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Pokémon Improvement Thread

Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Gym puzzles! Or just more puzzles in general. I was super disappointed with B/W because the puzzles in RSE were the best, but B/W had lame gyms that just sat there and looked pretty. You can get through basically all of them by just waking straight forward on whatever path you're on.

Meanwhile, RSE had really nice gyms like Flannery's (three layers of teleportation hot-spring holes, you have to sort of memorize the location of each room on each layer to find your way to the gym leader), and Winona's (strangely shaped swinging doors), and Tate and Liza's (teleportation pads + tiles that force you to move forward). There's also super fun natural landscapes like Shoal Cave (sliding ice) and Magma's Hideout (boulders to push around via Strength).

And the Trick Master needs to make a comeback. Seriously.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Gym puzzles! Or just more puzzles in general. I was super disappointed with B/W because the puzzles in RSE were the best, but B/W had lame gyms that just sat there and looked pretty. You can get through basically all of them by just waking straight forward on whatever path you're on.

Lenora's and Clay's gyms had me stumped for awhile. But none of the other gyms were particularly puzzly, yeah, and Opelucid's took ages to walk through. They were pretty, though.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Lenora's and Clay's gyms had me stumped for awhile. But none of the other gyms were particularly puzzly, yeah, and Opelucid's took ages to walk through. They were pretty, though.

My problem with Opelucid was the fact that in certain spots it was impossible to go back to the Pokemon Center without battling a trainer. In most other gyms you can just back-track if you need to heal.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Fucking single-sex pokémon. I'm okay with things like volbeat and illumise, or the nidorans, but fuck nageki and dageki and DOREDIA. I don't mind sex ratios often sucking! Just. ARGH.

Moooooore things need teeter dance. Like marakacchi! And everything that gets teeter dance as an event move should get it as an egg move cough bellsprout pikachu.

Bring back pikachu learning surf as an event sort of thing! Behhhhh having to get a new pikachu for surf.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Lenora's and Clay's gyms had me stumped for awhile. But none of the other gyms were particularly puzzly, yeah, and Opelucid's took ages to walk through. They were pretty, though.

I found Opelucid to be really easy. All you really have to do is just keep on walking towards whatever direction you were facing, and then jump off on to one of the buttons when there is a button to jump off on to.

I mean, there was even an elite trainer blocking your path on one of the dragons so you can't mess up :(

But yeah, Clay's had me for a while. I couldn't for the life of me figure out which elevator goes to which floor, so I was basically walking onto random elevators and hoping for the best for most of the puzzle.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Lenora's had me stumped also, but that was because i was counting steps, and not book cases. And i really didnt want to fight the last girl, but i had to.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Fucking single-sex pokémon. I'm okay with things like volbeat and illumise, or the nidorans, but fuck nageki and dageki and DOREDIA. I don't mind sex ratios often sucking! Just. ARGH.

Moooooore things need teeter dance. Like marakacchi! And everything that gets teeter dance as an event move should get it as an egg move cough bellsprout pikachu.

Bring back pikachu learning surf as an event sort of thing! Behhhhh having to get a new pikachu for surf.

What are you talking about?

Opelucid Gym was /the worst/.
I could rarely heal, I think I had to let myself lose to heal once or twice.

I one game I remember there was a Gym that you had to push the punching bags to get to the Gym Leader.
/That/ was a Gym Puzzle.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

I found Opelucid to be really easy. All you really have to do is just keep on walking towards whatever direction you were facing, and then jump off on to one of the buttons when there is a button to jump off on to.

I mean, there was even an elite trainer blocking your path on one of the dragons so you can't mess up :(
How did you get that I found Opelucid's hard? It just takes forever to actually walk through.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

I actually fond half the puzzles in BW to be hard. Cilan/Cress/Chill, Burgh, Elesa, and Skyla were pretty easy. I had more issues with Lenora, Clay, Brycen, and Drayden/Iris in terms of gym puzzles. Though by far the hardest gym in terms of battle was Drayden/Iris's are far as I'm concerned.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

What are you talking about?
English pokémon names are hard. It's not been long enough for everyone to COMPLETELY forget them, right? :( Sawk, throh, grass thing that's like an Isshu bellossom, cactus thing.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Japanese pokémon names are hard. It's been long enough for everyone to COMPLETELY forget them. Sawk, Throh, Lilligant, Maractus.

Oh, that make so much more sense now.

...What's so bad about single-sex Pokemon?

And yes, Maractus /does/ need Teeter Dance.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

I still remember the Japanese names better than English and my Japanese skills are non-existent.

...What's so bad about single-sex Pokemon?

For one, it makes breeding with them more painful since the baby/inherited moves are determined by sex. You cannot use a Lilligant to pass on Egg Moves because you can never have a father Lilligant.

Secondly, implied gender roles suck. Things like Machop and Vulpix (with a biased sex, but still both) are much better. There is absolutely no reason why Lilligant should be female-only, and atrocities like Jellicent really need to go away.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

This is such a small detail, but I'd really like it if you could chose the Pokéball that egg-hatched Pokémon come out of. It's always the generic one. What if I want to use, say, a Premier Ball? That's part of the reason why I don't like to hatch eggs so much. I find the Pokéball boring. And if you don't have any in your bag, it should just use the normal Pokéball as the default. I mean, as far as I know, hatching an egg doesn't take up any Pokéballs anyway.

The return of walking Pokémon would also be nice. I'd like to see it in the third installment of Gen V.

Oh and something else: I've recently heard of a glitch item in the older games called Surfboard. Something like that would be really neat if implemented officially. Items you could use instead of HMs. And different modes of transportation other than the bike. Like a skateboard... or a car. Or maybe even riding your Pokémon (could go hand-in-hand with walking Pokémon) on land if it's of an appropriate size.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Maybe bumping up Cut's power to, say, 65 at the least?

And making Scratch equal to Tackle.
If any of the starters in Gen V had Scratch, they would lose in the first Rival Battles.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Maybe bumping up Cut's power to, say, 65 at the least?
I was thinking more along the lines of 55/95/high crit as a Razor Leaf clone.

And making Scratch equal to Tackle.
If any of the starters in Gen V had Scratch, they would lose in the first Rival Battles.
Tackle was at a disadvantage to Scratch and Cut in the older games and it wasn't really an issue then.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

I'd love to see more snippets of articles, when examining bookshelves. Similar to how FireRed and LeafGreen gave little glimpses into NPC's interests and backstories due to the Fame Checker.

Addtionally, art galleries and museums would be more interesting if you were able to closely examine the displayed objects. Castelia's art gallery left me disappointed since there were only a sentence or two to a picture. Oreburgh's mining museum and Slateport's ocean display were much more informative and exciting than that.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

How did you get that I found Opelucid's hard? It just takes forever to actually walk through.

>.< I was just making a comment about the Opelucid Gym! Sorry if it seemed like I misunderstood you. I have a horrible way of phrasing things and tend to confuse people a lot :P

My inner physics nerd was very disappointed with Brycen's Gym because you're not supposed to keep on gliding in a circle after you get shot out of the spinning thing because inertia means that you should be going straight ahhhh

And I completely agree with Spoon. I love little easter-egg-like snippets of information on, well, everything. I actually went back to the Slateport Museum more than once just to look at all the exhibits.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Off the top of my head, I'd quite like a record of all significant events that have happened in the game. Such as:

TRAINER received his first ever Pokemon, CHARMANDER on 14/05/2002!
TRAINER caught CATERPIE on 15/05/2002!

Maybe a choice of what to include, or only the most important events to stop it from being cluttered. So kinda like the recent events thing on some games, except from the start of the game. It would be especially cool when you pick up the game a few years down the line I think, I would certainly love to see that in my old RBY files. And maybe include snapshots?
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