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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past

Dr. Lehrer quickly used his P*DA to take down the notice down, to prevent Team Midnight from seeing it. "Why else would you just be sitting in this hotel doing nothing? Follow me." He walked into his room, instructing the receptionist to send visitors to his room.
((@Philly: Clever. ^^))

Tamia was skimming the notice when it suddenly faded. "CRAP! Stupid goody-two-shoes. And with my luck, she's there. Ugh."
Zora and Mia stepped into the hotel, with Zora whistling impressedly.

"Shoot, the last time I was in a hotel like this was that time my mom took me to stay in Saffron City. That place was faaaaan-cy. Guess Orre isn't all slums, labs and Colosseums after all."

"Just come on, he's moving on." Mia muttered, pulling her sleeve and pointing to the leaving Dr. Lehrer before soon following herself.

"Um, right."
Kalick and Somon followed Maelle.

"I think we're all here for the same reason," said Kalick. He was nervous about what the other people would think about him being half-Venomoth.
Dexter lost interest and slipped off the to Colosseum. As he approached, he heard the roars of the crowds, which told him that the next contest had begun. He found a side door, and slipped in, following a corridor until it meat the walkways around the battle arena. He stood, leaning against the railings, and watched.
Back in the Midnight Base, Vendetta was in his office. He had his bass out and was beating out "The Bad Touch" by the Bloodhoundour Gang. In front of him was a Machamp, restrained so that it wouldn't attack him while the process took place. The process, of course, being the Machamp's OverShadowing. The Machamp's eyes were a deep red and Vendetta knew that it would only be a few more seconds before the conversion of its internal organs was finished and its skin took the typical white and purple colours of a Shadow Pokémon.
They were, quite literally, in the middle of nowhere. The Weavile (who was currently trying to stay cool by hiding in Kira's shirt,) even looked confused.
"Desert.. desert. Why can't we be lost somewhere nicer? I'm sunburned all over."
No answer.
"Yes, this is where I'm staying, for now. I'm originally from the Hoenn region, but came to Orre for a vacation, and heard about team Midnight, and thought they needed to be stopped."
((This is gaining speed and I can hardly post!))

As Kailani exited the Hotel, a harsh buzzing made him look up, just in time to see a Shadow Beedrill fly down at him.

Of course...

he jumped out of the way, and at the same time he said, "Dusknoir, come out."

The Shadow Beedrill flew headfirst into a very angry Ghost which had materialized right in front of him.


"Good. He took the bait. Now comes the hook."

Gorast jumped down onto the rooftop of a lower building.

"Kailani, it's been far too long."
Zora was still staring at the decor of the hotel as if she'd never seen it before. She only snapped back into reality as Dr. Lehrer had started speaking, and noticed an unamused Mia staring at her.

"What the hell was that...?"

"What? I can't admire interior design work?"

"Not without looking stupid..."
"Okay, we need to stop Team Midnight, no matter what. Infiltrate their main base, and shut down operations, as in the main computer core."
"Toxic dust works for me," Kalick spoke up. He fluttered his wings a bit. "We'll need a strategy."

Somon nodded. "I agree with him. I think we should introduce ourselves."
"You should all already know who I am. Dr. Ruby Lehrer. Call me Dr. Lehrer. This here is Blaziken." he said, as a Pokemon came out from the back room.
Can I join?

Name: Jonathan Hank Sonneborn

Age: 21

Status: Midnight member

A Drifblim nicknamed Fuwa level 67, male
A Leafeon nicknamed Lia level 54, female
A Riolu nicknamed Ra level 8(His most recent Pokémon, found it's egg in a cave), male
A Gardevoir(surprising ain't it?) nicknamed Nyu level 62, female
A Bastiodon nicknamed Don level 50, male
An Absol nicknamed Sol level 47, male

Personality: Hank is always serious, and a man of few words, he is not often seen smiling, and never forgives. Despite this, being around his beloved Pokémon makes him feel at ease.

History: When Hank was young, he had no friends, no siblings and his parents was always busy with work, one day Hank found a hurt Drifloon, he decided to take care of it until it could fly again, but it ended up liking him, and never wanted to leave. After that, he got a gob interest in Pokémon, and ran from home in a adventure finding more "friends" He eventually ended up in Team Midnight.

Appearance: A pretty average long person, his greyish-brown hair is in messy dreadlocks, as he didn't comb it very often, he also have a slight beard/mustache. He tends to wear a big, grey coat and a high hat.
"I'm Zora." she stated, "I come from the Kanto region, and I've heard of Midnight. No team is a good thing by my logic."

Mia glanced around at the others here. She was anxious about revealing what she was, but then, Kalick appeared to be one too.

"I'm Mia..." she muttered, "And I... I..." thankfully for her, at that moment a white flash was seen next to her, and her black Ninetales appeared next to her.

"Sheila... Why are you out...?"
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