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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past

Zora cleared her throat. It was now or never, and she hoped that it was Midnight they were gonna eradicate.

"Hello? I um... caught sight of the bulletin you posted? And I'm interested. I'm here in the Pyrite Hotel with no way to get across the desert though. Believe me, I've tried."
Mia cautiously knocked on the door, while also wondering who that red-haired girl was who had been here. But her train of thought was cut short as a white-haired woman of about 35 answered the door.


"Yes, yes... It's provisions day, do you have the money?"

"I do, but I can't give you as much today. My third cousin is staying here while she trains further. You know, the one from the Kanto region? She's just gone off toward the hotel though to check the bulletins."

"Whatever I need the money."

"Alright then..." the woman handed her a wad of cash, and she started off toward the Poke Mart as the door closed.
Zora cleared her throat. It was now or never, and she hoped that it was Midnight they were gonna eradicate.

"Hello? I um... caught sight of the bulletin you posted? And I'm interested. I'm here in the Pyrite Hotel with no way to get across the desert though. Believe me, I've tried."
Mia cautiously knocked on the door, while also wondering who that red-haired girl was who had been here. But her train of thought was cut short as a white-haired woman of about 35 answered the door.


"Yes, yes... It's provisions day, do you have the money?"

"I do, but I can't give you as much today. My third cousin is staying here while she trains further. You know, the one from the Kanto region? She's just gone off toward the hotel though to check the bulletins."

"Whatever I need the money."

"Alright then..." the woman handed her a wad of cash, and she started off toward the Poke Mart as the door closed.
Zora grinned. This was exactly what she had been waiting for.

"Yes, yes of course I'm still interested! That's what I was hoping for, actually. Now if there were any way you could get me out there, it would be appreciated." she turned toward the exit, in time to see that Gardevoir girl standing there with an inquisitive look on her face. As if she'd never seen anyone with hair that red before, or something.
Mia, having not stopped at the Poke Mart yet, had instead decided to see just who her aunt had been talking about. And indeed she did recognize her. UIt was that red-haired girl she had met last year briefly, around three months before... it, happened. She figured she wouldn't recognize her now though, so she would wait until she was off her P*DA to break the news to her.
Zora turned off the P*DA in time to see the girl rush up to her. She blinked cluelessly as the girl circled her.

"You..." she muttered, "I do know you after all..."

"What are you talking about?!" Zora snapped, about ready to rip Cyndra's Poke Ball off her belt and give her a thorough punishing.

"You... you're Aunt Windfall's third cousin, aren't you...?" Mia asked, "Because you've met me before, once... Last year..."

"You're Mia...? You look so different now..."

"It is... a long story..." Mia sighed, "One I don't rightly want to discuss right now..."

Zora stared expressionless at her. This couldn't be the cheerful girl she had met before. She had to be lying, but... the way she was acting, she couldn't have been.

"...Fine. Come with me to the entrance of town. I'm going to Phenac to meet someone." with that, she started out of the dingy hotel, again ignoring the drunken receptionist.

"Yeah and... fake your treaky wriend out fith yaaa..."
Somon went to the place where he was supposed to meet.


Kalick was trying to think of whether he would go or not. He gathered up his courage and silently followed Somon.
"There he is." Zora muttered, pointing at the car. Mia simply stared for a moment, then followed the redhead to it and watched her crouch down in front of the front window.

"I hope you don't mind that I've brought someone. She's a cousin I met a while ago and only have gotten to see again now. There's something wrong with her though, and she said she didn't want to tell me." with that, she got in the car nodding for Mia. She obliged, getting in next to Zora and sighing.
"Wait up!" Mike yelled. "I'm coming with you guys. I know you don't know who I am, but I'm sure I can help."

Mike followed Kalick and Somon
"Alright then." Zora muttered, getting in and patting the seat next to her. Mia obliged, also getting in and sighing again. Zora glanced at her, but did not say anything about it. She'd probably find out soon anyway.

"Let's go then. The sooner I find out more about these 'Team Midnight' people, the better. I come from Kanto which has Team Rocket, you see, so I figure teams can't exactly be good."

Mia glanced at her.

So, she's going after Midnight... I wonder, if she doesn't know all that much... Has she encountered a Shadow Trainer before?
They left promptly.
They arrived soon. "We're here." he said, parking and getting out of his car. He then opened the door to let the ladies out. "This is the hotel, and where I am currently staying. Following me in."
Maelle went towards the hotel. Prince was with her, and he had eaten a Berry just before, in case he needed all his energy.

It was 5:30, but they wanted to be cautious.
Mysti called out Steel Wing. "I need you to fly me to Phenac Hotel!" Her Charizard set off for Phenac Hotel. When they arrived there, she called him back and sent out Glamourous. They walked into the hotel and sat in the waiting room, waiting for Dr. Lehrer.
"Hello, Ma'am, are you here for the meeting with Dr. Lehrer?" Dr. Lehrer said to the girl sitting in the waiting room.
Serenity dashed toward the Colosseum. Before entering, she noticed something on the electronic bulletin board. "Just what we need. Somebody to rally up the heroes. Wahoo," she muttered as she entered.

"What do you need, dear?" asked the kind lady at the counter.

Serenity put up a facade of being an innocent trainer and responded, "Um, I'd like to enter a Colosseum battle."

"Right this way, sweetie," told the woman, who gestured to the hallway next to her.

Serenity smiled. "Thank you!" she said, before entering.

"Such a sweet girl."

Serenity muttered, "Oh, after I'm done here, you'll have a lot of 'sweet girls' to deal with."


After getting to the Realgam Tower, Tamia spotted the bulletin board. "Oh, so those goody-two-shoes are gathering up their forces? Maybe later I'll do a bit of tricking..."
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