• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Off the stems of chaos jumps in!!!


Imagine All Possibilities.
I'm Scout! -_^ None of you here probably have never heard of me but I love Skymin

(I USED TO HATE ITS DESIGN but now I LOVE it, LOL), dancing, clouds, acting like I'm a meth addict lol! @.@ and a lot of stuff. <_<

Allow me to yap more about myself`
I found Dragonflies by messing around with google (I find a lot of stuff by just searching NO NOT PORN) and I'm like lol what an interesting site so I decided to join the boards and see how everyone's like! T.T

I saw a topic title saying randomness is not funny. I'm trying to be random, though... I'm not trying to be funny but if you find me interesting please say hi!!! If I seem to message to you with individual attention and it seems for no apparent reason, that's my social awkwardness.
I also love to talk about my point of view but sometimes when I don't make general sense, everyone starts dog piling me. L0L Still, I can have a really clear vision of what I'm gonna say... It doesn't matter what I say because what I actually do and make is important to everyone around me.

......... I can be very calm and cool though. Just... NOT RIGHT NOW.

OK. That's enough, ha. gahaha
Be crazy as much as you like, I can handle it ^____________________^

startr invitroduvvrcing​
Hi! I'm not being crazy, because I'm not that sort of person. I hope you have a good time here. I like Skymin too, I first thought it looked quite interesting. I must say, you found the site in a very interesting way, and I'm not sure I believe you. Any way, as I said earlier, have fun and enjoy yourself!
THANKS! Google is a great friend of mine, but sometimes it can not find everything that I'm looking for so I use THIS.
Welcome to TCoD have a box! and making your writing green makes it VERY hard to see -_-" hard to see
Hi! Thanks,

I can't think inside of a box, that's why I'm having trouble with my homework.

Or maybe I'm just not thinking? +.+

Well, whatever the case, thanks for the greeting and I blame your monitor brightness. I could see my text perfectly fine with any of the board's skin. But that's just me, so yeah.
Now I'm not trying to be mean. ^^ I'm just saying, posting in a colour other than the default isn't generally a good idea here, you know? Some people using different styles may have trouble reading your posts, and don't you want them to be able to see all the stuff you have to say? Also, it's not quite a good idea to post with such big letters, sort of hurts my eyes plus the green.

But welcome! (You get one) I'm Arylett. Queen and President of Arylettopia, also known as the Chocolate Milkshake of these forums. But don't you dare try to drink me! That makes Queen Arylett very mad! And you don't want that, because she'll unleash her army of Arylettopians upon you.

So yes, may you have a most awesomenocity time filled with many awesomenocity milkshakes. (Preferably none of which are me.)
Now I'm not trying to be mean. ^^ I'm just saying, posting in a colour other than the default isn't generally a good idea here, you know? Some people using different styles may have trouble reading your posts, and don't you want them to be able to see all the stuff you have to say? Also, it's not quite a good idea to post with such big letters, sort of hurts my eyes plus the green.


Green is a great color, though I was just joking around with the text size. Well, I really type like this, without any tags. Kinda boring, but it helps everyone. Also less mechanical work for me too =)

Tehaha, I have a lot of fancy titles myself. Pink and green star or... spazoid. -___-
Oh. X3 ;;Can't take a joke;;

I can go on about my titles for HOURS. I'm uh... HRA (Her Royal Arylettness), Wafflecakes, Cuppycake, Miss Arylett, Miss Dawnsborough, Queen Arylett, Her Queenliness, Madame President, Fairy Elf (Of Justice), Arly, and many many more.

I have a lot of wonderful friends~ Who give me weird nicknames~
(Lett, can I be an Arylettopian? ^^)

Hey! I'm Flora. Enjoy your stay!
Thanks for the introduction,

Wafflecakes XD and Flora!

I also have to warn you all of my emotional sensitivity... And I browsed through the board... Because of that, I'm a bit shy towards the debate section on this board but I can have a strong say about it. ...And I don't think anybody would like it.

Oh well!! <_>

Can I be added as your friend Arylett? I have a messenger.
Sure! Go ahead and add me~ Which messenger do you have?

Also, the people here can tend to get extreme in debates. If you are emotionally sensitive (I am too, I admit it), it's a bit uh... well, you might get your feelings hurt.
Hmmm... ;;Considers;;

Very well! ;;Waves Arylettsceptre around a few times;;

Congratulations, Flora is an Arylettopian~
I want to be An Arylettopian too. :D

Anyways, hey Scout, welcome to the forums, hope you have a good time here. I typed in very very very annoying red font when I first joined, but realized my idiocy and stopped. :P

Hope to see you around!
I want to be An Arylettopian too. :D

Anyways, hey Scout, welcome to the forums, hope you have a good time here. I typed in very very very annoying red font when I first joined, but realized my idiocy and stopped. :P

Hope to see you around!


Very well.

;;Waves Arylettsceptre a second time;;

Done! You are now an Arylettopian!
*is tempted to drink the milkshake*

Welcome! This is where we eat tea and drink mint cod XD
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