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Pokemon Rainbow

The treecko glared at the retreating figure of the trainer, before turning to the young Rioly. "Hey there, my name's Gaea. From the sounds of it, the Pokemon that attacked you was a staravia." She turned her head to glare at the broken belt and pokeballs, before spitting. "Idiots," she exclaimed, "should not be allowed to train Pokemon. Did he actually expect you to beat the Machoke, alone, on your first day?"
(This is the third time I've tried to do this. It had better work!)

The treecko glared at the retreating figure of the trainer, before turning to the young Riolu. "Hey there, my name's Gaea. From the sound of it, the Pokemon that attacked you was a Staravia. Are you alright?" She glared at the broken equipment, and muttered, almost to herself, "Idiots should not be allowed to train Pokemon. Did he actually expect to beat the Machoke with an infant Riolu, alone?"
"He thought I could beat the Machoke because I got away from the Pokemon that tried to attack me when I was hatched. He also thought that he could make me stronger by forcing me to hit and get hit by everything I walked past. All it did was give me so many bruises that I turned bright purple."
"By the way, Max and Min, the Plusle and Minun over there, said they noticed something in the bushes. Did you notice anything?"
"Hm? No. I was too busy glaring at your former trainer, daring him to come back to I could give him a piece of my mind. I wonder if Terry saw something."
"Hmm, yes maybe you're right.

Character change

I watched them from a different place this time. They appeared to be discussing me. I giggled slightly at this. They had no idea...

Forgot to mention, I'm also roleplaying the two Black Masks.
Tomodachi turned to the Torchic who had stated his name to be Terry.

"I'm Tomodachi." she replied before Nathan cut in.

"Hey, that was pretty cool, the whole Bullet Seed-Ember thingy."
"Oh, you liked it? Gaea and I pretty much live together, we're like siblings! We figured out a bunch of different combos for out attacks!"

"He exaggerates, of course. The only ones that actually work are Blazing Seed and the first one we used. We're... still trying to come up for a name for it."
"Eh, not bad. It certainly fits."

"I LIKE IT! Catapult Peck it is! Now, we just have to get the logistics right on that other one-"

"For the last time, Terry, neither one of us has a moveset that will let us do that!"

"But... Flaming Catapult Peck would be awesome!"

"And do you have Fire Spin? Or Flamethrower? Or Fire Blast?

"Well... no... but I will!"

"Then we will try it. When you have them."
"Eh, you're what, a day old? Don't worry about it, you'll learn with experience." Something shiny and red and not broken glittered in the fragments of the belt. "Hey, look, it's a Pokedex. I think we can use it to find out what you know. Let's see here..."

"Scanning initiated. Subject Treecko. Gender Female. Move Set: Pound, Bullet Seed, Slash."

"Well, it works." Without further adieu, she pointed it at Riolu.

"Scanning initiated. Subject Riolu.
Go ahead and finish the scan. I don't know what moves you have, aside from Quick Attack. This is a bred Riolu, though, so it probably knows Force Palm, among others... but it's your decision.
"Detect lets you use normal and fighting type attacks on Ghosts. Force Palm... it's been a while since I've seen one, but if I remember correctly, it has something to do with focusing the living energy all around you, called Aura, into your palm and hitting someone with it. I'm not sure, though."
Note: Detect actually works the same way as Protect.

Hmm...Force Palm sounded intruiging. I decided to try it. I closed my eyes, and suddenly saw...some sort of energy. I held out my hand, and the energy rolled into it. I spun around, and thrust my hands forwards. A wave of energy hit a tree, inscribing two circles into the bark. I opened my eyes, and the two circles were still there.

"Incredible,' I whispered in awe. "Did I really do that with my eyes closed?"
(Oh... What am I confusing it with? It's not Odor Sleuth... there's another one that does the same thing, except is used by a different group.)

"Yes, it would appear you did. Congrats. Now, about that practice bout... care for a go?"
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