Be Bold (+Def, -Atk)
[size=+2]pathos vs Lord of the Fireflies[/size]
pathos's active squad
Zoom the genderless Magneton <Magnet Pull> @ Lucky Egg
Papayawhip the female Ivysaur <Overgrow> @ Lucky Egg
Karpad the male Croagunk <Anticipation> @ Lucky Egg
Shriek the female Snorunt <Ice Body> @ Dawn Stone
Lebos the female Gyarados <Intimidate> @ Weakness Policy
Starbuck the female Marshtomp <Torrent> @ Lucky Egg
Apollo the male Azurill <Thick Fat> @ Soothe Bell
Tinkle the female Squirtle <Torrent> @ Lucky Egg
Tsiot the female Pichu <Static> @ Soothe Bell
Dratini the female Dratini <Shed Skin> @ Lucky Egg
Lord of the Fireflies's active squad
Chime the female Zorua <Illusion> @ Wise Glasses
Hook the male Croagunk <Anticipation> @ Muscle Band
Aramis the male Treecko <Overgrow> @ Big Root
Athos the male Oshawott <Torrent> @ Lucky Egg
Lupin the male Ralts <Trace> @ Lucky Egg
Icarus the male Togepi <Serene Grace> @ Soothe Bell
Harlequin the male Slowpoke <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Waulter the male Gligar <Immunity> @ Razor Fang
Autumn the female Snorunt <Ice Body> @ Dawn Stone
Keyrielle the female Klefki <Prankster> @ Sitrus Berry
-pathos sends out!
-Lord of the Fireflies sends out and commands!
-pathos commands!
-Oh dear I'm about to ref a double battle, here goes!
Format: 3 vs 3 doubles
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned/Restricted Moves: Attract, OHKO's, direct-healing moves
Arena Description: Atlantis
Although most likely not the real Atlantis, the drowned city of Atlantis in which this battle takes place shares a frightening amount with its namesake. The fact that both ended up underwater, for example - and that both were tremendously prosperous beforehand. The city was so well-built that most of its buildings have not been too badly harmed, even at such great depths; rust and algae coat the majority of the structures, sure, and sponges grow on the smaller houses, but towards the upper limits of the buildings things look shockingly pristine. Since most of the city is made of skyscrapers - thousands of feet high on average, towering way above the miniature houses below and many made of pure glass, made hard enough that many of the walls remain intact; here and there, the tallest of skyscrapers was made of actual diamond, and nothing has managed to corrode those. This leads to quiet a beautiful underwater view.
Of course, so far underwater - the tallest of skyscrapers being nearly 3,000 feet tall and still not even nearing the surface of the ocean - none of this would, normally, be seen. No sunlight reaches this far down, and the fish and pokemon are all used to darkness. This is one of the most brilliant aspects of Atlantis: it's a city of light.
Each of the skyscrapers is topped with a lightningrod, acting much like the pokemon ability. The rods are connected to dozens of gemstones fitted into the building walls, making it appear as if the buildings themselves glow. Since, of course, lightning doesn't often strike so deep below the surface, it's common courtesy for pokemon to come by and flash a thunder wave or two to light up the area.
Since Atlantis is nearly always bathed in light, it's considered poor hunting grounds - and by the same means, great protection for young. It's a rare day to not find tiny newborn chinchou flitting about, or a wailmer hiding in one of the taller skyscrapers, holding its breath before it needs to return to the surface.
Additional Rules: For the duration of this battle, a protective force-field has been erected surrounding Atlantis. The field lets in/out all but living creatures, so pokemon that need to breathe will not be able to get through and reach the surface (meaning yes, they will suffocate). Pokemon that are generally known to dwell in water will be able to hold their breath for as long as the battle takes place.
The lightning-rods that cover the multiple towers will attract all electric attacks towards them, making electric attacks (aside from those that are self-directed) useless.
All attacks used by water-type pokemon do 1% more damage and cost 1% less energy; attacks used by pokemon not used to being in water do 1% less damage and cost 1% more energy.
pathos's active squad

Lord of the Fireflies's active squad

-pathos sends out!
-Lord of the Fireflies sends out and commands!
-pathos commands!
-Oh dear I'm about to ref a double battle, here goes!