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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past

Yay~! But can I have another character if I make it evil?


Blade walked out the café and looked around. No one here. Good. he thought. He ran over to the Pokémart and bought supplies for his travels. He went into the hotel and checked out a room. He walked inside and lay down and started to think. "Come on! Learn faster! You'll never get anywhere like this!" he heard a voice call to him inside his head. "Hm? Who are you?" he asked the voice.
"Your sister! Who else? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine . . ."
"You don't seem like it . . .
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Name: Crystal
Age: 15
Status: Midnight Member
Pokemon: Espeon, 20, Jade. Bayleef, 25, Leaf. Shadow Sky, Shadow Rave, Shadow Half
Personality: Dark, but holds a true friend dear.
History: Unlike her brother, Blade, she was left un-experimented on, because she chose to join Team Midnight instead. The only thing to remind her of her parents is a necklace with a jewel in it representing a sun, opposite of her personality. She has full memories, and remembers teaching her brother in the art of combat, before Midnight came.
Appearance: Tall, black, long hair, black pants, shirt and shoes(when undercover or out of uniform) and always wears her necklace.

Hehe, that kinda reminds me of one of the members of what I like to call the original roleplay.))
((Mainly because it was two sisters. One was leader of the Shadow Trainers and the other was against them.

Hehe, she made Serenity fight a giant Gyarados of doom because she turned Tam & Sam into Shadow Trainers.))
((Ooh, I see with my two eyes. I didn't even know that. *sigh* I remember the other ones I was in . . . the Shedinja boy, the hotel room, me being kidnapped by Midnight . . .))
Tina went back to her "trainer", surprised to see her fainted. The Weavile poked her arm gently with a paw, then ran away with a rather funny "oh no I broke it!" type look on her face. She pushed open the door to a hotel (Not that she knew that)at random and proceeded to have more or less a panic attack in the lobby. Her trainer had been there the last time she'd seen him. He had to be there, right?
Crystal walked down the dusty street of Pyrite Town and took out her P*DA. She called her commander and spoke respectfully, "Sir, Pyrite is clear, but please, will you take me out of undercover work? I'm tired of it, and there's no action in it!"
((Forgot about this...))

Gorast, having caught her prey, took out her P*DA, and activated it.

"This is commander Gorast speaking. Anyone in the vicinity of Pyrite please respond. I've captured Project Darkstone, I repeat: I've captured Project Darkstone."
Serenity was still sitting in the reception room of the Colosseum when her P*DA rang. "Project Darkstone?" she asked, bewildered.
((...Zora, I'm in charge, you'd think you'd say "Flora" rather than "somebody". :P))
((True. But I meant anyone. Still, could you let him know we still exist? Mia hasn't gotten to kick ass yet in this installment D:))
"Alright, Do any of you have any shadow Pokemon?" Dr. Lehrer asked. He had a plan, and someone would need some shadow Pokemon.
"Oh good.", Reki responded somewhat absent-mindedly. He didn't quite recall what that was. Maybe his boss would enlighten him. He strolled onto the local colosseum, sighting another girl he knew was with Midnight, though he couldn't recall her name. Crossing the bridge over what was once the Under, he arrived at the colosseum.
Stepping inside, he sighted Serenity, "Oh hello, there. Any particular reason you're here?", he greeted.
"Waiting to recruit, Reki," responded Serenity as she noticed him enter the Colosseum. "The next Colosseum battle starts any minute now."
Blade noticed someone standing by the front gate through the hotel window. The figure appeared to be waiting, so hee thought he'd ask what. He silently opened the window and jumped out. When he landed a cloud of dust flew up from around his feet. The stranger quicly turned around, and he ran and hid in a back alley. The stranger, now identified as a female teenager, quickly ran over. Not a shadow trainer, not a Midnight. Just a civilian. he thought. But wait! She loooks . . . strangely familiar. But I've never seen her before in my life. Who is she? I might as well find out. he stepped out of the shadows and revealing himself to her. "Hello. May I ask who you are?"


Crystal continued to stand by the front gate. She heard a noise and swiftly spun around. She saw an open window in the hotel and a cloud of dust below. She ran over to try and see who it was. She looked around and saw no one was there. Suddenly a teenaged boy walked out of the shadows. She recognized him, but obviously not the other way around, because he stated to her "Hello. May I ask who you are?" She simply replied, "Crystal. And I assume you are Blade. Am I correct?"
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