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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past

Mysti went up to the Pokemon Center in Phenac City. She saw a bulletin announing that a "Dr. Ruby Lehrer" needed help getting rid of an enemy. She dialed in the number while walking inside.
"Hello! I saw your bulletin saying you need help with the 'eradication of an enemy', and I would like to be of assistance!"
"Good. This enemy is none other than... Team Midnight. They've gone too far. We need to stop them. Are you still in?"
Maelle saw something on the bulletin board, and she read it carefully.

"Prince, do you think we should?"

Prince appeared to shrug gingerly.
Somon happened to follow Maelle and saw the board too.

((I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing...))
Dr. Lehrer walked to the Pokemon Center to see if anyone had seen his ad. There were a few people that appeared to be looking at the ad. "You looking at the help wanted ad from that Dr. Lehrer guy?" he asked them, pretending to not know Dr. Lehrer.
"Hm... so where..." Maelle said, memorizing what it said. "That hotel, at 6:00. Got it." She nodded to the man who had talked to her. "Thank you, sir."

Prince jumped at one point. He and Maelle began to head out to whatever the road was to find, perhaps, a wild Pokémon.
Somon stood back, listening to the conversation, and then going back to the Route.


Kalick was flitting about on the very same Route, and he knew to meet at the hotel at six PM. He was trying to play with his own Venomoth, but she didn't seem interested.
"Don't you want to pass the time?" he asked.
Mist stared blankly ahead at him, blinking. It was as if she was staring past him... "I will take no part in this 'playing.'"
He sighed, landing and letting his wings droop. He wanted to open their hearts, but solely by himself. How would he teach them emotion?
((@ Sbamber: Accepted.

If anybody else wants to join, they can't be a hero.))

Serenity made it to Pyrite a few hours later. "You might think they'd provide us with ways of getting around," she muttered annoyedly. She made her way toward the Colosseum.
((Yes. And when you are saying something that is not part of the actual story then use double Parenthesis. Like this >))
((Holy... Wow. There are times where I don't like being on vacation.

@Flora: Well, this comic was made with randomness and DBZ references in mind))

On the roof of a building in Pyrite, a being in a green-black cloak and a Beedrill observed what was going on in the streets.

'Well, if what we've heard is true, our rogue trainer will be here any minute. After that, I say we make our move."

The Beedrill nodded an affirmative.

I've heard of other rogues against our grand cause. Shame that I'm only after Project Darkstone; I could have a little fun with the enemies of our plan.

Soon, a hooded figure emerged from Pyrite's hotel.

Target Found

"Beedrill, go after it." She ordered.

The Beedrill let off a joyous buzz and flew down at the hooded man.
Dexter marched on through the town, ignoring everyone. It didn't matter too much though. Almost everyone was avoiding him, having seen him deck the thug before. As he walked past the hotel a hooded figure emerged, at which point a Beedrill flew from a rooftop.
Dexter felt the familiar sense in his chest.
A shadow trainer, and a shadow pokémon.
He moved backwards again, moving into the shade beside a nearby building.
Mia groaned. She hated provisions day, as that meant having to go out to Pyrite without her plans ready.

"Fine..." she groaned, recalling both Hera and Sheila and standing up. She moved the rock from the entrance to the cave (aided by newfound telekenetic powers) and stepped out into the bright sunlight. After she moved the rock back, she started walking toward Pyrite. Aunt Windfall would have the money ready for her.


Zora, as she started to the hotel (the closest thing Pyrite had to a Pokemon Center, and the only place that had one of them bulletin boards), noticed something back toward the entrance of town.

That Gardevoir-like girl with the fearful look was back and just getting into town, heading toward her cousin's house.

"That can't be right..." she whispered to herself, "Must be a salesgirl then..." with that, she continued toward the hotel. It wasn't too far, and she opened the door slowly. That old drunk receptionist generally didn't notice and charge her if she tried to go in as slowly as she could.

But her hand slipped and she heard shouting from the other end.

"'Ey! Tha's a... Fie-souzzzan' follar dine fer opeding sat noor..." the receptionist yelled at her as she came in. She groaned and continued toward the board, ignoring his catcalls.

As she stepped up to it, one particular bulletin caught her eye.

"Dr. Ruby Lehrer? Never heard of him... Eradicating an enemy..." she slowly pulled out her P*DA. Was this a good idea? Then again, that enemy might just be that 'Team Midnight'.

So she dialed the number.
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