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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past

Noooooo you post ninja I was posting a long-and-compliated profiiiiiile...-.-

Name: Tamia Konchuu
Age: 12
Status: Shadow Trainer/Midnight
Minun ♥ Level 30 ♥ Shadow Sky, Shadow Mist
Volbeat ♥ Level 30 ♥ Shadow Blitz, Shadow Shed
Personality: Tam seems hy and quiet, never talking unless she feels the need to express something. However, she's actually rather mischievous. She loves to play pranks on people, and will usually ally herself with what she thinks is "the better side." Once she's made her choice, she doesn't switch.
History: Tamia was a totally normal trainer, living in Phenac with her twin sister Samantha. One day, while fighting in the Colosseum, they met a girl named Serenity, who got them to go with her to Midnight's headquarters. They were injected with the DNA of their corresponding bug types (Tam's Volbeat and Sam's Illumise) and turned into Shadow Trainers.

After a while of blindly obeying Midnight's orders, Sam declared that Team Midnight was wrong and that they should be protecting Orre, not conquering it. They got into a big fight, and Sam left the ranks of the Shadow Trainers.

Tam joined Team Midnight a short while later, hoping to find her sister and show her that they were supposed to conquer Orre.
Appearance: Too lazy to make an appearance. She's the one on the left; the on the right is her twin, Samantha.

Finally doooooooone.
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As soon as I add Tamia to the Midnight list~

(By the way, if you're Hero/Shadow Trainer, you've been put under Hero.

Holy crud we have a lot. o.o)
Well if It's villains you want... allow me, Exo-Raikou, to create one more charatcer!
(Though would it be okay for this character to be a high-ranking member of the team?)

Name: Gorast
Age: 19
Status: Shadow Trainer/Team Midnight
Pokemon: Beedrill, level 45; Shadow Break, Shadow Hold
Personallity: Gorast Has been described as "friendly as a Rhydon on a good day". She's sadistic, cruel, and ruthless, with a nasty habit to vent her anger out on those nearby if things don't go "according to plan". She strongly believes in the Shadow Pokemon "movement" and will do what it takes to ensure its success.
History: Gorast willingly allowed herself to be given Shadow Yanmega DNA, for after she heard of Team Midnight and their actions, she went along with them instantly. Becoming prominent and known for her savagerey, Gorast was one of the beings present for "Project Darkstone", a.k.a. Kailani. She has decided to hunt down the rogue Shadow Trainer and do whatever it takes to bring him back to their cause. Little is known about her past prior to joining the Team.
Appearance: She wears a green-black cloak, but unlike Kailani the hood remains down. Her eyes are an orange-brown, and the color of her hair is dark brown.
Other: That's all.

Yay we can start!

Oh, and Exo-Raikou, my wacko cousin loves that comic in your sig. ^^))

Serenity paced about the halls of the Midnight Headquarters. Any moment now, one of her superiors would approach her with a mission.

"HEY! SHADOW TRAINER!" yelled a voice from a surrounding room. Serenity whipped around to find Tamia standing there.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? SHOULDN'T YOU BE OUT RECRUITING?!?" she shouted at a bewildered Serenity.

"Tamia Konchuu, you know full well that Reki's in charge of my assignments. And if anybody should be ordering either of us around, it's me. Don't you remember that I recruited you?"

"Too bad Leader didn't realize that," muttered Serenity under her breath.
Luc leaned back in his chair, taking in the silence. Unfortunately, it was disturbed by two shrill voices outside. He got up, and so did his Pichu, who was napping in a little bed in the corner.
"Pi pi chu?", Pichu asked, groggily.
"Nothing, just those two going at it again.", Luc replied with a sigh.
He patted Pichu on the head, then walked over to the door and threw it open.
"Girls, girls. Please. We're trying to catch a break here, seeing as how we haven't had anything to do recently. Unless this is something of great importance that I can fix one way or another, then take your disagreements elsewhere. Now, if you two are just bored out of your minds, maybe you both could do some recruiting?", he lectured.
Pichu clambered up his backside, and found his way onto Luc's head.
"Pichu pi!", he punctuated, pointing an accusing finger.
"Okay, Luc," said Serenity. Tamia just scowled.

"I think that I'll go to Pyrite's Colosseum-I always felt more comfy there," she continued, grinning.

Tamia just frowned. "I'm NOT going anywhere near Phenac. I'll take Realgam, then."
Tyla asked her Piplup, "You want some training?"

He nodded. "Pippy lup!"

"You're so sweet," the ten-year-old cooed, patting her penguin on the head.

Prince turned and began to search for a wild Pokémon...
Dr. Ruby Lehrer was sitting drinking some coffee in Phenac City Pokemon Center, wondering how he was to go about stopping Team Midnight. He figured he would need some help, so he posted a help-wanted ad on the town bulletin board(If we can add that to Phenac City. It would be on the front of the Pokemon Center). It read:
Phenac City Bulletin Board said:
I'm in need of some help, the eradication of an enemy. Please contact me at the Phenac City Hotel or on my PDA. My number is 293.0423
-Dr. Ruby Lehrer
Yet another day spent in this dark hole.

Mia sighed. She already felt depressed, and this was one of her neutral moods. So she picked a Poke Ball off of her belt and pressed a button. The Pokemon released was built like a fox, but had nine tails. What was odd about this Ninetales was that instead of the cream color of a normal one, this one was jet black and had feral yellow eyes. She padded up to Mia and nuzzled her.

"Oh Sheila..." Mia hugged Sheila in turn, "I wonder if we'll ever see them again..."

Sheila gave her a look and nudged at the other Poke Ball on her belt. A humanoid Pokemon materialized, with violet hair and big blue eyes that stood out greatly against her pale skin. The Gardevoir blinked up at Mia and sighed.

"You know I hate seeing you like this..."

"Yes, I know... It wasn't me, it was Sheila..."

"I see..." Hera glanced at the Ninetales, who nodded before yelping something at her.

"It appears she's answering you. She says yes you will see them again, she can feel it. And that she's hungry."

"Oh, that's right... It is provisions day, isn't it?"


"Thanks, Aunt Windfall."

Zora shut the door behind her and looked out at the dismal town. If the desert weren't so hard to cross without having a car or something, or at least some water, she'd probably be in another town training. Training and learning more about that 'Team Midnight', anyway. Teams were never a good thing. And because her aunt's house was right near the edge of town, she would always go out and hunt Pokemon. Better than the weaklings in Duel Square, she thought.

"Then again, the Colosseum I haven't tried yet... Nah."

She glanced over at the entrance to town once. Another day of wild Pokemon hunting for her.
"Alright, good. You both know the drill. And don't get back too late. Or I'm short of a job.", Luc replied.
He opened the door to Reki's office, "Serenity's got Pyrite.", he said.
Reki sighed, "And you want me to go wtih her again, huh?"
Luc thought about it for a moment, then said, "Nah. We'll see how she does."
Pichu leapt off Luc's head, having spotted Reki's Pikachu. The two of them ran around incoherently and however else Pokemon enjoyed themselves.
"You be good, little guy.", Luc said.
Pichu raised an arm in agreement, "Pichu!"
Luc went back to his office. Umbreon raised a questioning eye, but then saw it was just his trainer. Luc next to collapsed onto the couch in his office and napped.
((Fwee, I can see a bit of romance in this roleplay's future. ^^))

'Right," nodded Serenity as she dashed out of the headquarters.

Tamia sighed. "That Serenity..." she muttered before running off herself.
((How about the bulletin boards are electronic and are in every town and the Colosseum and things are posted everywhere, not just in the one, because this was the best I could come up with to gather the good guys.))
Somon sat down in the forest, not far from the ten-year-old with the Piplup.

"Merukku, what do you think we should do?"

The Volbeat shrugged, strutting about.
((Most certainly, Philly. Reminds me of that Pokétch-thing with the portable TV thing that one of my characters on the original thread had. ^^))
Name: Mike
Age: 13
Status: Just hero

Duskull lv 15
Magnezone lv 34
Prinplup lv 27
Bronzong lv 22
Pupitar lv 20
Araidos lv 34
Energetic and likes to be out in the open. He loves to meet new people and explore new lands.
Came from a small town in the middle of nowhere, didn't have much of a 'Father figure' as his father was a gym leader several miles away. He lives quietly at home with his mother.
Tall, long hair.
A tall figure stepped out of the desert and into Pyrite Town. The man, although you couldn't really tell, was in a long coat that covered him between his nose and his boots. His eyes had a purple sheen to them, and his dark hair was whipping around in the wind.
One of the thugs had somehow decided that this newcomer was an easy target and marched up to him.
"You know, in Pyrite town we greet each other by batt-" he bagan, but was stopped when the shadowy figure punched him in the face. "I'll get you for that!" the thug cried, trying to stem a nosebleed.
Dexter had come to town for one purpose - to find Shadow Trainers and Shadow Pokémon. So that meant a visit to the Colosseum, and he began to walk purposefully though the town.
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