• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Oh, look, an introduction forum.


New member
How cute. Well, I guess I'm morally obliged to make a thread here.

Hi. I am seventeen years old. I live in Sweden. My interests are typical of shut-in nerds my age, video games, movies, anime, etc.

My favourite colour is blue. Or maybe red. It could be green, I guess. Forests are certainly pretty, but that has less to do with the colour green than with the fact that they're full of, you know, trees and stuff. And honestly, they're prettier in late autumn or winter when they're covered in rime, and rime is white.

The 'Roar of Time' style for this forum is certainly prettier than the other three, but then, that's a colour scheme as opposed to a single colour.

What is your favourite colour?
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I'm Blastoise (my username is Butch because of this little animé-character thing that's going on right now) and I welcome you to our humble forum. What's it like in Sweden?
Why, thank you, Mr... What do I call you? Blastoise? Butch? Blutch? Blutch. Thank you, Mr. Blutch.

Sweden? Well, it's... home, I guess. As per usual this time of the year, we have snow coming up to our eyebrows. Snow that must be removed from the front yard. Snow that I must spend more than an hour removing every time the weather gods decide to have some fun.

How is it like in Alabama? Is Overlord Obama treating you well?
...I'll bet you can't guess my favorite color! =D

Yay for RoT style...? xP

Hello thar. :3
IT'S BUTCH!!!111one1

We got one day of snow down here, which was unusual and cool, but also a bit ridiculous because we got out of school for like an inch of snow.

And Overlord Obama has only killed three small children today, so it's all good.
Really, now? I thought only England shut down their entire country at the first sign of snow. Here Where I'm from, we don't stay home for anything. Even if we have to trudge through twenty centimetres of snow, thermometer showing -27°C, we're still expected at school at 08:20.

By the way, it's been a while since I posted on a forum using BBCode. Tee-hee, look what I can do
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