paul999 vs Eifie
paul999 (3/3 left)
Hai ♀ -
Afraid of making a mistake.
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Actions: Toxic ~ Iron Tail ~ Protect
Other: n/a
Eifie (3/3 left)
Pepper ♀ -
Keen Eye @ Lucky Egg
Excited to battle!
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Actions: Substitute (10%) ~ Scald ~ Aqua Ring
Other: n/a
- Round Start -
Pepper made a joyous loop through the air as she flew out of her Pokeball, quickly circling the area and then alighting delicately on a stick poking out by one of the Tamato plants. Leaning down to preen her feathers - though they were already perfectly dazzling, of course - she watched out of the corner of her eye as the enemy Pokemon materialized on the other side of the greenhouse next to a leafy Pecha Berry tree. A rounded metal bug with huge eyes and what looked like maybe a tail gazed warily up at her, pawing at the dirt. Pepper found this rather silly; what was the point of being wary in its first battle? First battles were supposed to be fun! And there was nothing to be wary about just now anyway, because first off she wanted to do a trick, not attack! Spreading her wings, Pepper focused hard until her feathers started glowing, and fluttered backward off of the stick, leaving the Wingull-shaped glow behind her. In seconds, the glow adopted her blue stripes and totally beautiful - of course - snowy feathers and a curious expression on its face. Well, it looked a little dull, but that was okay. Not everyone could be as clever as she was, not even her clone. Pepper flapped down closer to the ground, her Substitute landing next to her in the dirt with a soft thud. That was probably the cleverest thing it could do, but it would still be useful; Pepper didn't mind the chance to see what the little metal bug had in its arsenal. It stared wide-eyed at the Subtitute Pepper for several long seconds, and then slowly stepped forward, opened its mouth, and spat a blob of purple goo all over the Substitute's pretty feathers. Pepper winced. She was glad that that wasn't happening to her; it would have ruined all her work preening! Plus it was probably poisonous. Like that mattered a feather in comparison. The Substitute, however, just glowed purple and shuddered, and the goo was absorbed into its feathers as if nothing had happened. Pepper wished she could do that! Then she'd always be pretty. Well, she always was, really, but she'd always be white and never get purple or mud on her feathers! Oh, well. She couldn't have everything.
Hai looked sideways at the Wingull on the ground, wondering what had just happened. Had it been poisoned? Had it not been? Had it hurt? Was that why it had shuddered? She didn't think it was
supposed to hurt immediately when she did that, but it was hard to know sometimes, especially with an attack she wasn't really proficient with. The real Wingull spread its wings, then, and Hai wondered if it was going to make another copy of itself. She peered closer to watch... and instead of creating a clone, it opened its mouth, and before Hai could do anything, it flew at her and shot a steaming jet of water right into her face! Screeching in pain, Hai ran forward blindly after the Wingull, holding her eyes tightly shut against the burning water. As she ran, Hai concentrated on her tail to make it grow long and heavy behind her, and when she heard a flap of wings, she swung - and made no contact. Squinting through the water, Hai turned back around and saw that the Wingull was peering at a bit of dust on the ground. Her attack had missed! She should have paid more attention... Hai sighed. Her first battle and she had already messed up! Her trainer would be so unhappy with her, she just knew it. And she still hurt everywhere from the water!
Oh! The Aron had missed her Substitute. Well, that was silly of it, Pepper thought. All the fake Pepper had done was stand there. Well, that was a good thing for her! Pepper flew back up onto the Tamato plant stick, watching for a moment as the Aron cowered from her Substitute behind a glowy wall. With an apparent effort - it must be so hard to be just a
copy of such a beautiful Wingull - the Subsitute floated up and landed on Pepper's head. The enemy Aron, still hiding, didn't even seem to notice that they had both flown away. She guessed it had been really scared of that Scald, or else why put up a shield when she hadn't even moved to attack it again? And was it glowing a little red...? Pepper puffed herself up proudly. She had done a good job with it, then! Humming a little, Pepper leaned her head down and blew a few - cooler - drops of water into her feathers, watching as they expanded around her into a swirling ring, just touching each of her wings. She felt a tiny bit better just from the feel of it. She had hardly done anything, and she was safe up here! This was turning out really well so far, she thought cheerfully.
- Round End -
paul999 (3/3 left)
Hai ♀ -
Upset with herself for missing.
Health: 82%
Energy: 88%
Actions: Toxic (failed) ~ Iron Tail (miss) ~ Protect
Other: Burned (3% damage per round)
Eifie (3/3 left)
Pepper ♀ -
Keen Eye @ Lucky Egg
Preening her feathers and humming.
Health: 91%
Energy: 87%
Actions: Substitute (10%) ~ Scald ~ Aqua Ring
Other: Aqua Ring (1% health per action)

10% Substitute
Arena Notes:
- Iron Tail missed.
- Eifie posts commands first next round.
Action Synopsis:
- Substitute - 10% damage to Pepper
5% energy
- Toxic - 4% energy
- Scald - 8% * 1.25 STAB * 1.5 type = 15% damage
4% - 1% STAB + 1% effect = 4% energy
rolled 52 (needed <6) for critical
rolled 13 (needed <31), Hai gets Burn status
- Iron Tail - (10 * 1.25 STAB * 0.67 type) - 3% burn -1% evo = 4% damage
6% - 1% STAB + 1% effect = 6% energy
rolled 21 (needed <26) for accuracy
- Protect - 2% energy
- Aqua Ring - 4% energy
- Hai's burn - 3% per round = 3% damage
- Pepper's Aqua Ring - 1% per action = 1% health
Energy and Damage
- Hai's health: 100% - Scald (15%), Burn (3%) = 82%
- Hai's energy: 100% - Toxic (4%), Iron Tail (6%), Protect (2%) = 88%
- Pepper's health: 100% - Substitute (10%) + Aqua Ring (1%) = 91%
- Pepper's energy: 100% - Substitute (5%), Scald (4%), Aqua Ring (4%) = 87%