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Offscreen Activities

Upon arrival in Frontier Town Nip goes out of his way to keep out of the public eye, at least until he has a better understanding of how to fit in. The last thing he wants is a repeat of Theran Village.

Once he's a bit more comfortable, he starts trying to take up odd jobs at the bulletin board, not really used to standard steady work. He also spends some time trying to find out information about the Yveltal of this world at the local library.
he eventually caught wind of Drungfields's and asked if he could work there.

The Doc is hesitant to take on an apprentice, especially as she's foisting her errands on Wes already. However, Ghaspius' knowledge of chemistry impresses her. Drungfield is willing to entrust him with enough apothecarial tasks that he can scrape by for now. Perhaps if he earns more of her trust, she may support his pharmaceutical experimentation.

trying to find out information about the Yveltal of this world

There's very little concrete information to go on, and no references to Yveltal by name, but there is a legendary associated with death, sometimes called the "Angel of Last Breath", the "Winged Passing", or simply "the reaper". That sounds about right.

Supposedly, the cult of Yveltal is vanishingly uncommon in Luctemar, but the term 'the reaper' has made its way to the continent via the superstitions of the Protectorate. There's also a single passing mention of an indigenous tribe who are 'sharp of claw' in the frozen north who pay their respects to the "Red Wings".
Okay! Magically appear in exciting new world: check. Be a unicorn now for some reason sure why not: check. Figure out where everyone else got off to while they were chilling at the nice library: check. Find someplace to stay: check. Do a heckin' sleep after a day-long walk on wobbly baby stantler legs: fifty-seven checks. Overall, then, the first two days had been a rousing success (discounting the teeny-tiny "still not having any idea why they were here" thing, but surely that'd make itself apparent soon, right?). That just left figuring out what to do next! So, starting bright and early the next morning, Leaf:

  • Practices telekinesis: holding things, finer and finer manipulations, how many objects can she hold at once, how large. Oh, and definitely bending spoons. That one is very important.
  • Scouts out a good place just outside of town to go running in the mornings.
  • Does some reading on mystery dungeons (and learns the info handily provided above, cheers), as well as asking locals if they've heard interesting stories about any dungeons that may be nearby.
  • Starts looking for anyone from the Nexus who wants to practice battling, and also anyone who'd like to take on tasks from the fancy magic bulletin board. Gotta get started impressing this Ayda person at Ranger HQ with something, right? (She's quite content to try out smaller jobs on her own if no one bites, but company is always appreciated!)
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Dave wakes up in the morning, finds he is indeed still in cowboy world and fully feeling the aches of the previous day’s lengthy walk on unpracticed legs, and groans. The Tandemaus are eager to make him breakfast, still chittering away unintelligibly, and this is still fucking weird.

On his way out he bumps into Kimiko, who lets him know in hushed tones (she seems to be saying this to everyone) that Gerome the bartender advised her to keep real quiet about anyone in the group being human. Well, cat’s already pretty out of the fucking bag on that, and there’s no way word won’t get out eventually especially with them all conspicuously not knowing anything about the planet they’ve supposedly lived on all their lives, but his ears do perk at the mention of a local who seems to know about something that’s up beyond the normal petty kinds of problems. And there’ll be drinks. He’s pretty sure alcohol is one of those things that are liable to kill a pet Poochyena, but sapient Poochyena had better be able to tolerate alcohol or he’ll go fucking insane in this place. (@Namohysip, would like a scene at the Wanderin’ Zera with Gerome when possible.)

First, though, he asks around and decides to stop by the library - both to combat the not knowing anything about this planet problem by checking out some geography and history, to learn more about the previous human summonings and these ‘dungeons’ Jaak talked about, and to find out what the state of science is here anyway. Also, everyone seems to be looking for jobs, and while his skills and degree are not exactly the stuff of cowboy world, they’re not going to be put up on the township’s dime forever, so he supposes he’ll have to find something. He asks around at the library about who in town might be working on scientific discoveries, or something related to biology, maybe even medicine. He’s very used to having to tell people he’s not a medical doctor, but for all he knows they still think the magic remedy for illness is leeches back here, so maybe he is somehow actually the most qualified doctor here. (He hopes not - he makes sure to try to look up the state of medicine, too.)
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geography and history

That's a big topic. Stay tuned for the Forlasan Atlas thread. Refer to group knowledge/extant threads, Dave may observe that Forlas is weirdly reminiscent of his world here and there.

find out what the state of science is here

Comparable to our worlds 1880s in many ways, but with the fantasy phenomenon of occasional genius inventors who are advancing their field by decades. Howard Sparkwright is such a genius, allegedly, but his hometown of Novelux is very far east of Sojavena.

the state of medicine

Ditto, but pokémon heal crazy-fast, and dungeon items improve that further. If you have good hygiene, make reasonable precautions against injury, infection and malnutrition, and are lucky enough to avoid any plagues, you could easily stay in good health your whole life. Unfortunately, sapient pokémon are like humans in that they will push their luck all the fucking time, so this isn't true in practice.

asks around at the library about who in town might be working on scientific discoveries, or something related to biology, maybe even medicine

Unluckily for Dave, genetics is an embryonic field. A Gregor Mendel-like NPC would be period-appropriate, though. We could discuss that!

Most docs around here are quacks. Drungfield is qualified but already supporting two PCs. A lot of folks keep a small stock of uncanny berries and know basic first aid, though.
(From Totally Normal Bulletin Board)

After doing some scouting missions with Felin, Mhynt, and Bellatrix for some money, and aid in getting over her ghost (and former ghost) phobia, Kimiko returns to town and stops by the Wanderin' Zera to see Gerome and get a small meal. She leaves some extra coin on the counter as she leaves, despite having made a different deal with Gerome to square off their first encounter; she makes good on her promises.

Afterwards, she wanders Frontier Town searching for Laura, as well as keeping her eyes out for a secluded place that she might spend some time practicing her singing or training that won't bother anyone around her, or just to have a spot to go when she needs somewhere with little distractions.

On his way out he bumps into Kimiko, who lets him know in hushed tones (she seems to be saying this to everyone) that Gerome the bartender advised her to keep real quiet about anyone in the group being human. Well, cat’s already pretty out of the fucking bag on that, and there’s no way word won’t get out eventually especially with them all conspicuously not knowing anything about the planet they’ve supposedly lived on all their live

She bumps into Dave, and as usual, passes along Gerome's warning; his concerns over some of the group already spilling it aside, they still should be cautious going forward.

She also happens upon Andre, who had been seeing someone to assist him with training in his deerling body. Kimiko's feeling reasonably comfortable with her new vines already, but she hasn't gotten into any combat situations yet, so she agrees to work with Andre and practice for a while.

(to Main Street)
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Clover has steady employment now, though Lorenzo barely tolerates her antics. Her skill with fabric and thread is undeniable, however, so she's trusted with basic tailoring and sewing.

She's content right now gathering intel from the clients about the outlaws, and shares any leads with Archie, Corey, and Kalas.

Clover isn't interested in Mystery Dungeons or battle, but can be convinced to train.

Clover spends most of her free time hanging around the Haus, offering therapy sessions to Pokémon that are anxious or sad.
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Upon settling in Frontier Town, Lavender immediately takes up borderline any job on the bulletin board, but avoids anything resembling apprehending criminals.

When not doing these jobs, he can be seen spending a great amount of time researching the different types of evolutions for Eevee, particular how to achieve these evolutions in this world, if they're different than how they are in his world.

When he finds out there are only seven potential evolutions in this world and not eighteen, he shuts himself in a room at Traveller's Haus and refuses to come out for several hours.
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After a day or two, Felin seems to have acclimated to her current circumstance. Her daily routine involved getting up in the morning and heading off to the Bulletin Board to pick up new jobs. On each arrival, she makes sure to strike conversation with anyone she meets there and makes attempts to build a sense of familiarity with them.

These kindlings of friendships could become a stream of gathering information and whatever the latest talk of the town spread between the local adventurers.

Each time Felin completed a job, she picked one that looked slightly more difficult in her discerning eyes for her next. And after each job done, she celebrates through drinks and trying her luck at poker, although she sets aside a stash to pay off her share of their present lodgings. She at times invited others in the Haus to these occasions.
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in search of a map
a map of the continent

This isn't an in-universe map, but it's representative of what the party collectively knows about right now.


get some idea of current world affairs

That's a big topic. In a mid-sized town in the pre-information age wild west, it's hard to become a credible expert overnight. Here's some of what you might learn:
  • Business is booming in Novelux.
  • The Escarpa Clan are going to invade any day now. Just like they have been for like ten years.
  • The elections in Landsverd are very controversial. Apparently everyone is terrible. This may be biased information.
  • You're pretty sure most of what people think about overseas countries is complete bullshit.
  • The rail industry is heavily subsidised by the Commonwealth government and is expanding rapidly.

the posted bounties

There are lots of small bounties on the Totally Normal Bulletin Board for petty thieves and muggers. While taking on most of them alone would be a serious challenge, you can tag along with more experienced bounty hunters as a spotter or take several allies with you and would meet with enough success to pay for your basic expenses for now.

searching for Laura

Let's scene once her current one is closed.

a secluded place

Sure. If you have something more specific in mind and want a location thread, hit me up.

offering therapy sessions

There isn't a large demand for therapy (by that name) in this town, but most everyone is troubled. Sometimes being a good listener and charming company will get a local to spend some time with Clover, and maybe buy lunch.

researching the different types of evolutions for Eevee

It appears that evolution for Eevee is not too different on Forlas, although there are conflicting accounts of the exact methods required to become a Glaceon or Leafeon.

However, the first time Lavender tries to use a stone to evolve, he will find himself incapable. Perhaps this has something to do with the artificial body the cloud of light entity made for him?
Archie, Corey, and Kalas spend some time reading over back issues of the Frontier Gazette at the paper's office, trying to get some idea of current world affairs, while also reading over the posted bounties to try and find their marks.

She's content right now gathering intel from the clients about the outlaws, and shares any leads with Archie, Corey, and Kalas.

Kalas has taken a few looks at the boards for the outlaws, but has otherwise kept his distance, trying to figure out which outlaws would have the tickets to the gala.

Clover has steady employment now, though Lorenzo barely tolerates her antics. Her skill with fabric and thread is undeniable, however, so she's trusted with basic tailoring and sewing.
Kalas was already impressed that Clover obtained that job on pretty much day one, and the idea has been rolling on the Spearow's head that if he is successful with putting the gala outlaws out, maybe the basics he was taught about detective work might be useful enough in Forlas to set up shop.
figure out which outlaws would have the tickets

How does Kalas go about this?

detective work might be useful enough in Forlas to set up shop

There is some demand in Frontier Town for private investigation, and the concept does exist in the Commonwealth and its colonies. Kalas is a long way from having an office of his own, but he is able to market his services and find some work to keep a roof over his head. Most of the jobs he'd be offered early on will be unglamorous, but pay is pay.
figure out which outlaws would have the tickets

How does Kalas go about this?

Kalas figures that in a town like this one if outlaws can enter a gala through the main entrance, the town must be lax, or rather used to them. The Spearow plans to wander about the central streets and listen about for outlaw activities, then compare notes with Archie, Clover and Corey looking for recurrent outlaws who are suspiciously inactive. Kalas guesses that whoever the lucky outlaws are, they'll want to keep a low profile until the gala.
After assisting Archie and Kalas in their research, Corey has proceeded to spend much of his time in relative isolation. He'd informed his cohorts of his whereabouts so they could get in contact with him, but for the time being, he's directing his focus towards self-training. Figuring that psychic powers were most keenly developed with a clear mind, he's taken to meditating on his bed in silence, attempting to keep calm and not allow any lingering feelings of drifting emotions overwhelm him.

Occasionally he will attempt to use whatever form of psychokinesis he feels he might possess to move small objects in his room, aware that most lower level ralts naturally learned such a skill via confusion quite early on. While he knows he isn't exactly an average ralts by any means, he figures at least this will give him a chance to see what he may, or may not, be capable of, something quite important to figure out if he's planning to get himself caught up in the business of tracking down outlaws.
After arriving into Frontier Town, Lyle learned from word-of-mouth among his fellow heroes and claimed a spot at the Traveller's Haus.

Over the span of the following week, Lyle mostly spends his time getting a feel for his surroundings, and trying to get a lead on if any opportunities to apprentice as a glassblower exist in the setting. He also spends some time at the Sun Stone Saloon getting a feel for the local liquor and keep an eye on the local characters, both legitimate and less so.

Lyle hasn't fully decided whether or not he wants to get sucked back into underworld dealings in yet another world, but if nothing else, it makes sense to try and stay aware of what was happening with it. News has a way of getting around dodgier circles that can be slower to reach the ears of more respectable types. All the more reason to want to stay in the know of what's going on in his brave new world, even if it might potentially mean trouble with the law.
It seems unlikely that there's any sleeping position within the realm of physical possibility that meets Gladion's standards of comfortability— perhaps his are just higher than Nova's, accustomed to sleeping in a bed as human such as Gladion is. He's not going to be sleeping very well for a while yet, and he's unlikely to be pleased about that fact. It's plausible he'll be up a decent bit at night.

He'd like to get his talons on a copy of the Gazette article Nova mentioned on arrival day, if there's a way he can get one without wasting any resources or favours on it.

Right now, he's never really done job hunting before and his resume largely consists of battles which he's woefully unqualified for as it stands. On top of all the general issues with the strength of the new bodies, he's just also having trouble with the way the helmet restricts his vision.

He'd like to see if someone might have the metallurgical experience to modify it. He has no interest in having it removed given that, at least as far as he knows, it's a medical device keeping him from taking a painful route back home. But it's his understanding that the blades on the bolts are unnecessary, and only keep him from tampering or removing them, which he's very much not planning to do, and they're one of the major factors stopping him from lying comfortably. Having a larger field of view would also be immensely valuable to him. He'd be willing to work off the favour. If it turns into a job long-term that'd be graet for him, but he's too uncertain he's qualified to ask.

He prefers foods he can eat independently as a matter of personal preference, but what he can handle is going to be limited by both what the food is and by the utensils availible, so it may not always be an option. He's taken to drinking by immersing the helmet far enough into the Silver River to drink— always a good distance upstream of town, because though he may rationally believe a Null's immune system should be medically able to handle some pretty unhygienic water sources, he still does not want to trust the town's water management to be up to his standards.
Mhynt spends most of her time doing quick missions on the bulletin board to get more money. Once she has a decent nest-egg set up, she has a change of plans and tries to see if she can orient her aura with some meditation and aura exercises.

Then came the dream. She was sure she had it, but it was so fleeting. Twice in a row, too. Too important to pass up. With her funds in order... Mhynt dedicates an entire day to meditating and practicing lucid dreaming, hoping she still has some latent psionics if her Teleport is still present, and even spiritual practices she doesn't know translate anymore, prepared to be much more aware on the third dream.
wander about the central streets and listen about for outlaw activities

No outlaw activities are being planned in the middle of town.

recurrent outlaws who are suspiciously inactive

This approach would work well for organised crime in an urban setting with a modern police force. However, this is the wild frontier – outlaws are regularly phantoms to the law for months at a time, and local law enforcement has dirt-poor intelligence.

However, his interest in outlaws may soon pay off, or draw attention, nonetheless.


Corey discovers he has substantially better telekinesis than most of his peers in the party. He has greater fine control, a modest edge in total carryable weight, and his reach extends a couple paces from his extremities, not requiring contact, though doing all three of these at once is too challenging at this stage.

It is unclear whether this is a benefit of his species, his practice, or innate talents specific to his soul.

apprentice as a glassblower

There is a glassworks in the industrial park. They mostly make sheet glass for windows and small drinking vessels. They weren't hiring before, but cyndaquil is a particularly apt species for the profession, and they stretch their budget to secure Lyle's labour. He'll do well if he proves talented at artisan glassblowing.

at the Sun Stone Saloon getting a feel for the local liquor and keep an eye on the local characters, both legitimate and less so

Sun Stone is supposedly too respectable for underworld sorts, but that reputation is exactly why it isn't.

If there's information to be learned from Sun Stone, it may find its way to Lyle. For now, he learns that the town's prosperity and stability is a point of great interest, not just locally, but for business and political interests in the Commonwealth heartland.

The local liquor isn't bad, though the top shelf stuff is, naturally, too pricey for him.

a copy of the Gazette

These are inexpensive, and can sometimes be found discarded in waste bins, etc. The Haus often has a copy of the latest issue in the lobby. It isn't hard to find one.

if someone might have the metallurgical experience to modify it

There are skilled metallurgists in town, and a lot of demand for labourers in the industry. Gladion is able to find help and work alike.

It's an intense process to remove the blades on the helm, but it works, leaving him uninjured and with greater vision. His new employer keeps the pieces for study and counts it as full payment.

prepared to be much more aware on the third dream

Mhynt will be able to reply next time.
Nova puts in an application to join the railroad construction team, mainly as a lifter/mover.

Regardless the outcome, before returning to the Haus that evening, he rendezvous with Mhynt somewhere discrete and relays what he learned from Lucien about how Forlas was in danger from an Entropic Crisis in the past. He explains about the Voice of the Desert that had summoned a human to help and how it could possibly be related to the human the cloud said had been on Forlas for thirty years. He also mentions Lucien wanting a "respectable" new arrival to do an interview with the Gazette.
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