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Pokémon Basalt and Granite

Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

Yes, that's the point. However, it never levels up, so you can tell her disaffection toward her Pokemon.
yeah, I get that - but how are you supposed to beat her at all ever if you're starting with a level 5 whatever and she automatically has a level 89 pokemon? Are you supposed to spend hours grinding one pokemon just so you can beat the first rival battle? because that's boring and pointless and something that would make me put down this game and never play it again.

why does she have only one pokemon? if she thinks pokemon are battling machines, does she not see a giant gaping flaw in only training one pokemon (i.e. type disadvantages)?

By the end, you'll be able to beat her, because her party never changes, it's always the same. While she's remaining stationary, she sees you growing stronger and finds that the key to growing stronger is not merely training, it's love...
but she's already miles stronger than you (and most NPCs in the entire pokemon series) without having to be kind to her pokemon or anything. If love is key to raising strong pokemon, how does she have a level 89 pokemon in the first place? why would that even matter to her if her pokemon is only eleven levels away from being the strongest it can possibly be? why would she care if she's already stronger than the vast majority of NPCs in the pokemon games? it seems more than a little unrealistic for her to suddenly go 'oh, well I've been doing it wrong the whole time, despite the fact that I've been kicking ass all the way'.
how the hell do you even get to the end of the game if you can't beat your rival (which you won't with a level 5 starter)? do you not white out when you lose battles in this game? because in every other game, if you white out while battling a rival, you can't progress until you beat them.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

Wait. How did I miss "level eighty nine"
Unless the battle with Rose is a battle you're supposed to lose (vs Cobalion in Rumble Blast) or plot important, why the heck does she have a level 89? Versus a level 5? Even with grinding pre-battle, it's hard enough to get your starter to level 16, let alone 89.
Or you start with a level ninetysomething, which automatically means all the gyms have level 100s and the wild Pokemon are level eightysomethings.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

Yes, you're supposed to loose. And no, she does not see anything wrong with it because she uses brute force and not type strategies or anything. She doesn't care.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

Yes, you're supposed to loose. And no, she does not see anything wrong with it because she uses brute force and not type strategies or anything. She doesn't care.
but how does she even get a level 89 pokemon in the first place? you will be hard-pressed to raise any pokemon from a low level while ignoring type disadvantages. Given that she apparently doesn't care about her pokemon, it's not as though she'll be sitting on the sidelines with a billion potions so that her pokemon doesn't die as soon as it switches in to something terrifying. like, you couldn't even use the switch-and-let-another-pokemon-take-the-hit strategy, because she doesn't have any other pokemon.
it just doesn't make any sense.

edit: furthermore, why does she care about some random person who's just starting out on their journey? having one level 89 pokemon implies that she's gotten all the badges and beaten the league and is probably training for this region's battle subway or something. what reason does she have to grind some tiny pokemon's face into the dust? that wouldn't even be fun.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

oh wait yes
If she starts with a level 89 and never levels it up, aren't you going to lose all the battles (unless you catch like a level 5000 furtrocious or whatever) until the last one?
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

oh wait yes
If she starts with a level 89 and never levels it up, aren't you going to lose all the battles (unless you catch like a level 5000 furtrocious or whatever) until the last one?
Yes- that's the point. You lose every time until the last battle, and it proves to her that you were the better Trainer! It's that last battle where if finally clicks for her, because you actually won even though you had lost every time before. Obviously you're growing stronger and she isn't because you have something she doesn't- love.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

Also, she decides to battle you because she sees Pokemon as tools, and you don't. She battles you to prove you wrong, and she wins with ease- but by the end, you prove HER wrong.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

Not sure why everybody's bothered by the level 89 rival thing. It's a fairly common device in video games; you face a hopelessly powerful enemy early on, then eventually you grow strong enough to legitimately win, which (if pulled off well) makes your ultimate victory all the sweeter.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

If you beat her, then that's that... but it knows Fissure, and it's about forty times better than you, so it's unlikely... and also, she doesn't change her mind until the end, regardless.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

What Pokemon does she have? A Fakemon? One of the two legendaries?
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

It's a Fakemon, called Volcanotse, it's one of the most powerful and quite daunting. I made a rough sketch of it;


Remember, it's VERY rough, it took all of about two minutes, so don't judge it.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

Oh. Um, okay? I'm guessing it's Fire/Rock or Fire/Ground or Fire/Steel or something like that. Is the red thing on its belly an eye or a belly or what?

and also visible veins of fire energy is also very great check out pokemon ultraton its great
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

It's a gem. They're scattered all over the place. No Ultraton in this thread. I KEEL YOU. It's fire and rock; the first evolution is ground and rock, its a little pebble whose ability is damp and the only move is explosion, making it about as decent as a Magikarp.

Evolve it, and you get Icetone, who's a weird mixture between a glacier and an icy mountain, who has average power.

Then you have Volcanotse, who has immense power. To evolve into Icetone, level up around the Icy Rock. To evolve into Volcanotse, level up in some kind of generic volcano that I haven't completely created yet, or something better. Any ideas for that one?
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

Naw, Magikarp's better. I mean, it actually has good Speed and access to Bounce.

how do pebble evolve into ice evolve into fire man thing with gem
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

No, I mean logic. Like, a fish doesn't evolve into a bear. (well I guess they're all rocks but.)
Icetone -> Volcanotse w/ Fire Stone or Sun Stone, maybe? The (canon) level-up-in-generic-location evos all seemed silly to me.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

No, I mean logic. Like, a fish doesn't evolve into a bear. (well I guess they're all rocks but.)
"They're all rocks" really is good enough by Pokémon standards. It's no worse than Flaaffy becoming Ampharos, or Exeggcute becoming Exeggutor, or Clamperl becoming Gorebyss/Huntail, or Barboach becoming Whiscash, or Snorunt becoming Glalie, or Feebas becoming Milotic...
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

and besides, I think what Mohacastle means is that it's an either-or evolution, not stage by stage.
Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite

OH. Based on the phrasing, I thought it was pebblething -> Icetone -> Volcanotse, not pebblething -> Icetone OR pebblething -> Volcanotse. sorry!
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