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pathos vs. Wargle

Round Five

Machop (F) [Guts] @ Lucky Egg
Health: 38% (CAPPED) | Energy: 34%
Condition: Confused (Moderate)
battered, bruised, bloodied, but not beaten
Payback / Chill ~ Payback / Superpower / Chill ~ Superpower / Knock Off / Chill

Solosis (F) [Magic Guard]
Health: 23% | Energy: 30%
Condition: +1 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Defense
”Hah! Hurts, doesn’t it?“
Chill/Psychic x3

Zona’s feeling the pressure building; the inside of her body is thumping and throbbing against her skin, spreading a thick heat through her insides. The wave of warmth, while dying quickly, comes back just as fast, leaving her nauseous. As such, she tuckers down, wriggling about until she’s compacted herself as tightly as can be and floating to the ground in gentle, wide arcs. She lands soundlessly and sags onto the floor, exhaling hard enough that the bit of gel in front of her mouth bubbles outwards, like a giant snot bubble of translucent green.

Na’ar sees this as the perfect opportunity for her most sneaky, most vile of moves. Forget stealing candy from a baby, this is the level of punching a baby. And that’s exactly what she does. The Machop tiptoes her way to the prone Solosis, struggling hard to stifle a chuckle. Zona looks so vulnerable, so weak, like a tiny piece of candy wrapped neatly and prettily and daintily. Na’ar cackles and takes a step back, she rubs her hands together fiendishly while kicking at the turf. Some of the grass gets caught between her toes, but she she’s too preoccupied with malevolent thoughts to be bothered with a bit of thinking. In one swing, she smacks her foot hard into Zona, sending her flying up and towards the ceiling. The psychic type squeals as she opens her eyes to a sudden lack of gravity and relaxation. She spins as she plummets downwards, right into Na’ar’s next move.

Time for the finale, Na'ar thinks, cracking her knuckles. She raises her left arm above her head, bent as if to punch the very earth in front of her, and she waits. The squealing increases in volume as Zona drops closer, until finally she comes within Na’ar’s line of sight. The fist comes down and cements itself directly into Zona’s face, slamming both her and Na’ar’s hand down into the earth with incredible force. Cracks fan out from beneath Zona, and the dust rises and falls in ripples from the earth-shattering blow. Na’ar raises her fist, still throbbing with the rush of adrenalin, and surveys the damage. Zona lies there with swirls in her eyes, more or less unconscious. Na’ar releases a long stream of pent up breath, and the tension that wrought it, and pumps her fist in victory. But not before the numbness wears off and sends a chilling shock through her system. That battle took quite the toll on her, and she gingerlu lies down next to Zona to rest; a well-earned prize.

Machop (F) [Guts] @ Lucky Egg
Health: 38% | Energy: 22%
Condition: Confused (Moderate)
”ow mah arm”
Payback ~ Superpower ~ nothing

Solosis (F) [Magic Guard]
Health: 0% | Energy: 40%
Condition: Knocked Out!
Chill ~ nothing ~ nothing

Payback: Crit Chance(55/100, NO CRIT)
Superpower: Crit Chance(38/100, NO CRIT)

Confusion Rolls:
-Action One(89/100, needed 30 or less, NO CONFUSION)
-Action Two(84/100, needed 30 or less, NO CONFUSION)
-Action Three(84/100, needed 25 or less, NO CONFUSION)

Na’ar’s Health:

Na’ar’s Energy:
34 – 6 (Payback) - 6 (Superpower) = 22%

Zona’s Health:
23 – 15 (Payback) – 10 (Superpower) = KOed!

Zona’s Energy:
30 + 10 (Chill) = 40%

-Payback had 100 Base Power, since Na’ar was ordered to move second.
-Na’ar didn’t get confused even once this round…but if she had, I wouldn’t have let the chills resolve. Na’ar would’ve just hit herself in confusion. It wouldn’t make sense for a Pokemon to be able to tell if they were confused, because, well, they’re confused. I understand that chilling is basically relaxing and would definitely help in reducing confusion chance, but it wouldn’t work if the Pokemon was ordered to relax if it gets confused, on the action it gets confused. This is working on the idea that a confusion check is run at the beginning of the action, when a Pokemon is slated to make a move. If that chance hits, then the Pokemon would be too confused to make a move (at least when the confusion is moderate or severe, I’d be willing to let a Chill slide for light confusion, because at that point they're perception isn't under constant contemplation). If the Pokemon weren’t confused, they would just go on with their action.
-I interpreted Na'ar's commands as use a delayed Payback until it hits, then use Superpower until it hits. Knock Off was a contingency.

-pathos gets $10, Wargle receives $5, and I get $7.
-Na’ar the Machop gets 3 EXP and 2 Happiness. She can also choose to evolve now!
-Zona the Solosis gets 1 EXP and 1 Happiness.
-Good game and good night!

-So…since the battle is over, how does approving or not work now? O.o
Okay, I've discussed it with the other mods and we think you're good to go n_n So you're instated as a Novice Ref for now, and we'll keep an eye out on you to see how you improve. c:

Good game, Wargle, and thanks for helping with approving TTC!
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