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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past

Name: Luc Conde
Age: 22
Status: Team Midnight
Scyther, lvl 40, Shadow Rush, Shadow Mist
Aggron, lvl 42
Nidoking, lvl 41
Umbreon, lvl 41
Pichu, lvl 5
Personality: He is ambitious about his objectives, and is hardly the most practical as far as pulling off operations goes. A good portion of the time, he expects great things from those under him, sometimes too great. He treats subordinates based on performance, a loud, harsh cleaning out if poor, while being content, though he never seems satisfied, if the mission is a success. His biggest soft spot is his Pichu.
History: Luc joined Team Midnight as a teen, witnessing the wonders the new shadow technologies could unleash upon all who oppose. Being capable, he was chosen for a promotion not too long ago. He currently works as a low-level manager within the ranks of Team Midnight, answering primarily to a chief above him.
Appearance: He stands at around 6 feet. His hair is brown, as are his eyes. He usually wears long-sleeved green-gray military style clothing, with boots, under a light brown overcoat.

Flora, can he be the Midnight member in charge and/or responsible for Serenity?
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*gasp* No Legendaries? *hugs Purification the Suicune that I have in all the other RPs* Okay then...

Reserve me!
Yay, it's back.

Name: Vendetta B.

Age: 16

Status: Midnight Member


El Diablo lvl. 48 [Male]
Shadow Break, Shadow Mist and Shadow End
Vendetta's starter Pokémon and his first choice in single battles.


Claws lvl. 45 [Male]
Shadow Wave and Shadow Storm
This Pokémon is usually sent out in double battles with Fangs.


Fangs lvl. 42 [Male]
Shadow Wave and Shadow Storm
This Pokémon is usually sent out in double battles with Claws.


Ribbons lvl. 65 [Female]
Shadow End, Shadow Break, Shadow Wave and Shadow Storm
Although his most powerful Pokémon, Vendetta babies her and will only send her out if everyone of his other Pokémon has been defeated. Ribbons is probably the only living creature that Vendetta shows affection for.

Personality: Deeply intelligent and a highly strategic and logical thinker, depending on head over heart, he is as unfeeling as the Shadow Pokémon he commands. Ruthless and determined, he will complete his missions no matter the cost.

History: Despite his young age, he is a highly skilled Trainer and very respected among the Midnights. His father was a Cipher Admin called Miror B. which is how he came to know about Shadow Pokémon and joined the Midnights. After many successful missions, he became a Commander and later he was nominated for Admin status but was denied because of his age. Although he serves Team Midnight faithfully, he still holds those who denied him his Admin status in great contempt and seeks vengeance against them.

Appearance: He is tall and thin and wears his hair in a devil lock and a blood-red dye in his fringe. He wears two fingerless gloves, each inscribed with a blazing red 'FIGHT!' written in Unown glyphs. He wears a shirt with with a pentagram during the week and a Marilyn Manson hoody over it at the weekend. He wears shredded denim jeans and army boots. He carries a bass guitar with a device on it that can turn ordinary Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon when he strums at the frequency of brainwaves.
@ Philly: I kinda get the feeling that it would lead to a bit of Godmoding. Sorry.

Name: Adina
Age: Very Old
Status: Hero
Sneasel- Level 14, Zaela- an orphaned Sneasel that has been tended to from birth.
Shiftry- Level 40, Curdle- a stern old Shiftry.
Arcanine- Level 52, Ruffle- a faithful friend that has been owned for a long time.
Claydol- Level 54, Nuan- a Pokemon Adina acquired during her travels when she was younger.
Ampharos- Level 32, Ere- a newer addition to her team, a female Ampharos.
Personality: Adina was determined in her young age, and she still holds some of that determination. She knows many things about Pokemon and might be considered wise if she weren't so irrational sometimes. Many people believe her to be senile: they see her muttering to herself while limping through the town. She's probably talking to her Pokemon. Adina gives herself a purposeful air of mystery because she dislikes being bothered by people.
History: Adina had an unremarkable childhood, up until when she was about eleven. Before that time things were often the same- her parents moved around with her very much, to one desert out-post to another, and her mother, when she could, taught a dance school. Adina endured endless piano lessons and spent most of her time indoors, where it wasn't so warm. All this changed when Adina discovered Pokemon. It wasn't as if they magically appeared: they had always been there, if rare, but she had never seemed to notice them so much. It became an obsession: every day, no matter the weather, she would traipse through the desert looking for Pokemon. Often, at night, she snuck outside in hopes of seeing some nocturnal species. The one thing Adina wanted more than anything was to be a trainer, to bond with a Pokemon, to battle and call a Pokemon her own. Her mother disagreed. She thought it was ridiculous for a young girl to be so obsessed with these creatures, to spend so much time outside looking for a glimpse of some odd monster. Adina began watching trainers: she watched the men battle behind the bar, memorized their moves and thought of all the things she could do if only she had a try. One night, she was outside when she spotted a scraggly, starving Growlithe. She took him home, fed him, and snuck him into her room. It was the beginning of a great friendship.

Unfortunately, Adina's mother disapproved of her pet, and they argued about it. Adina wanted to run away, but there was nowhere to go. No one would hire a young woman in town, and the desert was far too oppressive, too huge. Adina spent the rest of her time at home making elaborate escape plans that she would never use. She learned to sew and sold her creations, gathering money. When she graduated school, she was ecstatic, and matter-of-factly told her mother that she was getting too old for this, and that she was going traveling. These travels sculpted Adina's life.
Appearance: Adina is an old, stooped figure, about the size of a little girl. Her old features are almost exaggerated, as if Adina's limp is of her own invention, and it is all a melodramatic charade. She has many wrinkles and long white hair.
She wears a faded old dress which reminds one of yellowed paper, and probably would have fit her when she was a small girl.

((May I join? :D ))
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Hmmm...you got a point. (You know what? Maybe one of the NPCs can have a Shadow one...[And a Shadow Suicune for Mewtwo. ^^])
((@Philly: Later in the roleplay. ^^

@Ayame: I'd prefer one more evil-ie to join. :D))
I wanna be good, because I don't own, or have ever played, Colleseum and XD, and don't feel like trying to find the moves.

Name: Mysti
Age: 11
Status: Hero
Pokemon: Charizard(Fire is black, Male, Steel Wing) Umbreon(Shiny, female, Moonlight) Mudkip(Female, Skipper) Ninetales (black and red, female, Shadowflare) Glameow(female, Gorgeous)
Personality: To put in one word, hyper.
History: She was abandoned at a young age. It was then she found Steel Wing. She trained him and helped hime become Charizard, and in return he loved her unconditionally. When she was old enough, instead of Prof. Oak giving her a starter, he gave her a ball to capture Steel Wing as her starter. She then recieved Skipper from Prof. Birch as a gift, and her long-lost sister gave her Gorgeous. Shadowflare was a rare find, her being found in a cave Mysti was staying in.
Appearance: Dirty blonde, curly hair/ wears a lot of light blue/ Pokeballs carefully arranged on a pink ribbon around her neck, Steel Wing being in the front.
(( @ Mewtwo: Don't have a Shadow Pokemon, then. And honestly, how hard can looking up the moves be? That's a bit lazy, in my opinion. :/ ))
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