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You know, they can kill you verrrry easily....my friend died from wasp venom, he got stung like over 400 times (since they can sting repeatedly, and he wasn't even allergic. :' ( , strangely, i'm not afraid of them, but i've seen what they can do, and i think you have well reason to fear them, but , did anything cause you to be afraid of them? Or is it just one of those things?
You're afraid of being touched, Aobaru? That would suck, I love being touchy-feely :] anyone know what the fear of clowns is called? And are you scared of blanes and poats, cause theyr big, or cause of what they could potentially do?
***edit: haha planes and boats, i mean.

The fear of clowns is coulrophobia, iirc. C:
zomgs, Flora, i do that all the time, ask Dewgong, i bother her alot, cause if she doesn't answer me, i'm scared shes mad at me, when it's something as simple as not checking her phone or something. :\

honest to god that is the most annoying thing ever

and then you send me loads of messages

and half the time i don't even care
Sorry D: im just psycho like that. Not really. But kinda... Yesh, i almost said Sorry again, i need counsiling *goes to find therapissssst* hahha now i know teh difference :3
You're afraid of being touched, Aobaru? That would suck, I love being touchy-feely :] anyone know what the fear of clowns is called? And are you scared of blanes and poats, cause theyr big, or cause of what they could potentially do?
***edit: haha planes and boats, i mean.

You're crazy, Mehwmew.

I'm mildly afraid of being touched, unless I'm close to the person. I'm scared of ships and jets because they're so big, and what they can do. I get chills even when I just think of a ship propeller. *shudder*
Intense fear: Rejection of any form. Despite the fact I'm used to feeling rejected by my friends for the last five years, I'm still afraid that they'll probably throw me out and pretend I never existed. =(

Mild fear: At times, the dark. Why? Well, who knows if there's a serial killer hiding in the dark? You never know.

Weirdest fear: Balloons that are as large as a basket ball or more. Bad childhood experience, 'nuff said.
Good point, Aobaru. But i don't try to be. :( , and it's not like some creepy stalker shit, i just worry WAY too much, and i dunno how to stop, i don't try to though.
Its not every single fucking day! I havent even talked to you besides on here for like two days, and i'm pretty sure i stopped doing that! God damnit im sorry i care, its not something easy to stop, and i have no idea why i do, so asking is pointless, i didnt ask to care about you.
Extreme Fears : Exclusion and abandonment, insects in general

Mild fears: Large bodies of water, heights, the dark, being useless, never getting better at the stuff I love.

I feel like a wuss D:
I'm mildly claustrophobic, as in I start to feel weird and may eventually panic, but I'd probably be able to keep the panic in if I had to.

Other than that, I don't have ANY phobias at all~
I'm quite claustrophobic. I mean I can go into elevators... for a short time. If it's longer than a floor or two I usually end up holding my face in my hands or crying into my boyfriend's chest.

I don't understand why people are afraid of so many animals! I love snakes, spiders, lizards, birds, anything!
I'm also mildly afraid of deep water but that's only because I can't swim.
Okay, listen everyone. You're not a 'wuss' or anything just for being scared. We are all scared of certain things that doesn't make you guys any less awesome. :)
Good point, Aobaru. But i don't try to be. :( , and it's not like some creepy stalker shit, i just worry WAY too much, and i dunno how to stop, i don't try to though.

Its not every single fucking day! I havent even talked to you besides on here for like two days, and i'm pretty sure i stopped doing that! God damnit im sorry i care, its not something easy to stop, and i have no idea why i do, so asking is pointless, i didnt ask to care about you.

Mehwmew, we're just poking fun at you. Don't take everything so seriously xD
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