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Actually, I would like to add more to my 'intense fear' which just so happened to be abandonment (which one could relate to rejection I suppose).
well i suppose all of my fears are just things that bother me more than other things. Except small places and what i said about dewgong (scared to make friends angry) those are 2 things that reallly freak me out. And PEOPLE post your fears if you read than you must post... Or else ....uh....i'll... Bite you! Rawr ! Grr. Rawr. (thats my scary face) hehe.
Extreme fears: Nonexistence after death

Mild fears: Flying insects

I ... can't think of any others right now I guess.
What do you mean Charizard Morph , people won't do anything, i think it's fine that people are afraid. It makes you more unique.
Extreme: Mice...just...no. dead mice fuuu it's not helping that's some are getting in o,o;
Heights, annd needles.

Mild:Never improvin'. Ever >:
Also, not being albe to helf a friend in the least. I usually don't give a fucken damn about anyone and Ijsut noticed the totalof people I do is...7. In total. So if I scew up....fffff ><
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Oh, along with the abandonment fear, I also have a fear of my closest friends and family dying. D: I just don't know what I'd do if that happened.
Major: Abandoment. I'm paranoid that my friends all hate me as well. I think they want me to die even though I know it's not true. It's really wierd and I hate it. ;-;

Minor: Loud noises. Vacumes used to scare the crap outa me too, but now that I use them all the time to clean the house I'm over it. I still go into "fight or flight mode" when I hear a loud noise though.
Same for me, loud noises just REAAAAAALY bother me, alas, i've decided, i'm going to move to Alaska :) Cold n' Dark :D
falling. like down a flight of stairs or something. but not like... deathly afraid to the point where i won't go down some stairs, because to get to my living room i have to do that. i just don't go really fast because i don't want to fall.

hypodermic needles are kinda cool...

Mehwmew, we're just poking fun at you. Don't take everything so seriously xD

Silence... just absolute silence scares me to death. If I don't hear anything I'll go look for a way to make noise.
I used to have a huge fear of bees, wasps, hornets... basically anything that can sting. Eventually I just... grew out of it. I didn't try to stop it, I just grew out of it, I guess. So I'm assuming that means it wasn't a phobia.

Nowadays, I have two. One is needles, which drives me batshit, because I have to get a blood test every month because I'm taking acne medication so I won't have to paper-bag myself whenever I go outside. The other is water, which contributes to my inability to swim.

Mild ones? Um... like Chaon, I am somewhat afraid of silence... but only sometimes. Sometimes I enjoy complete silence, sometimes not. No clue why.
FEARS FEARS I hate them okay >(

Anyways, one of my biggest fears is of bugs and spiders... Pretty much anything with more than 4 legs; it's just not natural to me. Spiders especially scare me because they potentially be life threatening, and caterpillars are just disgusting. I even freak out when a butterfly comes near me. It's really a sight to see though xD

It's not major, nor is it really a phobia, but I am kinda scared of heights. The reason I say it's not really a phobia is that I can put up with heights, seeing as though I can go on roller coasters...

My biggest fear is losing touch with all of my best friends. This also includes net friends. This fear is also partly what led to me doing so badly in school my Junior and Senior years (and why I have to repeat part of my Senior year). Almost all of my friends are, or shall I say, were, older than me, and graduated in 2008, and over the course of that summer, I lost touch with all but 3 of them. Granted, the ones I still keep in touch with are my best friends, and friends I've had since I started high school, but the ones I lost touch with still impacted me pretty harshly, and I didn't talk to a single person for at least a month. It was pretty bad, and I ended up getting everyone worried, obviously. And then of course, I had the same problem this year, just opposite the years; I have no friends in my grade. All of the friends I had in school this year were a year below me, and well, needless to say, I got scared about losing touch with them. It started bothering me and scared me to the point where it affected my grades ;_; Although, laziness still played a much larger part. And granted, while I probably should care, for some reason I just don't care about school work...
Needles, mostly. The idea of them just completely flips me off the deep end to the point where I've passed out in the doctors office more than a few times due to simple boosters. Sharp things in general, though, really freak me out - but not to the point where I can't use a kitchen knife - say. I still get a bit unnerved, though, and things like utility or combat knifes (You know, things meant to cut things and or people and or critters outside food prep) I can't hold well because of it. It really does suck, though. I haven't even gotten my ears pierced like I've wanted to and I HATE guns but want to be able to learn to wield something in self defence (I have to be paranoid how I am) which basically leaves knives. >: (Course if I could get away with a sword I would but~) I also need lots of blood tests coming up because of some therapy I'm on now and passing out really isn't fun.
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silly Dwagie, knives and guns....well today are needed. i say go with a nice trustable spear.



is hurting people.
Centipedes. The only living creatures I have a serious problem with.

The idea of losing control of myself. It's horrifying to me. It's the reason why I don't want to get drunk, among other things.
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