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I'm not sure if there is already a thread like this, but anyway. What are your phobias? The things that scare you the most. 1. Clowns.....just....no. 2. Bugs crawling on me, not bugs themselves, just the feeling of them crawling on me. 3. In my cousin's town, there is this little brick building, and the door was opened, so i peeked inside, and i saw someone run around the corner, so i'm deathly afraid of that place. Now there is a sign that says No Trespassing. O.o so what are your phobias and fears?
sorry it's all a jumbled mess D: , i'll fix it as soon as i have access to a computer.
Drowning. Not water, just drowning. More specifically, being out in the water where I can't touch the bottom.

I sink for a second, and can't wipe the water from my eyes or else I'll sink again, so I start swimming in what I can only hope is the right direction... *shudders*
*pats back* , by the way , I like your Lucario animation! Eeeee. I'm only afraid of water, when either something touches me and im all alone, or i can't see the bottom, and its unfamiliar.
A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος, phóbos, "fear"), or morbid fear', is an irrational, intense, persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, or people. The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. When the fear is beyond one's control, or if the fear is interfering with daily life, then a diagnosis under one of the anxiety disorders can be made.

I'm quite sure 8)
Oh. Well, you could have said.

I don't like being alone. But that's about it really :V I'm the sort of person who's all like FUCK YEAH SPIDERS WHOO
Virtually everything.

Butterflies, flapping wings, spiders, bugs, sudden loud noises, expected loud noises, large crowds, being alone, the unknown, the dark, heights, small spaces, wide-open spaces, pretty much Majora's Mask in it's entirety, too much caffeine in my system, not enough caffeine in my system...

There's probably a lot more, but I can't stand to keep typing right now. There's a very blurry line between "phobia" and "neuroses" for me.
I am scared of being high over water. Even if something is completely sturdy.

It's strange, because I can go hundreds of feet up while rock-climbing and not be in the least nervous, but anything else...
cliffs. not because it's high up, because i have no fear of heights, i think they're quite cool, actually... i just... knowing that at least somebody in town, (if it's in a town), has killed themselves on that cliff is enough.

i seriously can't sit or stand on the edge of a couple cliffs in town because i know that people have died right there. it's really bad.
I'm mildly claustrophobic, and I have a fear of abandonment of my closest friends and family. D:

And what kinda freaks me out is lots of turbulance when I'm flying. =X
Okay, im afraid of being alone, but i also REAAAAAALY can't stand crowds, like even a classroom is too much, usually 1 or 2 friends and i'm fine. But 5 or 6 can be too many lol weird but eh,
I used to be deathly afraid of water. Resulted in a rather amusing moment when I was about two. After getting swimming lessons, though, I'm over that.

I'm afraid of being alone; not being by myself, but having no friends or anybody I can rely on, and I think it drove me to the point that everything can be perfectly fine in my life but I'm paranoid that my friends actually hate me. Well, that's happening less now but still.
zomgs, Flora, i do that all the time, ask Dewgong, i bother her alot, cause if she doesn't answer me, i'm scared shes mad at me, when it's something as simple as not checking her phone or something. :\
Intense Phobias: Spiders (arachnophobia), Large Ships (esp. propellers) and airplanes (megalophobia), bridges (gephyrophobia)

Mild Phobias: fear of being touched, fear of water (aquaphobia), fear of insects (entomophobia)
You're afraid of being touched, Aobaru? That would suck, I love being touchy-feely :] anyone know what the fear of clowns is called?
You're afraid of being touched, Aobaru? That would suck, I love being touchy-feely :] anyone know what the fear of clowns is called? And are you scared of blanes and poats, cause theyr big, or cause of what they could potentially do?
***edit: haha planes and boats, i mean.
Wasps. I hate the little stinging bastards. I live out in the country, and there are about ten nests around my house. My parents won't do anything about it, because they still think it's stupid to be afraid of something so small.
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