I liek Squirtles
sobble squad
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A prim flyer is affixed to the Post Office’s bulletin board.
The world of Rea has been at peace ever since its creation. It’s had squabbles here and there, but for the most part the inhabitants of its four continents (left to right: Cozte, Merim, Taineh, and Ayuma) have lived harmoniously. However, disconcerting omens manifest across Rea- previously docile Pokémon have turned savage, and space has gone into flux in pockets of the world, seemingly rearranging the area and making them impossible to traverse safely.
Worst of all, reports of never-before-seen Pokémon sporadically appear. What could all of this possibly mean?
Save the world of Rea from the invasion of the Ultra Beasts! Join Auramah’s guild and explore the wide world of Rea, filled with vibrant towns and fearsome dungeons!
—Annotated world map will be uploaded once I get my scanner to work—
Cozte: The second-most important landmass. The Bubbling Caldera, a chain of volcanoes, dominates the lower-right peninsula. A great desert sprawls across the middle of the island. Because of this, the north is the most heavily populated area.
Merrim: The principal landmass. The majority of Pokémon live here. Hubb Town and the Guild are located on the leftmost point of the top-right peninsula. It is densely forested with great mountains crisscrossing the interior. Farther north, it is always snowing. Settlements of various sizes dot the continent.
Taineh: A mountainous island with sparse vegetation. Only the hardiest Pokémon visit for pleasure. A few monasteries are nestled among the craggy peaks. It is said this was where Pokémon first arrived after leaving Ayuma.
Ayuma: A sparsely inhabited island that has been reclaimed by nature. A few scattered settlements remain. However, there are many ruins from a splendorous ancient civilization. In the middle of Origin Lake is Origin Island, where Arceus is said to have brought together the first Legendary Conclave of Nature.
-Any Pokémon bar Alolan Ninetales, Decidueye, Primarina, Inceneroar, UBs and Legendaries (Mythicals and Phione count) are fair game.
-Pokémon have access to their full movepool.
-In a strange inversion, there will be no humans-turned-Pokémon. It’s a departure from the norm, but hey, Pokémon are more than capable of doing their heavy lifting themselves.
Sign-up form:
If you have any questions, VM me or post here!
Are YOU brave enough to adventure with the Nine-Tailed Guild? Come and meet Guildmaster Auramah to see if YOU have what it takes to join Merrim’s PREMIER GUILD! Entrance at the edge of the Bellwether Woods, just outside of Hubb Town!
Are YOU brave enough to adventure with the Nine-Tailed Guild? Come and meet Guildmaster Auramah to see if YOU have what it takes to join Merrim’s PREMIER GUILD! Entrance at the edge of the Bellwether Woods, just outside of Hubb Town!
The world of Rea has been at peace ever since its creation. It’s had squabbles here and there, but for the most part the inhabitants of its four continents (left to right: Cozte, Merim, Taineh, and Ayuma) have lived harmoniously. However, disconcerting omens manifest across Rea- previously docile Pokémon have turned savage, and space has gone into flux in pockets of the world, seemingly rearranging the area and making them impossible to traverse safely.
Worst of all, reports of never-before-seen Pokémon sporadically appear. What could all of this possibly mean?
Save the world of Rea from the invasion of the Ultra Beasts! Join Auramah’s guild and explore the wide world of Rea, filled with vibrant towns and fearsome dungeons!

—Annotated world map will be uploaded once I get my scanner to work—
Cozte: The second-most important landmass. The Bubbling Caldera, a chain of volcanoes, dominates the lower-right peninsula. A great desert sprawls across the middle of the island. Because of this, the north is the most heavily populated area.
Merrim: The principal landmass. The majority of Pokémon live here. Hubb Town and the Guild are located on the leftmost point of the top-right peninsula. It is densely forested with great mountains crisscrossing the interior. Farther north, it is always snowing. Settlements of various sizes dot the continent.
Taineh: A mountainous island with sparse vegetation. Only the hardiest Pokémon visit for pleasure. A few monasteries are nestled among the craggy peaks. It is said this was where Pokémon first arrived after leaving Ayuma.
Ayuma: A sparsely inhabited island that has been reclaimed by nature. A few scattered settlements remain. However, there are many ruins from a splendorous ancient civilization. In the middle of Origin Lake is Origin Island, where Arceus is said to have brought together the first Legendary Conclave of Nature.
-Any Pokémon bar Alolan Ninetales, Decidueye, Primarina, Inceneroar, UBs and Legendaries (Mythicals and Phione count) are fair game.
-Pokémon have access to their full movepool.
-In a strange inversion, there will be no humans-turned-Pokémon. It’s a departure from the norm, but hey, Pokémon are more than capable of doing their heavy lifting themselves.
Sign-up form:
If you have any questions, VM me or post here!
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