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Pokemon Rainbow

Nathan peered at the two pokemon who had just jumped down from a tree. The torchic was screaming something about being late wich remindedNathan of the wierd bunny-thingy on Alice In Wonderland. Back on track, the Charmander, Hoppip, Treeko, and Torchic ran towards the Machoke.

"What should I do first, Nathan?" Tomodachi asked.

" It's sunny outside, use SolarBeam. And stay away from him. He can basically only use Physical moves. Also, don't ever let him grab you." Nathan stated as he threw out his best blue-flamed-Flamethrower.
The treecko rolled her eyes. "Alright, Terry, ready?"

"You betcha!"

Terry jumped on Gaea's tail, then was flung forward at the Machoke by a vicious Pound attack. Spinning in midair, he hit the Machoke dead center of his chest with an attack that looks like Drill Peck, but was mostly just a highly powered Peck attack with a serious amount of momentum behind it. "About time that attack was useful."
Tomodachi was charging up a SolarBeam while Nathan noticed that the Torchic had gotten much too close to the Machoke. As it raise a fist at the Torchic, Nathan charged forward with an Iron Tail at the bruise that the Peck-Thingymabobber had left. The Machoke wailed out in pain and Both Fire-types retreated.
"Oh oh! Is it time for Flaming Seeds?!"

"...Sure." With that, Gaea prepped and fired a Bullet Seed attack, which Terry then used Ember to cover in flames. The majority of the flaming seeds missed, but a few hit their mark, causing a minor Burn.
Nathan took advantage of the Machokes burn and-While the Machoke was tending to its burn- attacked with a ThunderPunch and FirePunch.

Tomodachi's SolarBeam was ready, but she had to wait until Nathan had moved to use it.

Nathan landed the blows hard. The Machoke then picked up Nathan by his tail, until Nathan made his flame enormous and scarred the Machoke's hand. Nathan looked at Tomodachi, wondering why she hadn't fired yet. He then realized that he was an idiot and needed to move, so he used Dig.

Tomodachi unleashed a sparkling beam of light onto the Machoke. The blast lasted a full twenty seconds before the beam parted, and the Machoke went down. Unconcious.
The treecko turned to the Riolu's trainer, a vicious grin on her face. With a single pound attack, she shattered all of his Pokeballs, and ruined the belt. This other Pokemon now free, and the trainer without any spare Pokeballs, he fled quickly, the Treecko gloating at him all the while.

Terry turned to the Hoppip, and said, "Man, she's scary when she does that. My name's Terry, what's yours?
Min's ears twitched as she noticed something else. "Max, did you notice anything else weird?" She was still shivering with anxiety. Something was definitely not right around here. The Minun looked around nervously, her stubby tail bobbing up and down. She began to cling to Max habitually.

The Plusle didn't make an effort to shove her off; when it came to her clinging to someone when she was afraid, Min was like an Ekans. He just shook his head, then shushed her with a paw to his mouth. Then, he noticed. Faint sounds, in the distance. They were quite loud from their source, but to him and his pal, they were quiet. ...Yelling? There was a commotion! He flinched, accidentally shoving Min off of him.

"Let's go!" Min cried, dashing towards the source of the noises.

"Wait!" Max shouted, running after her. He rolled his eyes slightly, but it was with a content smile and a small chuckle. His sister was so rash, he was sure she would get them into trouble this time...
Forgot to mention, I'm also roleplaying the unnamed trainers.

"Looks like Machoke won," cried the trainer in jubilation. "Arggh! What's happening." Using some last reserve of strength, I pushed myself up.

I saw...a group of Pokemon, who appeared to be attacking the other trainer.

"Stop!" I cried. "Don't attack him! He wasn't trying to hurt me. My trainer told him I would be strong enough."
Character change alert!

Note: You do not have to do this, but you could try to guess who the Mysterious Shadow is.

I watched the battle from a distance. Hmm...the Pokemon seemed to be ganging up on the trainer with the Machoke. And the Riolu had just shouted for them to stop. I wondered, vaguely, if any of them would see me. No, that couldn't happen. Only three humans had ever seen me up close and only because I allowed them to see me. The only others were strange Pokemon, and...my brother.

I inched closer, then was struck with a startling thought. Riolu might sense my aura! I decide to withdraw, and observe from a distance.
Character change alert!

The Machoke charged. It was in a blind fury now. I watched in horror as the trainer shot a red beam out of a Poke Ball. The Machoke turned around, roared, and swatted the beam back with its hand. It hit the trainer, who screamed.
Min sniffed the air again as she entered the scene. There were a lot of humans -- one, two, three, four -- four of them? She squeaked dashing behind a tree, and her nose twitched once more. ...What? There was an odd scent. And it seemed... mystic, somehow. Quickly, she looked towards it. The Minun could have sworn she'd seen something disappear from behind a tree, but she shook her head at herself. She must have imagined it.

"Get back!" She heard Max's call, and was pulled behind a somewhat smaller tree. The two mouse-like Pokémon glanced around the tree when they heard a startling yell. One of the trainers was getting hurt! But there was a big Machoke...

"No! We have to help!" Min argued, trying to get out. Max didn't react fast enough; the Plusle grabbed for her tail, but she was already dashing out into the scene. Max groaned, stepping out beside her; there was no way he was letting her go out there by herself. With a shake of his head, he examined the situation. The large Machoke appeared to be hostile... even crazy? And then there was a small Riolu nearby.

Max looked towards the Riolu with sympathy. "We have to help the--" but he was cut off when he noticed Min charging in. "Minnie, stop!" Why did he ever try to keep her from running out when it never would work? The Minun was running directly towards the Machoke, electricity surrounding her. Shivering, Max thought for a moment; he didn't want to go in or leave his sister. "Let's do our Shock Combo!" he called to her. She nodded, and at the same instant, both fired a wave of electricity towards the Machoke.

"Calm down!" Min shrieked at it.
"What?" I screamed. "How did machoke get back up?"

"Endure!" Machoke roared. I had no idea what that meant. But if it was...whatever I had done, then it would leave Machoke with only a tiny reserve of power...Yes! That was it!

I ran as fast as I could, using the technique that I now knew was called Quick Attack. I slammed into the Machoke, which, too surprised to react, collapsed.
I glanced at the two small rodent-like Pokemon. Obviously it was our combined attacks that took down Machoke. "What are your names?" I asked



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(OOC: Hey, Psychic Mewtwo, please don't control my characters for me. I'm capable of making them answer.
On another note, I'm guessing that the Mysterious Shadow is a legendary of some sort.)

Max glanced towards the approaching Riolu. At least she appeared to be better... he smiled. He was breathing deeply, and he let his breath out before replying. "My name is Max." He looked towards the Minun beside him, who was shaking for a moment. But then she calmed down, gradually.

"My name is Min!" she said hastily, smiling. The duo's ears twitched as they both heard the Riolu's name. Min was the one to comment. "Well, that's a great name, for how fast you were just running!" The blue-and-white Pokémon gave a hop of enthusiasm, a bit of electricity crackling at her hands. But it stopped quickly as another whiff of that mysterious scent reached her nose. "Huh?" She looked towards it once again. "Do either of you know what's over there?"
Sorry, I didn't realise you were online.

I thought about the Pokemon's question. "Sorry, I don't. Er, I know this might seem like a stupid question, but what are you?"
"That's all right," Max reasssured calmly before responding. "Well, I'm a Plusle." He was about to glance towards his friend, but she was speedy.

"I'm a Minun!" she chimed in, grinning. That put a smile on Max's face too. She was so rash, but also a bit naive, and plenty friendly... "A lot of others think we're twins, but we're not," Min explained more calmly. She put her arm amiably on Max's shoulder, and he chuckled. "We're not related," she added. "Just friends."
Character change

I thought about what I should do. One of them had smelled me! There was only one option...

And in seconds, a Starly was alone in the bushes

Character change.

"I'll go over and look in the bushes" I said to the two Pokemon. I peered into the bush and saw something black and white with feathers. "Help!" I jumped out. The feathered thing flew away, landing in a tree and disappearing from view.
"Uh!" Min grunted, running over to the Riolu, who had shouted for help. As usual, Max followed helplessly behind her.

But at least this time it's not so threatening... maybe, he thought as his smile faded. The two stopped, and both looked up. "Just a Starly," Max commented, his ears flicking. "Are you okay?" he called to the Riolu, walking over to see if she needed any help. "Flash?" he asked. There was an odd scent in the bushes, but he ignored it -- that was probably what Minnie was talking about anyway. It was gone now... I think.
"Sorry for screaming," I said to Min and Max. "It's just that...when I hatched-and that was only a day ago-a creature-a Pokemon that looked like that tried to eat me. It had black-and-white feathers. They were in a curve on its head, and it had this crest that looked like a blade. It terrified me, but I got away. That trainer scared it off, but it said it would be back."
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