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Open Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects

((awesome bossy battlee))
Melia lunged forward in an aerial ace. " Remember that Pidgey? Well this is for him!" Melia screamed as she raced forward. Yes! She made contact! Melia wasn't done, so she enveloped herself in an energy field to prepare Sky Attack.
Fire Fist quickly stepped back and breathed a flamethrower onto the fallen permon. When the others looked at him questioningly, he answered; "You can never be too sure," and kicked it.
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Melia charged forward at high speeds with an Aerial Ace. "Remember that Pidgey you killed? This is for him!" Melia screamed as she charged up a Sky Attack. She noticed that everyone was looking at her, and proceeded to feel stupid.
(Oh, I do hope nobody minds me joining this. It looks like fun.)

In a nearby alleyway, a young cleffa had heard the commotion and was hiding as deep in the shadows as it could, hoping that none of the other pokemon could her his feeble attempts at staying quiet.
((Bumpity-bump-bump, I need this rp to stay at least partially alive)) ((Tsunami, it's ok for you to join, but you might want to post some of the bsic info for your character))

Rallen looked at the dead body, thinking that there were more from where it came from. "We must move quickly, there are probably more than one. MOVE!" just as another one jumped out in front of him. "GO!" Rallen said as he used Psychic.
Yay, it's back!

Fire Fist took up a defensive stance, and his writs flared as he Overheated the permon, leaving it a smouldering wreck. "We should leave"
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((OH, REALLY, LEAVE? THAT SOUNDS ODDLY FARMILIAR *looks at my previous post above*))

"I SAID 'GO'!!!" Rallen yelled as finnished off the Permon with Psychic. ((psychic type attacks types do double damage, others only do half.))
Fire Fist, knowing that this foe was too tough for even him to beat, turned tail and ran.
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As Rallen turned to run away, a psychically transmitted message (ptm) was recieved:

A Gardevoir appeared before Rallen, and before he culd say anything, she quickly said... "The tablet of Psy, it is not with HIM, it got knocked out of HIM before HE created them" Then she dissapeared, along with the weird surroundings as the alley and beyond returned to him...

"...what?" Fire Fist had stopped running, and was looking at Rallen. "Something wrong? I mean, other than the fact that there are evil perfect things trying to kill us."
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As his vision returned to normal, he simply replied "I-it's nothing, really. LOOK OUT!" As the move Judgement was sent from one of the Permon, Rallen blocked it using a combination of psychic and protect, which created a purple-ish pink barrier that completely destroyed the attack, and then Rallen pushed it to attack the Permon
"Judgement? Isn't that ARCEUS'S move, or something? Oh well, as long as it doesn't hit us, we're fine. Now, if you don't mind me asking, can you teleport us outta here?"
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Rallen simply said "Uh... Well, you see, I-" as he was cut off by someone else using teleport
"well, we're aquaintances, if nothing..." as the rogue Kadabera teleported them to his home town...
"Hm. Can't say I've ever seen anything like this before. Rallen, mind telling me where excactly we are?"
"Nope... Kadan, where are we?" he asked the Kadabera... "We are in my home town, Psygnia"
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