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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past

"Project Darkstone was a Shadiw Trainer Project," Gorast said, "He went rogue before it was finished, and I've been tracking him ever since. I'll be heading for Pyrite's entrance now."

She ran for the entrance, with her Beedrill bringing the captives.
"Sorry, I don't," Maelle lamented, shaking her head. "I only have Prince."

The Piplup appeared to swagger slightly. Maelle shot him a look, though, and as if to say sorry, Prince seemed to grow smaller.
"Well, I suppose I am." Blade said to the girl named Crystal. "And how would you know that?" he asked. "Because, Blade, I am your sister. I am shocked you do not remember me." she said, sadly. "Huh? I don't have a sister-""Oh, the shadowification must've removed your memory. That's nice." she said the last part sarcastically. "How do you know about that?" Blade asked, now infuriated. Crystal replied simply, "Because I've come to return you . . . to Midnight." she said, and at that moment she pulled out a stun gun and shot him with it. "I'm known for my speed." she said coldly.
"I see.", Reki replied. He then smirked and waltzed over to the receptionist. After some persuading, he put his name down.
"Well I suppose I am too.", he told Serenity with a grin.
"So, I guess that means we'll end up fighting each other. Cool," she replied with a grin.
((Okay, so I was asked to post in this RP because the good guys have been needing me, but thus far, only 1 good guy has responded, correct?))
((I was unavailable. Responding with my two good guys now.))

Zora shook her head.

"No, I don't have any Shadow Pokemon. If I did, I would have probably purified them by now anyway, the poor things."

Mia inhaled as her cousin answered. It was now or never, and it may as well be now.

"I don't have any Shadow Pokemon, per say... I managed to keep all mine from that horrible fate... As for me, well... I don't know if it helps, but I'm a... what they call a 'Shadow Trainer'..."
Kalick nervously looked around, and slowly raised his hand.

"I have shadow Pokemon........"

Somon looked back at the Shadow Trainer and then forwards again. He shrugged absently.
"Good, Kalick! We need you. You will lead me and the other people into the base, as prisoners. Hopefully they will buy it." Dr. Lehrer said.
Maelle panicked, then sighed. She nodded. "I'll follow. But Prince isn't that strong... are you sure he'll be okay?"
Kalick nodded. "Prince will be fine. But now we need to know what you're prisoners for..."

He turned around and opened a Poke Ball. Out came a humanoid creature with no mouth.

"Hello, Kalick," it muttered stretching its leg around a bit.

Kalick opened another ball. A Pokemon appeared: it was yellow and cute, but had enormous silver jaws sprouting from its head.

"What are we doing?" the Mawile asked.

"We're going to do a little act here, okay? We're pretending that these people--" he pointed to the group "--are prisoners. They aren't really, but make it look like it, okay?"

Rii nodded and stepped up behind them. "I'll be your escort." It tried to sound menacing.

Mawile also nodded, and stepped up to the group's left side. She opened her jaws a little bit with a sickening crackle. "We're just setting ourselves up," she told the group, even though they probably couldn't understand her.

"You'll explain to Honoomaru on the way, right?" Kalick asked.

"Yep," came the Steel-type's reply.

With that, a black-striped, fluffy hound appeared with a bolt of red energy. He barked and sat still at the group's right side.
Mia inhaled timidly. If there was one thing she did not want to do today, it was go in and face down a bunch of Midnights. But given what had happened when she had first escaped the base... the two shadowy figures that had come when she had been overwhelmed during the massacre... She didn't know what to do. And if they took Sheila and Hera and turned her cousin into a miserable freak like her...


Zora blinked at Mia as she started to shiver. The girl was obviously scared about something.

"Don't be this way, hm?" she patted her shoulder, "You'll be fine."

"No... I might not be... I... should warn you... Most of Midnight has notification that I should be brought back dead for... mass murder of their own... not even brought back for testing and experimentation... They would kill me..."
Upon reaching the entrance of Pyrite, Gorast activated her P*DA.

"This is Commander Gorast Sending out a transport request, Authorization Code 0-Gamma-7-Sigma-9-Beta. Priority: Top."

She waited for the authorization signal.
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"Alright, how about we are prisoners for... Maybe the illegal use and ownership of Shadow Pokemon, and then the purification of said Pokemon. Do you think that that sounds convincing enough?" Dr. Lehrer said, thinking hard.
Kalick nodded. "I can't exactly remember what this organization is for, but we'll try our best." He looked at the group. "I hope we're all ready."

Somon nodded silently.
Zora stared, aghast, at the green-haired Shadow Trainer. She was a murderer? What had happened to this poor girl since the last time she'd seen her?

"You're kidding me... right?"

"I'm not..." Mia muttered sadly, "It's a long story that I don't want to go into right now, but I will say this... If I could only get my hands on the Admin that got away, the one that did this to me and presumably my parents... I'd do things so horrible to him that I can't even think of them right now..."

The redhead gulped. "Dear Arceus..."

"Don't mind it..." she then turned to the rest of them, particularly Dr. Lehrer.

"It sounds good, but... They want me dead. If I were to show up alive, they would shoot me on sight... How am I going to avoid that...?"

"I agree. It might work. I am willing to go through with that." Zora agreed. She kept eying Mia cautiously though, as if she could snap at any moment.
Kalick started to think. "We can conceal you in the middle of the group with the help of Rii..."

The Hitmonlee immediately appeared next to Kalick. "We're not sure yet, are we?"
((Guys, I have an idea:


I've seen a lot elsewhere, but haven't seen one here. (It wouldn't affect anything here except maybe relationships. After all, it IS Christmas.)

What do you guys think?))
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