Worst Username Ever
The old topic hasn't been posted in for a long time, so here you go...
Some of my weirder ones:
Snow Angel the Exploud(wtf?)
Ronny the Treecko
Sabaser the Seviper
Stilireg the Registeel
Pachi 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... the Pachirisu
Abzy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... the Absol
Meerca the Swampert(wtf?)
Bisquit(with a q) the Sneasel
Release the Houndoom
LOL the Lumineon
Seizure the Porygon
Slacker the Slakoth
O rly the Hoothoot
Leekspin the Farfetch'd
Meep2 the Wigglytuff
N00b the Forretress
Spot the Spinda
Persow the Meowth
Crunchie the Poochyena
Kofsy t the Koffing
Yo bro the Slowbro
. the Gyarados
A the Unown A, B the Unown B, ect.
And on Blue, I named all my Pokémon after memes(don't kill me...) like Spaghetti(YTP meme)(can't remember which one this was), Longcat(Nidoran female I think) and Mudkipz(Pikachu). My Charmander was Rickroll.
Some of my weirder ones:
Snow Angel the Exploud(wtf?)
Ronny the Treecko
Sabaser the Seviper
Stilireg the Registeel
Pachi 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... the Pachirisu
Abzy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... the Absol
Meerca the Swampert(wtf?)
Bisquit(with a q) the Sneasel
Release the Houndoom
LOL the Lumineon
Seizure the Porygon
Slacker the Slakoth
O rly the Hoothoot
Leekspin the Farfetch'd
Meep2 the Wigglytuff
N00b the Forretress
Spot the Spinda
Persow the Meowth
Crunchie the Poochyena
Kofsy t the Koffing
Yo bro the Slowbro
. the Gyarados
A the Unown A, B the Unown B, ect.
And on Blue, I named all my Pokémon after memes(don't kill me...) like Spaghetti(YTP meme)(can't remember which one this was), Longcat(Nidoran female I think) and Mudkipz(Pikachu). My Charmander was Rickroll.
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