism? I was never really sure on that. >>
well although technically being Muslim is unrelated to race (see: Yusuf Islam), in practice it's all a big blurry mess. for the sake of coherent English, might as well just lump it into racism.

edit: just remembered to launch into sum euro-anger.
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I'm against compulsory service, too; draft is slavery, slaves make shitty defenders of freedom, countries without enough people willing to fight for them don't deserve to survive, et cetera. It is pretty cool to be able to cop-out by saying you're gay, but this is still a really shitty policy and there's no real logic behind it anyway. If people want to serve, they should be able to freely.

It's unlikely I'd get drafted considering my situation, but I'm sure there are other ways to dodge it. I'd be willing to go to pretty big lengths.
despite the fact that compulsory service sucks

any step involving everyone not hating gays is a good step


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