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Open Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects

While still in the safety in his box, he was slightly pissed, "did you not notice the fact that ALL ADULT POKEMON WERE KILLED, TOO!?!?!?!?" After a moment of scilence, he was calmed down, "sorry..."
Seraphim shuddered within the shadow he occupied. So It was true. All of the adult Pokemon were wiped out.....no wonder I haven't seen any around......Perhaps this Ralts can help me out....
Rallen saw, out of the corner of his eye, a figure closing in, and aknowleged it, "I can see you, in the shadow, don't try to sneak out, just come here and state your business"
The figure stepped out of the shadows, revealing itself to be a Blaziken. He was tall even for his own kind, reaching seven feet. "Greetings," he said. "You may call me Fire Fist, although that is not my name. It is safer in these times to hide your identity. Not many Pokemon can spot me in hiding, that's how I escaped the Perfects. And don't worry, I'm not an adult yet, so I won't put you in danger. Although I have a feeling you may need my fighting abilities later on. However, if you wish me gone, I will leave, and you will not see me again." The Blaziken stepped back into the shadows and waited for a reply.
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Fire Fist stepped back out of the shadows. "Glad to join you," he said. "But may I ask, who is THAT?" he asked, pointing to a spot in another shadow.
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"Me... Duh. The name's Rallen, and, of corse you can join, any of you, sorry for earlier, just not used to being around so many people..."
Seraphim winced. Something had noticed him. Perhaps he shouldn't have shown a spot of fear in this situation. Impossible. He was all but undetectable. But nonetheless, Seraphim decided to quarter-emerge from the shadow he inhabited. So it was a Blaziken...An observer would see icy blue eyes on the surface of the shadow, like water, along with an icy blue tongue. "I see that I have been discovered...I am but a wandering spirit, listening to the voices of nature and lurking amidst cities....I am Seraphim. I couldn't help but overhear this Ralts discussing something about the disappearances. I myself am surprised that I haven't been spirited away yet, seeing as I'm nearing the age I become a Haunter." He could barely stop himself. Why was he spilling out such information to this group? It seemed as though he could trust everyone present...perhaps he could use this to his advantage.
Fire Fist laughed. "Not you, Rallen," he said. "I'm talking about the Gastly, the one over THERE!" he continued, pointing again.
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"You're easily noticed by a pokemon with my sight. Did you say your name was Seraphim?" "Don't try your deceitful games with me, either. I know about you Gastly and your tricks."
"I am, too. The only thing is that i'm kinda afraid of you, and yet, I feel that I can trust you... But I won't let my guard down, not for a moment. Well, maybe if i have to pee...:sweatdrop: But not a moment around you...
Melia laughed, but was back to being serious as quickly as she had left it. "I'm not going to let you harm my friends, so keep your distance."
The Gastly twitched. Deceitful? The word ran through his mind like a Combusken with its head cut off. He dares call me deceitful?

"Stereotype, you. >_> I was given the name as..." He snarled, shifting around so he couldn't be seen. "Forget it. You make it seem like I'm teaching Oak's Theory of Relativity to a Caterpie. I have offered my services. If you don't like having a Gastly around, I'll gladly leave."
"No, It's not that. I'll gladly accept you because I sense that you are gentle of heart. I am just protective. Please forgive me, kind sir."
"I was not asking you to leave, nor saying that I distrusted you. I was just asking who you were."
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Rallen turned to his left, into the depths of the alley, where he saw a medium sized figure in the shadow. He quickly used Psychic, and with a direct hit, a Permon fell into the light.
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