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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past

Name: Kalick
Age: 16
Status: Hero/Shadow Trainer
Pokemon: Hybrid with Venomoth.

Hitmonlee - Lv 39 - Rii - Shadow Down, Shadow Half, Shadow Rush
Mawile - Lv 45 Mawile - Shadow Wave, Shadow Rush
Venomoth - Lv 68 - Mist - Shadow Mist, Shadow Rush
Poliwrath - Lv 49 - Hydra - Shadow Sky, Shadow Storm, Shadow Rush
Growlithe - Lv 12 - Honoomaru - Shadow Wave
Altaria - Lv 60 - Cloud - Shadow Break, Shadow Mist, Shadow Rave

Personality: Kalick is careful but confident. He can get nervous if something is hard, but at that time he starts thinking deeply and forming strategies. He takes good care of his Pokemon and, although they have no emotion, he tries to train them to feel it, even when he knows it doesn't work and never will. For this, one would think of him as persistent and high in belief.
History: Kalick can't remember anything before he started being a Shadow Trainer. Just when he did, he knew that he didn't want to take over the world and retained his normal-human personality of wanting prevention of this. So, he fled, soaring far away to Orre and collecting Shadow Pokemon. To this day he wants to open their hearts, and train them to know the ways of emotion.
Appearance: Protruding from Kalick's back are a pair of purple moth wings. On his forehead, three spikes poke up to the sky. Two extra, seemingly useless Venomoth legs stick out from his sides between his arms and legs.
Kalick's hair is midnight-black, shaded by his Venomoth horns. His eyes are wide and blue, almost like his fused counterpart, but not quite. His shirt is a ruddy, greyish purple, and is nearly sleeveless. He wears khaki jeans that are a bit too short, and his shoes are black and shiny.

I haven't finished the form yet, as you can probably see.
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@ Cryptica: You can have a second character if you'd rather hav that option.

@Mewtwo: Accepted.
Name: Zora LeAnn Smith
Age: 16
Status: Hero
-Name: Cyndra
-Species: Typhlosion
-Level: 53
-Appearance: Lighter color than most other Typlosions, with stripes of darker color.
-Name: Frost
-Species: Glaceon
-Level: 50
-Appearance: A normal Glaceon.

She keeps herself positive, generally, although she can be very pessimistic and blunt at times. If you get on her good side, she'll defend you with her life. If you're on her bad side, she will stop at nothing to destroy you.
History: Most of her life, she's lived in the Kanto region, and she just recently came here to train. She's noticed that something's very odd about this region, what with people whispering about "Team Midnight". Knowing about the Team Rocket ordeals back in her home region, she figured they couldn't be any good. Then one day she saw a rather odd girl sneaking around town. The girl almost looked like a Gardevoir, but one could tell she was human. And that she was scared to be seen.
And that's when Zora decided it was time to find out just what Midnight's been doing to the people of Orre.

She is currently staying at the home of her mother's second cousin in Pyrite town. She knows she has further family in this region, but the only one she does know about is a distant cousin about two years younger than her. She's only met her once however, and that was briefly.
Appearance: Extremely red hair that goes down to the middle of her back, and I don't just mean normal red, I mean blood red, crimson-y red. Her skin is pale, and her cheeks are red since she's training in in Orre's sunlight and she burns easily. Her eyes are forest green, but the pupil is ringed with a bit of hazel. She wears a bright gold necklace given to her by her boyfriend back in Kanto, and she refuses to take it off. The shirt she wears is long-sleeved and violet, while her knee-length skirt is lavender. At her belt she has clipped a glasses case, since she can't read too well without glasses anyway. She keeps a pocket knife on her, just in case. Her shoes are just plain and white. Nothing special.

Just a note, that's not my real last name. Also edited the first profile because distant cousin factor.
((*still wants another evilie*

I could always pull out Evil Madam Konchuu...^^))
OK. But maybe, just maybe, the list of characters in the first post could be organized. That would be lovely.

Name: Reki
Age: 16
Status: Team Midnight
Wartortle, lvl 34
Baltoy, lvl 31
Pikachu, lvl 29
Breloom, lvl 30
Vulpix, lvl 30
Personality: An erstwhile assistance to Luc, Reki often works to cool his head and overall provide a foil, being pragmatic, nice, and gentler than his boss. He often tries to remind Luc of his limits. Often sent forth in lieu of Luc actually going out himself, whether on missions or grocery shopping. Though often annoyed, he never stops caring.
History: Actually having a fairly stable childhood, his motives seem unknown. He started off ordinarily enough, a trainer from the age of 10. He joined Midnight around two years ago, unwilling to talk about why exactly he joined. Not too long into his career, Reki was assigned under Luc, as an aide-de-camp of sorts.
Appearance: Notably shorter than his boss, Reki has short blonde hair, and hazel eyes, which are always behind a pair of glasses. He wears a white long-sleeve shirt and a pair of long khakis under a long read coat.

Am I the only one here who feels weird saying that characters one makes are 'evil'? Or 'good', for that matter? I suppose that's what happens when one does not believe in the concept of good and evil. :P
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