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Pokémon Improvement Thread

Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

My inner physics nerd was very disappointed with Brycen's Gym because you're not supposed to keep on gliding in a circle after you get shot out of the spinning thing because inertia means that you should be going straight ahhhh.

presumably there is a centripetal force! maybe the spinning thing is really massive?
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Off the top of my head, I'd quite like a record of all significant events that have happened in the game. Such as:

TRAINER received his first ever Pokemon, CHARMANDER on 14/05/2002!
TRAINER caught CATERPIE on 15/05/2002!

Maybe a choice of what to include, or only the most important events to stop it from being cluttered. So kinda like the recent events thing on some games, except from the start of the game. It would be especially cool when you pick up the game a few years down the line I think, I would certainly love to see that in my old RBY files. And maybe include snapshots?

This, though I agree you should get to choose what to keep a record of, with the exception of plot events which get put down no matter what.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Off the top of my head, I'd quite like a record of all significant events that have happened in the game. Such as:

TRAINER received his first ever Pokemon, CHARMANDER on 14/05/2002!
TRAINER caught CATERPIE on 15/05/2002!

Maybe a choice of what to include, or only the most important events to stop it from being cluttered. So kinda like the recent events thing on some games, except from the start of the game. It would be especially cool when you pick up the game a few years down the line I think, I would certainly love to see that in my old RBY files. And maybe include snapshots?
I thought that this was done in DPP, with the Journal?
At least, the words part. No pictures then.

What I would personally like to see in the games is the "upstairs" portion of the Pokemon Centers GONE. The advent of the C-Gear proves that it's possible to battle at any time, and something similar to the C-Gear, not necessarily a screen-filler, but a Key Item maybe, that compiled all of the wireless features. (i.e. GTS, local wireless, WiFi Battling, etc.)
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