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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past

"You," Kailani snarled, "Why don't you just run back to Team Midnight? that's what you did after my escape."

Gorast laughed lightly. "Kailani you naive fool. Why would I ever return to my masters unless I had a decent prize?"

"Me, then. i'm your target."

Kailani quickly looked around; searching for a way out.

"Do you really think that taking me in a place like here would work? Look around you! Too many prying eyes, Gorast. Far too many."

He grinned. "I guess that you were hired mostly-" His words were cut off as shadowy tendrils encircled him."

Now it was Gorast's turn to grin. "And you seemed to ahve forgotten that my Faithful Beedrill knows Shadow Hold. Don't worry, though. It'll all be over soon enough."
Vendetta played the last few chords and the Machamp was finally fully changed. He pulled out the ball he had used to capture it before OverShadowing it.

"You'll be called Luchador, methinks."
Kira looked at her arm, terrified to see it bright red, blisters all over. Same with.. all over her skin. She knew that was a bad sign.
"I'm a mess. Help.."
The Weavile was obviously not doing well. With her black fur (Weren't they from cold places? She wasn't sure.) The Pokemon was panting and looked a bit sick. Suddenly she jumped up and began running away. Kira yelped (Partly from surprise, partly being scratched on the stomach. Tina's claws were sharp!) and ran after her.
"Wait! Don't run away!"
Oh no.. no.. I'm dead. I'm dead. If she leaves, I'm dead!
Suddenly, something, more buildings than she'd ever seen in one place came into sight. A town? Tina seemed overjoyed to be there, and she knew more than Kira about this kind of thing, though they hadn't been traveling together that long. The Weavile started running around randomly (she thought), then began drinking from a giant fountain. Kira was extremely thirsty too, but sat down next to a building, suddenly feeling too sleepy and dizzy to do anything. Forgetting about water, she half fell asleep, half fainted. If she were awake, she would have thought it was funny that she'd escaped team Midnight, only to probably die of heatstroke..
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Luc awoke to Umbreon pawing at his face.
"Feed yourself! You know how.", Luc replied, which was nothing short of the truth.
He got up anyway, and went to grab some food. Umbreon got got his bowl. After pouring some out, Umbreon dug in.
"Hmm...", Luc wondered. He grabbed his PD*A and called Serenity.
"Quite Clever," Kailani said. 'But you didn't factor one thing in: Dusknoir."

At his words, the ghost from earlier appeared again, this time behind Beedrill, and backhanded the insect. With the loss of conecntration, the snaking Shadow Tendrils vanished.

'Your lust for battle is your greatest weakness, Gorast. You don't seem to notice the smaller details. That's how I escaped before, if you remember."

"Oh i remember," she shot back, "But It's also my greatest strength, for nothing can deter me from a battle with you!"

And without wasting another moment, she jumped from the roof and lunged at Kailani.
Serenity heard her P*DA's ringtone. She opened it up quikly and answered, "Helloooooooo?"
"Er, I'm waiting for the next Colosseum challenge to start.

"I did see something weird on the bulletin board, though," she added. "I think the heroes were trying to rally up their forces."
"Oh. Is that all.", Luc replied, but then he added, "Bunch of people getting together to fight us? I'll be sure to send word up. Just be on the lookout."
He hung up after that, and walked over to Reki's room.
"You're going to Pyrite.", Luc said.
"Wha? Why?", Reki asked, taken aback.
"Conspirators. You're good at sniffing them out, I think."
"Why Pyrite? Isn't Serenity already there?"
"She seems busy. Besides, we don't know anything about what's going on. Could be no threat. But I'm cooked if she gets hurt or anything. Besides, they say some trainers from the project have run away. Can't have that or we're both doomed. You always ask these questions, we could all be in danger here, just go!", Luc meticulously explained.
"Well, alright.", Reki conceded with a sigh.
Pichu leapt into Luc's arms as Reki and his Pikachu headed out, grabbing a key.
"Key?", Luc asked.
"I somehow saved up to buy a scooter. Nothing special.", Reki answered.
He hurried off, heading outside to where it was parked. He undid the chain, started it, and headed off, arriving at Pyrite moments later. Finding a place to lock up, he chained his scooter and set off through the town.
"You know, we don't have a clue on where to find these 'conspirators'.", Reki sighed to himself.
"Pika pika...", Pikachu agreed.
((Admit it. Luc has a crush on Serenity.))

"Alright," Serenity responded, but all she heard was a dial tone. "Oh, come on, Luc, you might as well wait for a response!"

"Next Colosseum battle starts in five minutes!" called a voice over the loudspeaker.

"Oh, crud!" she said before adjusting the Pokeballs on her belt.

((A scene just like this brought us Tamia. ^^))
Vendetta went to his desk. He opened up the communications system and selected one of his Undercommanders, Luc. He pressed the connect button.
"Luc. Status report on all operations."
The comm system rang out, and Vendetta's voice called out.
"Bree! Bree!", Umbreon cried out.
"Yeah, yeah, I know boss is calling. You sure are energetic today.", Luc replied as he headed over to his desk, which Pichu was just sleeping on, and pushed the transmit button, "Reki is out sniffing out what I believe are conspirators. Serenity is... oh yeah, recruiting. They're both in Pyrite."

Reki sat down to a cup of tea at a cafe, which looked like every other building in Pyrite, not in terribly good repair. He sighed as he sipped, still unsure of just how to go about this.
Vendetta leaned back in his chair.
"Very good. When Serenity reports back, send her to the Libra. I need her for a little project."
Vendetta closed the communications system without getting a reply and checked his belt. He had his five Pokémon sealed safely in their balls. He strapped his bass on to his back and started walking down the main corridor, out of the compound.
Kailani punched out at Gorast, and the force of the blow sent her carreening into the ground.

"Oh, you're good," she said, "You can see why you were chosen in this Grand Design. It's too bad you need to fall."

Before she could say any more, Kailani punched the Shadow trainer again, this time with even more force. This one sent her carreening into a stone wall.

"You're... a true fighter," She said, getting up again. "But you haven't factored in one thing."

"And that is..." Kailani said, just before tendrils of shadow bound his arms behind his back.

"You and your Dusknoir weren't paying attention to my Beedrill," Gorast said triumphantly, 'I've turned your owh trick against you."
Hey, since I was a hero in the old one can I come back with the same character? I didn't even know you started again. Why didn't anyone tell me?
I found(and slightly edited) it:

Blade FireBolt
Age: 12
Status: Hero/Shadow Trainer
Quilava, Lv20, (None). Shadow Rave,Shadow Sky
Personality: Blade is a quiet trainer whose simple yet effective tactics leaves him with a victory every time.
History: He can vaguely remember life before the Midnight incident,when his DNA was fused with an Umbreon's. He never has revealed any personal information, so everyone avoids him.
Appearance:A tall, thin character with pitch-black hair. Wears black jeans, a white T-shirt and black wristbands.
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