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Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Shawn, who was still in shock, slowly closed his mouth and turned around. He no longer took notice to the rain, but instead simply floated alongside Darius, with a shadow covering his face. The demon mourned for his lost home, but his thoughts quickly went to something else. The other pokemon of the volcano! Had Spoink and the others made it out in time? He could only imagine.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Frost was silent, her sister Flareon was in that, or at least near, that Volcano, "Ember," she cried a little and slowly followed them. To her it seemed as if they all might have lost someone, she closed her eyes and sighed, then followed on.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Kammy stared for a little while at the Volcano, utterly silent until...

"Holy Arceus that was awesome!" she suddenly squealed with a little bounce. "It was just all like 'PWOOOOOM!' and stuff!"
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Shawn heard what Kammy had to say, so he came up, put his hand on whatever she had as a shoulder, and whispered into her ear, "You have no idea." He then backed off and said, "Okay, it's over. Can we please leave?"
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Frost was staying toward the treetops now, away from most, she didn't think any of them liked, or would ever like, her
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Darius growled when Kammy piped up on how the eruption was "Awesome." He continued walking silently after that, except to say, "I'm already moving, but I could care less... I don't have anything else now, anyway..."

Zaimes jogged ahead, giving a sad glance to Shawn and Darius as he passed them, and took the lead again. He sighed. "Come on... let's get moving. Before there's even less to save... if that's what the voice meant us to do..." He looked up at Frost. "Come down, it's alright. It's best you stay to the ground in case of another quake or something similar, friend. No one here has any trouble with your company... it's just the situation." He shook his head in a "come here" motion, raising a paw, then continued on.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

She slowly climbed down but remained toward the back of the group, slightly scared but mainly to shy.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Kammy was both befuddled and intimidated at Darius and Shawn's actions. She'd just never seen such a sight before and genuinely had no idea. As far as she knew, it was just an impressive explosion of red stuff.

She stopped still, not sure she'd actually want to follow these moody fellows...
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Shawn turned to Zaimes. "Wait, where exactly were we going? I kinda forgot during all of the confusion." He then turned to Kammy. "You coming?"
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Zaimes looked at Shawn. "We're heading for the East coast, and probably, we'll try and get help from some of our water friends if they aren't in too much trouble. I'm not sure how many of you were around the last time something similar to this happened..." He sighed. "It was averted by the trainers around here. This time, though... I don't think they can do much. That's probably why that voice contacted us, saying what it did..." He trails off again, and looks forward. "We should keep moving, and quickly."
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Frost nodded on moving quickly and followed them, still towards the back, waiting to see what happened. She did like a few in the group but didn't know how to approach them, so she would wait to see if they approached her first.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

"Water?" asked Shawn nervously, "Well, okay. As long as we don't have to cross. I can't hover over water for more than a minute." Shawn kept moving, but at a slower pace than before.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

"Big water bad! Dere no are shinies! Kerroi no cross big water!"
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Zaimes actually chuckled, the first sign of a lighter mood since the eruption. "Calm down, Kerroi. When I said 'Help from our water friends' I meant asking them what they'd seen and if they could look for us. I'm not a fan of water myself, but it's best if we check this out. And trust me, the shore should be teeming with the 'shinies' you're looking for... people drop things in the water or on the shore and they wash up, and sometimes rare objects are hidden in the sands and bushes around there too. I've been to the east shore once before... that was... some time ago." The Absol looks away for a moment, then back ahead. He seemed to have hit some memories.

Darius was still silent, not far behind Zaimes, and moving pretty quickly for his size and the fact of the still falling, though lighter, rain. He was looking down, and he kind of idly scratched his gut before just sighing and dropping his arms kind of limply, almost in resignation. The Petrolfhar finally lifted his head and looked around. "Well, at least we won't -cross- the water. Hate the ocean. Shore's not my favorite either, but at least it should be fairly dry, unlike this area... I hope were out of this stuff soon." He grumbles once and then goes silent again, keeping pace behind Zaimes again.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

The fact that there might in fact be shinies at the sea shore excites Kerroi, and he squawks out a quick response bedore swooping east at a much greater speed.
"Dere is shinies at water? Faster go now!"
The bird becomes a speck against the sky as he puts distance between the party and himself in a frenzied dash to the ocean.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Shawn looked at the bird strangely. "O... Kay. I'm glad to see he's so motivated." Shawn then turned to Darius and said, "Yeah, except for the fact that the earthquakes at the spots with no rain are twice as bad." The fire demon breathed out a puff f smke and kept moving.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Frost still stayed silent and followed, she didn't mind water at all, and thought of a past Vaporeon, Jax, that she was almost on live with, but then.....

Frost began to slowly cry, "Dead, all Dead."
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Zaimes looked back at Frost suddenly, and walked back to her. He frowned, unsure of what to say. In the end, he just comforted her gently with a paw while keeping her moving, staying in the back and leaving Darius at the lead, who was still silent, walking quickly.
Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

Kammy hopped along quietly. Man these people were such downers! It's an adventure, right? Somehow, it wasn't seeming so fun right now...
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