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pathos vs TruetoCheese

Tbh everything looks good this time n_n so I'll get to commands!! (also I fully support not colour-coding genders...)

We get to go first this time, Trigger, so let's see if we can take advantage of that, eh? I think we gotta set up a Reflect first, then go for Skull Bashes. If you can't hit for any reason - protect, or something else - try a Defense Curl. Just follow Madeline underground if she tries to hide there, though, and continue your attacking. If there are clones, go for a Shock Wave.

Reflect ~ Skull Bash / Defense Curl / Shock Wave x2
Well, we get to go last this time, so we should take advantage of that bit of misfortune. First of all we're going to wait and see if Trigger manages to get off a Reflect, if he does then we Brick Break right on through it (YOURS IS THE CLAW THAT WILL PIERCE THE BARRIERS), otherwise we're going to do a one action Dig.

Now the tricky bit, I'm not entirely sure on this but seems perfectly reasonable. Since both Skull Bash and Dig have a sort of pseudo "charge up" moment, and you're both exactly the same speed, it should be alright to use one action Digs to hit Trigger and end up avoiding the Skull Bashes. I'm guessing the order would be he tucks in his head for the bash, you dig down, he bashes at nothing (by then it'd be too late to Defense Curl, methinks), and you pop up from right under him! Continue in this vein if he confusionfails as well.

Brick Break/Dig ~ Dig ~ Dig
[size=+2]pathos vs TruetoCheese: Round Three[/size]

2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: None
Terrain: ASB Central Stadium

Although designed to be a state-of-the-art battling facility and located at the very heart of ASB Central's battle district, ASB Central Stadium actually sees very little use. Most battlers prefer the infinite variety of the holodrome's simulated arenas to the basic, if impressive, stadium field, and official tournaments tend to feature tours of other regions rather than a homefield brawl. There is one advantage to the stadium, though--its proximity to the holodrome grants it access to a full range of simulation options, allowing trainers to trick out their team to whatever extent they like before battling.

There's nothing much to say about the battlefield: it's a large, rectangular arena covered in astroturf. A circular pool will open in its center if a Pokémon requiring water to move around in is sent out. In this arena, Pokémon can summon absolutely anything they need for their attacks: tidal waves, boulders, and so on are in ready supply.

Other: This battle takes place between a referee and one other member. The referee will use their own team of Pokémon, but the other battler may choose either to use their own team OR choose any six nonlegendary Pokémon with any items and abilities to use for this fight. In the former case, their Pokémon gain experience as normal. In the latter case, they may choose to apply the experience earned by their rental Pokémon, minus one point, to their team in any manner that they choose.

The prizes for this battle are $20 to the winner, $10 to the loser, and $15 to the referee. This battle does not fill a battle slot for the mentoring referee.

Team pathos (OO)
Trigger (M) the Nidorino
<Poison Point> 30% chance of poisoning the foe on contact.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.
██████████ 91% Health
███████ 63% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: Mildly confused (20% failure chance).
Condition: I did not have as much fun in that hole as I expected.
Commands: Reflect ~ Skull Bash / Defense Curl / Shock Wave x2

Team TruetoCheese (OO)
Madeline (F) the Skorupi
<Battle Armor> Blocks critical hits.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.

███████ 63% Health
█████████ 87% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: +4 Attack.
Condition: Frustrated at not getting to use her new buffed power.
Commands: Brick Break/Dig ~ Dig ~ Dig

Pleased that his digging strike succeeded, Trigger takes a moment to set up a defense against Madeline’s curiously sharper-looking claws. The few eyes he hasn’t managed to blink out of his vision don’t give him any trouble, so he cheerfully shields himself with speed. Funnel a little energy here, snip it up there and tie it with a bow and… voilà! A small golden dome flickers into existence around him. Barely has it gone up, though, before Madeline darts at it. Hah, Trigger thinks, just try to get through, but before he’s even done thinking it, the tip of her claw pierces the shield and shatters it before rocketing straight into his side.

How dare she break Trigger’s beautiful shield? She would pay for this. The Nidorino returns to a tried and true method, lowering his head to point his horn directly at his foe. The Skorupi, however, just chirps with laughter and propels herself downward as she digs a new hole, dirt flying behind her. The Boss has warned Trigger about this tactic, though, so he doesn’t waste a beat in jumping down the narrow hole after her and bashing her against the very wall of the tunnel she’s digging. But Madeline recovers quickly and zips though the tunnel wall, the packed earth melting like butter in her claws, emerging behind the Nidorino to strike before digging down even further.

Realizing he’s finally managed to get the blinking eyes to disappear, Trigger follows his prey down the even deeper tunnel, getting into his stance as soon as he lands. Hurtling himself at a high speed is tough to do in such a narrow space, but he makes contact one more time before — again — she scuttles around, making another tunnel, and deals him a painful blow.

Team pathos (OO)
Trigger (M) the Nidorino
<Poison Point> 30% chance of poisoning the foe on contact.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.
██████ 51% Health (capped)
████ 36% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: Normal.
Condition: Grumbling with fury that his prey keeps trying to escape.
Commands used: Reflect ~ Skull Bash ~ Skull Bash

Team TruetoCheese (OO)
Madeline (F) the Skorupi
<Battle Armor> Blocks critical hits.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.

█████ 42% Health
████████ 72% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: +4 Attack.
Condition: Those Skull Bashes hurt…
Commands used: Brick Break ~ Dig ~ Dig

Unless otherwise stated, all rolls are on a scale from 001-100 where the roll must be equal to or lower than the accuracy in order to hit, the effect chance in order to have an effect, or the critical hit chance to crit.

On confusion/paralysis/attraction etc. rolls, anything equal to or lower than the failure chance is a failure; anything higher lets the Pokemon use its command.

Action One
Trigger tries to use Reflect.
Trigger has a 20% chance of confusion failure. He succeeded with a roll of 57.
~ Trigger is shielded by Reflect. He will take half damage from physical attacks for five actions.

Madeline uses Brick Break.
~ Brick Break has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Brick Break’s critical hit domain is 1 (10%). Madeline failed to crit with a roll of 32.
~ Brick Break is a contact move and has a 30% chance of triggering Poison Point. Madeline avoided being poisoned with a roll of 70.
~ Brick Break shattered Trigger’s Reflect.

At the end of Action One, Trigger’s confusion softened from mild to very mild. His failure chance is now 10%.

Action Two
Trigger tries to prepare a one-turn Skull Bash.
Trigger has a 10% chance of confusion failure. He succeeded with a roll of 39.
~ Trigger lowered his head…
~ Trigger’s defense temporarily raised by +1.

Madeline prepares Dig.
~ Madeline dug down…

Trigger follows Madeline down her hole.
Trigger uses Skull Bash.
~ Skull Bash has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Madeline has Battle Armor, so Trigger cannot crit and does not need to roll for it.
~ Trigger’s defense returned to normal.

Madeline used Dig.
~ Dig has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Dig’s critical hit domain is 1 (10%). Madeline failed to crit with a roll of 45.
~ Dig is a contact move and has a 30% chance of triggering Poison Point. Madeline was very mildly poisoned with a roll of 28. skorupi is part poison type and i am dumb

At the end of Action Two, Trigger’s confusion fully faded.

Action Three
Trigger prepares Skull Bash.
~ Trigger lowered his head…
~ Trigger’s defense temporarily raised by +1.

Madeline prepares Dig.
~ Madeline dug down…

Trigger uses Skull Bash.
~ Skull Bash has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Madeline has Battle Armor, so Trigger cannot crit and does not need to roll for it.
~ Trigger’s defense returned to normal.

Madeline used Dig.
~ Dig has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Dig’s critical hit domain is 1 (10%). Madeline failed to crit with a roll of 59.
~ Dig is a contact move and has a 30% chance of triggering Poison Point. Madeline avoided worsening her poisoning with a roll of 80.
For all calculations, please completely ignore all the rules you learned in school about order of operations. Everything in this section just goes left to right.

Last Round

nidorino 91% health, 63% energy
skorupi 63% health, 87% energy

Action One
Trigger used Reflect.
~ Reflect does not deal damage.
~ Base energy 3% = Trigger expends 3% energy.

Madeline used Brick Break.
~ Base power 7% + no STAB + 4 for boosted stats + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for the standard type modification = Trigger takes 11% damage.
~ Base energy 4% + 2 for boosted stats = Madeline expends 6% energy

Trigger expends 1% energy for upkeep to Reflect before Madeline shattered it.
The Moon Stone restores Madeline’s health and energy by 1% each.
nidorino 80% health, 60% energy
skorupi 64% health, 82% energy

Action Two
Trigger used Skull Bash.
~ Base power 13% + no bonus because not STAB + no stats have been boosted + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for the standard type modification - 1 for the difficulty of striking in a tight hole = Madeline takes 12% damage.
~ Base energy 8% + 3 for using in one move + 1 for the effort of moving down into the hole = Trigger expends 12% energy.

Madeline used Dig.
~ Base power 8% + no bonus because not STAB + 4 for boosted stats + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Ground is SE on Poison = Trigger takes 18% damage.
~ Base energy 4% + 2 for boosted stats = Madeline expends 6% energy.
~ Madeline was very mildly poisoned! This will deal 1% damage per round (at the end of the round).

The Moon Stone restores Madeline’s health and energy by 1% each.
nidorino 62% health, 48% energy
skorupi 53% health, 77% energy

Action Three
Trigger used Skull Bash.
~ Base power 13% + no bonus because not STAB + no stats have been boosted + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for the standard type modification - 1 for the difficulty of striking in a tight hole = Madeline takes 12% damage.
~ Base energy 8% + 3 for using in one move + 1 for the effort of moving in the hole = Trigger expends 12% energy.

Madeline used Dig.
~ Base power 8% + no bonus because not STAB + 4 for boosted stats + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Ground is SE on Poison = Trigger takes 18% damage.
~ Base energy 4% + 2 for boosted stats = Madeline expends 6% energy.

The Moon Stone restores Madeline’s health and energy by 1% each.
Madeline’s very mild poisoning dealt 1% damage.
nidorino 44% health, 36% energy
skorupi 42% health, 72% energy

With caps, this comes out to:
nidorino 51% health (capped), 36% energy
skorupi 42% health, 76% energy

The Astroturf is pocked by a plethora of tunnels at the center of the battlefield, amounting to only MINOR DESTRUCTION. There has been no MASSIVE DESTRUCTION as yet. Madeline's discarded Lucky Egg sits, alone, off to the side.

1. Speed order: Trigger (65) = Madeline (65). In speed ties, I have the Pokemon act in command order, so this round Trigger acted first and next round Madeline will have the speed advantage.
2. Trigger’s confusion faded away at the end of the second action.
3. Also on the second action (even though for literary effect I didn’t mention it until the end of the writeup), Madeline’s Dig triggered Poison Point, very mildly poisoning her. If she triggers Poison Point any further times, her poisoning will gradually get worse (up to strong, 4% per round).
4. Trigger’s Skull Bashes were slightly docked on damage and energy since it’s hard to get down into a narrow hole and run at full speed.
5. Trigger followed Madeline down the hole on pathos’ commands, but even if he hadn’t been commanded to do so, I think he would have been smart enough to do it on the last action after being tricked back in Round One and then theoretically again on the second action of this round.
6. Because Trigger and Madeline were both using two-turn moves in a single action, they synched up such that Trigger’s defense boost had faded by the time Madeline attacked him both times. I’ve begun noting this defense boost more specifically in the rolls section after pathos brought it up that I’d forgotten it in Round One.
7. 11, 18 and 18 seems like an awful lot of damage for Madeline to be doing for 4% energy a hit, but I don’t see anything in the official D&E guide about adding energy costs for super-effective hits or stat-boosted hits. Is this right? Kratos’ guide calls for adding 1% energy per stat boost, but I don’t want to follow her guide verbatim because I like the D&E guide’s EXP modifier better than her evolution modifier. Should I mix-and-match and use Kratos’ stat boost energy costs but otherwise follow the D&E guide? Or should I just pick one guide and stick with it? (If I end up editing in Kratos’ stat boost energy costs, Madeline will lose 12% energy, putting her at 66%.) EDIT: OK, then, instead of a full 1% energy per +1 stat boost, I'll halve that so Madeline uses an extra 2% energy for her +4 stat boosts. That seems more sensical to me.
8. I use Random.org’s “True RNG” at the top-right of its homepage.
Next round, TruetoCheese commands first, followed by pathos.
Last edited:
For attacks that deal a lot of damage and require little energy, you can add a bit of energy if it seems necessary (like in this case where it's from stat boosts). I don't agree with +1 energy for each stat boost, just add what you think looks right, maybe 1-2 extra points.

Also. Though you mentioned Madeline was poisoned in the end notes, it's not written in her conditions; I assume that's just something you forgot. Either way, she's a poison type, so she's not actually capable of being poisoned.

Everything else looks good though, so I think TTC can command c:
Also. Though you mentioned Madeline was poisoned in the end notes, it's not written in her conditions; I assume that's just something you forgot. Either way, she's a poison type, so she's not actually capable of being poisoned.

wooooooow I am dumb

Also with that commentary on the stat changes in mind, I think I'll go for a 1% energy per 2 stat boosts scale rather than Kratos' 1 for 1, then.
another not-really-real DQ warning for TruetoCheese. You have a bit more than 48 hours.
Let's make that confusion into some fine lovin. You're both poison types, you respect each others power, you're both...Pokemon. Yeah. Throw some fine Attraction over Trigger's way. If he's got up a nice old Protect or Detect then make more of your kind, Double Team it up for maximum clones. Follow this up with two one action Digs. If there's a reflect up, swap to Brick Break. If he's untargetable on the second two actions(Protect, Detect, but not a Sub), then Acupressure it up.

Attract/Double Team ~ Dig/Brick Break/Acupressure ~ Dig/Brick Break/Acupressure
Protect from that Attract, then Counter the first Dig. Unfortunately we can't KO this round due to caps, so... go for a Double Team while Madeline's digging on the third action, as many clones as you can get.

Protect ~ Counter ~ Double Team
[size=+2]pathos vs TruetoCheese: Round Four[/size]

2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: None
Terrain: ASB Central Stadium

Although designed to be a state-of-the-art battling facility and located at the very heart of ASB Central's battle district, ASB Central Stadium actually sees very little use. Most battlers prefer the infinite variety of the holodrome's simulated arenas to the basic, if impressive, stadium field, and official tournaments tend to feature tours of other regions rather than a homefield brawl. There is one advantage to the stadium, though--its proximity to the holodrome grants it access to a full range of simulation options, allowing trainers to trick out their team to whatever extent they like before battling.

There's nothing much to say about the battlefield: it's a large, rectangular arena covered in astroturf. A circular pool will open in its center if a Pokémon requiring water to move around in is sent out. In this arena, Pokémon can summon absolutely anything they need for their attacks: tidal waves, boulders, and so on are in ready supply.

Other: This battle takes place between a referee and one other member. The referee will use their own team of Pokémon, but the other battler may choose either to use their own team OR choose any six nonlegendary Pokémon with any items and abilities to use for this fight. In the former case, their Pokémon gain experience as normal. In the latter case, they may choose to apply the experience earned by their rental Pokémon, minus one point, to their team in any manner that they choose.

The prizes for this battle are $20 to the winner, $10 to the loser, and $15 to the referee. This battle does not fill a battle slot for the mentoring referee.

Team pathos (OO)
Trigger (M) the Nidorino
<Poison Point> 30% chance of poisoning the foe on contact.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.
██████ 51% Health (capped)
████ 36% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: Normal.
Condition: Grumbling with fury that his prey keeps trying to escape.
Commands: Protect ~ Counter ~ Double Team

Team TruetoCheese (OO)
Madeline (F) the Skorupi
<Battle Armor> Blocks critical hits.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.

█████ 42% Health
████████ 72% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: +4 Attack.
Condition: Those Skull Bashes hurt…
Commands: Attract/Double Team ~ Dig/Brick Break/Acupressure ~ Dig/Brick Break/Acupressure

Still deep in the tunnels, Trigger swiftly begins crafting another energy shield without even waiting to see what Madeline might do. She’d broken his lovely golden dome last round, but this green one is made of tougher stuff, even if it wouldn’t be sustainable like the golden one. The Skorupi, on the other hand, peeking down the tunnels, recognizes his protection and sees that trying to distract him would be futile. Instead, she begins scuttling down the empty tunnels, so fast as to be a blur — a blur that peels off her and materializes into another Skorupi. Five other Skorupi, in fact. Trigger’s shield fizzles into nothing as he sees that the scorpion’s not attacking yet.

With that precautionary measure successful, Madeline and her clones each creep down separate tunnels toward Trigger. Which is the real one? Trigger’s not sure, so he buckles down and shuts his eyes to focus on preparing for her attack. On all six sides, he hears the dirt churn under him, so he knows exactly what kind of force will be coming. And indeed, in a honeycomb pattern below him, six Skorupi dig straight up into him, but only one’s claws cut painfully, so Trigger knows exactly where to strike. Before his foes can escape, the Nidorino snaps in the direction of the true strike and catches a leg in his teeth, twisting his head around to slam Madeline into the tunnel’s ceiling. The earth above them cracks ominously just long enough for Madeline to think a profanity before it gives way in a cloud of dust, the haphazard network of tunnels collapsing into a crater in the center of the stadium.

No matter how hurt she is, Madeline knows she still has another shot at her foe, so as he blinks away the bright sunlight, she dives down into the fresh dirt below. While she’s gone, Trigger climbs raggedly to the edge of the crater, gathers his strength, and begins sprinting. By the time his blur of speed has slowed to a halt, he figures he’s given Madeline a taste of her own medicine, what with having five clones. But before he can appropriately savor his cleverness, Madeline bursts up again, striking the real Trigger and knocking him to the side with another nasty, dark purple bruise joining the patchwork on his lighter-purple hide. Not that the Skorupi’s looking any better herself; though her thick armor is intact, beneath it she feels positively pulverized. As the battlers survey their wounds, Trigger’s clones fizzle out, barely having had any time in the sun.

Team pathos (OO)
Trigger (M) the Nidorino
<Poison Point> 30% chance of poisoning the foe on contact.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.
██ 15% Health
██ 11% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: Normal.
Condition: Breathing heavily and ready to end it.
Commands used: Protect ~ Counter ~ Double Team

Team TruetoCheese (OO)
Madeline (F) the Skorupi
<Battle Armor> Blocks critical hits.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.

9% Health
██████ 58% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: +4 Attack.
Condition: So close to either a win or loss, and ready for the final showdown.
Commands used: Double Team ~ Dig ~ Dig

Unless otherwise stated, all rolls are on a scale from 001-100 where the roll must be equal to or lower than the accuracy in order to hit, the effect chance in order to have an effect, or the critical hit chance to crit.

On confusion/paralysis/attraction etc. rolls, anything equal to or lower than the failure chance is a failure; anything higher lets the Pokemon use its command.

Action One
Trigger prepares Protect.
~ Trigger is protected from foes’ moves.

Madeline uses Double Team.
~ Madeline creates five clones.

Action Two
Madeline uses a one-action Dig.
~ Dig has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Dig’s critical hit domain is 1 (10%). Madeline failed to crit with a roll of 15.

Trigger uses Counter.
~ Not sure how to treat Counter vs. clones (seems like Trigger would catch Madeline mid-attack and thus have no chance of accidentally hitting a clone), but in any case, Trigger rolled a 1 of 6 for which target to strike, so he hits Madeline successfully regardless.
~ Madeline was successfully hit, so her Double Team clones fade away.

Action Three
Madeline digs down...

Trigger uses Double Team.
~ Trigger creates five clones.

Madeline executes Dig.
~ Dig rolls a 1 out of 6 for which target to strike, so Madeline successfully hits him.
~ Dig’s critical hit domain is 1 (10%). Madeline failed to crit with a roll of 98.
~ Trigger was successfully hit, so his Double Team clones fade away.
For all calculations, please completely ignore all the rules you learned in school about order of operations. Everything in this section just goes left to right.

Last Round

nidorino 51% health, 36% energy
skorupi 42% health, 72% energy

Action One
Trigger prepares Protect.
~ Protect does not deal damage.
~ Base energy 2% + 0 because Madeline is not using a damaging move this action = Trigger expends 2% energy.

Madeline uses Double Team.
~ Double Team does not deal damage.
~ Base energy 1% per clone × 5 clones = Madeline expends 5% energy.

The Moon Stone restores Madeline’s health and energy by 1% each.
nidorino 51% health, 34% energy
skorupi 43% health, 68% energy

Action Two
Madeline uses Dig.
~ Base power 8% + no bonus because not STAB + 4 for boosted stats + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Ground is SE on Poison = Trigger takes 18% damage.
~ Base energy 4% + 2 for boosted stats = Madeline expends 6% energy.

Trigger uses Counter.
~ Trigger took 18% damage × 2 = Madeline takes 36% damage.
~ Trigger deals 36% damage × 0.5 = Trigger expends 18% energy.

The Moon Stone restores Madeline’s health and energy by 1% each.
nidorino 33% health, 16% energy
skorupi 8% health, 63% energy

Action Three
Madeline digs down...

Trigger uses Double Team.
~ Double Team does not deal damage.
~ Base energy 1% per clone × 5 clones = Trigger expends 5% energy.

Madeline uses Dig.
~ Base power 8% + no bonus because not STAB + 4 for boosted stats + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Ground is SE on Poison = Trigger takes 18% damage.
~ Base energy 4% + 2 for boosted stats = Madeline expends 6% energy.

The Moon Stone restores Madeline’s health and energy by 1% each.
nidorino 15% health, 11% energy
skorupi 9% health, 58% energy

We have succeeded in achieving MASSIVE DESTRUCTION! Janitors on the sidelines grumble about how hard it’ll be to fix the massive crater of collapsed earth in the center of the arena, while the crowd cheers over the exciting disregard for property. Madeline's discarded Lucky Egg sits, alone, off to the side.

1. Speed order: Trigger (65) = Madeline (65). In speed ties, I have the Pokemon act in command order, so this round Madeline acted first and next round Trigger will have the speed advantage.
2. I don’t see any guidelines on how many Double Team clones can be made except that “a Pokémon of average Speed can produce around five clones at maximum.” Since the average Speed stat of all ‘mons is 66, this comes out to roughly 13 points of Speed per clone, so Trigger and Madeline both fall nearly exactly on the average and thus both were able to make five clones.
3. Counter’s description in the database sounded like it should be able to grab the right foe even when the foe has a Double Team up, so I asked about how Double Team and Counter interact in the Question Box, and the debate there seemed a little inconclusive. In any case, I also rolled (just in case) for which clone Trigger would target, and the roll resulted in him targeting the real Madeline, so for the purposes of this round, at least, it’s a moot point. For flavor I described it as I thought the database sounded like it meant, but that’s just flavor.
4. For artistic license and because battling underground is booooring for audiences, I had Trigger’s Counter make the underground tunnels collapse since it was a very powerful attack and that seemed reasonable to me.
5. Unlikely as it may seem, Madeline also rolled successfully to strike the correct Trigger on the last action.
5. I use Random.org’s “True RNG” at the top-right of its homepage.
Next round, pathos commands first, followed by TruetoCheese.
Wow, what random un/luck, ahahaha. Again, I see no problems, I think you can probably be approved after the neck round (will just ask other staff for safety). C:

Trigger, comin' down to the wire! Skorupi's only priority moves are Endure and Protect, and since they are priority, you should be able to see if she's prepping them without having to delay your attack. If she is, just Chill, and wait till the next action to attack. If she isn't protect/enduring, get in a quick Thunderbolt, should be enough!

Chill / Thunderbolt x3
So....good thing we stole that Moon Stone >:D

Use Protect on the first action, then finish him with a one action Dig. He can't crit you, and he can't kill you after one action because of the Moon Stone regen, so let's hope for no paralysis proc.

Protect ~ Dig ~ one of you should not be alive at this point
[size=+2]pathos vs TruetoCheese: Round Five[/size]

2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: None
Terrain: ASB Central Stadium

Although designed to be a state-of-the-art battling facility and located at the very heart of ASB Central's battle district, ASB Central Stadium actually sees very little use. Most battlers prefer the infinite variety of the holodrome's simulated arenas to the basic, if impressive, stadium field, and official tournaments tend to feature tours of other regions rather than a homefield brawl. There is one advantage to the stadium, though--its proximity to the holodrome grants it access to a full range of simulation options, allowing trainers to trick out their team to whatever extent they like before battling.

There's nothing much to say about the battlefield: it's a large, rectangular arena covered in astroturf. A circular pool will open in its center if a Pokémon requiring water to move around in is sent out. In this arena, Pokémon can summon absolutely anything they need for their attacks: tidal waves, boulders, and so on are in ready supply.

Other: This battle takes place between a referee and one other member. The referee will use their own team of Pokémon, but the other battler may choose either to use their own team OR choose any six nonlegendary Pokémon with any items and abilities to use for this fight. In the former case, their Pokémon gain experience as normal. In the latter case, they may choose to apply the experience earned by their rental Pokémon, minus one point, to their team in any manner that they choose.

The prizes for this battle are $20 to the winner, $10 to the loser, and $15 to the referee. This battle does not fill a battle slot for the mentoring referee.

Team pathos (OO)
Trigger (M) the Nidorino
<Poison Point> 30% chance of poisoning the foe on contact.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.
██ 15% Health
██ 11% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: Normal.
Condition: Breathing heavily and ready to end it.
Commands: Chill / Thunderbolt x3

Team TruetoCheese (OO)
Madeline (F) the Skorupi
<Battle Armor> Blocks critical hits.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.

9% Health
██████ 58% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: +4 Attack.
Condition: So close to either a win or loss, and ready for the final showdown.
Commands: Protect ~ Dig ~ one of you should not be alive at this point

The battlers look grimly at each other. This is it, they’re certain — one of them will not see the end of the round. Madeline knows Trigger will narrowly outspeed her, so before he can make a move, she funnels her energy into the same sort of green shield the Nidorino used to deter her a few moments ago. With her bubble of protection in place, she knows she’s safe for whatever he throws at her… even if that is nothing, in fact. Trigger just settles into a crouching position, slowing his breathing and closing his eyes to try to recover enough stamina for the final blow.

The moment the green dome fizzles out, Trigger opens his eyes and begins his strike. With a screeching roar to the heavens above, he summons a single dark, angry cloud to rush across the otherwise crystal blue sky and station itself above his foe. Madeline can barely look up to see it before her vision turns black and her body fills with pain as the electricity surges through her body. She collapses, and Trigger proudly turns to the ref and trumpets his victory…

But she’s not out. She may have spots in her eyes and a ringing in her head, but Madeline just barely manages to get up and tunnel her way underground without Trigger noticing. Moments later, she erupts with a burst of dirt beneath Trigger, his eyes flashing with hurt and bewilderment for just a moment before settling in the jittery swirl that signifies the knockout. Madeline breathes heavily as pathos recalls the Nidorino — she knows she doesn’t have much left, but maybe she can make some trouble for the next fighter before she has to be replaced.

Team pathos (XO)
Trigger (M) the Nidorino
<Poison Point> 30% chance of poisoning the foe on contact.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.
0% Health
██ 16% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: Knocked out!
Condition: Knocked out!
Commands used: Chill ~ Thunderbolt

Team TruetoCheese (OO)
Madeline (F) the Skorupi
<Battle Armor> Blocks critical hits.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.

2% Health
██████ 52% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: +4 Attack.
Condition: Blinking away the temptation to collapse.
Commands used: Protect ~ Dig

Unless otherwise stated, all rolls are on a scale from 001-100 where the roll must be equal to or lower than the accuracy in order to hit, the effect chance in order to have an effect, or the critical hit chance to crit.

On confusion/paralysis/attraction etc. rolls, anything equal to or lower than the failure chance is a failure; anything higher lets the Pokemon use its command.

Action One
Madeline prepares Protect.
~ Madeline is protected from foes’ moves.

Trigger uses Chill.
~ Trigger restores his energy.

Action Two
Trigger uses Thunderbolt.
~ Thunderbolt has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Madeline has Battle Armor, so Trigger cannot crit and does not need to roll for it.

Madeline prepares Dig.
~ Madeline dug down…

Madeline uses Dig.
~ Dig has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Dig’s critical hit domain is 1 (10%). Madeline failed to crit with a roll of 80.
For all calculations, please completely ignore all the rules you learned in school about order of operations. Everything in this section just goes left to right.

Last Round

nidorino 15% health, 11% energy
skorupi 9% health, 58% energy

Action One
Madeline uses Protect.
~ Protect does not deal damage.
~ Base energy 2% + 0 because Trigger is not using a damaging move this action = Madeline expends 2% energy.

Trigger uses Chill.
~ Chill does not deal damage.
~ Trigger restores 10% energy.

The Moon Stone restores Madeline’s health and energy by 1% each.
nidorino 15% health, 21% energy
skorupi 10% health, 57% energy

Action Two
Trigger uses Thunderbolt.
~ Base power 9% + no bonus because not STAB + no stats have been boosted + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for the standard type modification = Madeline takes 9% damage.
~ Base energy 5% = Trigger expends 5% energy.

Madeline uses Dig.
~ Base power 8% + no bonus because not STAB + 4 for boosted stats + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Ground is SE on Poison = Trigger takes 18% damage.
~ Base energy 4% + 2 for boosted stats = Madeline expends 6% energy.

The Moon Stone restores Madeline’s health and energy by 1% each.
nidorino 0% health, 16% energy
skorupi 2% health, 52% energy

Trigger is knocked out!

We have succeeded in achieving MASSIVE DESTRUCTION! Janitors on the sidelines grumble about how hard it’ll be to fix the massive crater of collapsed earth in the center of the arena, while the crowd cheers over the exciting disregard for property. Madeline's discarded Lucky Egg sits, alone, off to the side.

1. Speed order: Madeline (65) stands alone.
2. No particular shenanigans this round. It was really quite straightforward.
3. Trigger was knocked out on the second action, thanks to the Moon Stone that Madeline stole from him. Without it, she probably would have been KO’ed toward the end of last round, and she certainly wouldn't have survived the Thunderbolt.
4. A question: I’ve held off on redeeming these reffings until I get approved, so once I am, how should I go about it? Should they be redeemed at the novice level of pay, or is there an even lower one for trainees? Or should they be redeemed at all, since I’m not technically a ref yet?
5. I use Random.org’s “True RNG” at the top-right of its homepage.
Next round, pathos sends out, then TruetoCheese commands, then pathos commands.
I thought I'd added you to the list ages ago, but I guess not. You are now officially a novice ref :p You can claim each of your reffings in the bank at the novice rate.
I get the feeling you're going to get priority'd immediately. Just a feeling, y'know. But whatever, we'll try. Go for a Cross Poison. Then smack her with a Struggle Bug! And a finishing wham of Infestation? Infestation. But if Boomer uses an offensive priority move from her MASSIVE LIST OF OFFENSIVE PRIORITY MOVES HOLY CRAP then Protect. Don't bother Protecting twice in a row, of course. If for some reason Boomer is not attacking you but Protecting/Detecting/Subbing instead, then drop some Toxic Spikes down.

Cross Poison/Protect/Toxic Spikes ~ Struggle Bug/Protect/Toxic Spikes ~ Infestation/Protect/Toxic Spikes
Just go for a Feint, that should finish 'em. If they're still up action two, try a Bullet Punch.

Feint ~ Bullet Punch ~ Bullet Punch?
[size=+2]pathos vs TruetoCheese: Round Six[/size]

2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: None
Terrain: ASB Central Stadium

Although designed to be a state-of-the-art battling facility and located at the very heart of ASB Central's battle district, ASB Central Stadium actually sees very little use. Most battlers prefer the infinite variety of the holodrome's simulated arenas to the basic, if impressive, stadium field, and official tournaments tend to feature tours of other regions rather than a homefield brawl. There is one advantage to the stadium, though--its proximity to the holodrome grants it access to a full range of simulation options, allowing trainers to trick out their team to whatever extent they like before battling.

There's nothing much to say about the battlefield: it's a large, rectangular arena covered in astroturf. A circular pool will open in its center if a Pokémon requiring water to move around in is sent out. In this arena, Pokémon can summon absolutely anything they need for their attacks: tidal waves, boulders, and so on are in ready supply.

Other: This battle takes place between a referee and one other member. The referee will use their own team of Pokémon, but the other battler may choose either to use their own team OR choose any six nonlegendary Pokémon with any items and abilities to use for this fight. In the former case, their Pokémon gain experience as normal. In the latter case, they may choose to apply the experience earned by their rental Pokémon, minus one point, to their team in any manner that they choose.

The prizes for this battle are $20 to the winner, $10 to the loser, and $15 to the referee. This battle does not fill a battle slot for the mentoring referee.

Team pathos (XO)
Boomer (F) the Meditite
<Pure Power> Offensive attacks deal 1.2x damage at the cost of 1% more energy.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
███████████ 100% Health
███████████ 100% Energy
Speed: 60
Status: Normal.
Condition: Eying the weak-looking bug before her suspiciously.
Commands: Feint ~ Bullet Punch ~ Bullet Punch?

Team TruetoCheese (OO)
Madeline (F) the Skorupi
<Battle Armor> Blocks critical hits.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.

2% Health
██████ 52% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: +4 Attack.
Condition: Blinking away the temptation to collapse.
Commands: Cross Poison/Protect/Toxic Spikes ~ Struggle Bug/Protect/Toxic Spikes ~ Infestation/Protect/Toxic Spikes

Madeline narrows her eyes at the odd humanoid who appears before her, and her foe does the same in response. Madeline’s been ordered to protect against anything fast and offensive, and if she really tries, she’s pretty sure she can get the shield up quickly enough. That all depends on whether Boomer does anything offensive, though, and that isn’t happening yet—

Aha! The Meditite rushes forward, and Madeline barely has time to push her energy into solid bubble form as her foe nears. But just before Boomer reaches the shield, she stops dead in her tracks, looks the scorpion straight in the eye, and pulls out a sign labeled “WHAT’S UP DOC?” Her concentration jolted, the Skorupi lets the shield fizzle away for just a second, but a second is all Boomer needs to rush in and punch her right between the eyes. Barely more than a tap, really, but it’s all it takes to down Madeline in her shocked state.

Team pathos (XO)
Boomer (F) the Meditite
<Pure Power> Offensive attacks deal 1.2x damage at the cost of 1% more energy.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
███████████ 100% Health
██████████ 96% Energy
Speed: 60
Status: Normal.
Condition: Was that all?
Commands used: Feint

Team TruetoCheese (OO)
Madeline (F) the Skorupi
<Battle Armor> Blocks critical hits.
@Lucky Egg Gives the holder an extra experience point.
@Moon Stone Restores 1% health and energy per action when there is no weather.

0% Health
██████ 50% Energy
Speed: 65
Status: Knocked out!
Condition: Knocked out!
Commands used: Protect

Unless otherwise stated, all rolls are on a scale from 001-100 where the roll must be equal to or lower than the accuracy in order to hit, the effect chance in order to have an effect, or the critical hit chance to crit.

On confusion/paralysis/attraction etc. rolls, anything equal to or lower than the failure chance is a failure; anything higher lets the Pokemon use its command.

Action One
Boomer makes a feint.
~ Boomer pretended to attack.

Madeline uses Protect.

Boomer strikes with Feint.
~ Feint has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Feint strikes through Protect and breaks the shield.
~ Madeline has Battle Armor, so Boomer cannot crit and does not need to roll for it.
For all calculations, please completely ignore all the rules you learned in school about order of operations. Everything in this section just goes left to right.

Last Round

skorupi 2% health, 52% energy

Action One
Madeline uses Protect.
~ Protect does not deal damage.
~ Base energy 2% + 0 because Protect does not protect from Feint = Madeline expends 2% energy.

Boomer uses Feint.
~ Base power 3% × 1.2 boost for Pure Power = 3.6% + no bonus because not STAB + no stats have been boosted + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for the standard type modification = after rounding down, Madeline takes 3% damage.
~ Base energy 3% + 1 for Pure Power = Boomer expends 4% energy.

meditite 100% health, 96% energy
skorupi 0% health, 50% energy

Madeline is knocked out!

We have succeeded in achieving MASSIVE DESTRUCTION! Janitors on the sidelines grumble about how hard it’ll be to fix the massive crater of collapsed earth in the center of the arena, while the crowd cheers over the exciting disregard for property.

1. Speed order: Boomer (60) stands alone.
2. I went back and forth slightly on the exact order in which events would happen. I settled upon the decision that, since Pokemon cannot read their foes’ Trainers’ posts to see what their enemies will do, Madeline would be prepared to use Protect if she saw a priority attack coming but would not be actively intending to use Protect as her primary command, and thus gave up Protect’s usual +4 priority. Thus, Feint began first, Madeline used Protect on the same priority level (+2), and Feint was immediately able to strike through it because of how Feint works. Not that the priority really made a difference this round, but it’s how I decided to go with things for the flavor.
3. Madeline was knocked out on the first action.
4. Not that I think anyone intended to do anything with it anyway, but Madeline’s long-discarded Lucky Egg was recalled into her Poke Ball at the same time she was at the end of the round.
5. I use Random.org’s “True RNG” at the top-right of its homepage.
Next round, TruetoCheese sends out, then pathos commands, then TruetoCheese commands.
I will unleash the gargoyles upon the world! Go forth Gutterspout!


You don't actually gush drainage from your mouth...but that's probably a good thing.
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