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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

We starting now, but I'll leave those three un-taken slots open for anyone who wants to join during the course of the RP... (If you do, please join in the lounge)
Luzetta Martyr was usually an unsocial member of the Xana forces, but as of recently, she'd been disappearing into a private common room in the middle of the night. If one had passed the doorway, they could likely hear several different voices, though the lights in the common room would be off.

At the moment, she was sitting on a black couch with a stylized X logo on it, waiting for her companions to show. An Absol sat at her feet, his eyes shifting constantly, alert for anything that may mean discovery by those who knew nothing of the little operation she had going.
A tall dark skinned man entered the room his tepig following closely.
"Hello again Luzetta," the man said his name was blade, or at least as far as he knew,"Still waiting for the others," he plopped himself Indian style in the floor and his tepig curled up in his lap,"you won't be able to do this when you evolve amber," he said but she gave him 'the look' "yeah like I figured you don't want to evolve."
"Hello, Blade." Luzetta responded boredly, "Have you noticed anything odd around the base...? People skulking around this room, perhaps?" She asked, then she grimaced. The word 'skulking' reminded her of Abyss, A Gengar morph who was always skulking around after her.

'I mean, I know he's my 'mentor' but really...stalking me? That man has issues.' She thought.
"no but I usually don't pay attention," he said with a shrug,"I'm bust mapping out the base ont our watches, I'll have the done soon."
"where is everyone else?" he asked, then he noticed a shadow by the door. The nudged his head so it point at the door to let Luzetta know
"Don't worry, it's just Lulu." At her voice, the Cinccino bounced into the room, not forgetting to close the door behind her.

"Cin!" The hyper pokemon chirped happily.

"Soool..." Apocalypse muttered from her side.

"I don't know where they are. All I know is that we're going to have to be more cautious. Abyss is on to us." She said, "He's cunning, he knows what people look like when they're trying to hide something. He does enough of that himself."
Johnathan stuck his head inside the door, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room.

"Luzetta? Blade? Are you guys in here?" His voice was very low, and high-pitched. He noticed that they actually were, after he could finally see. Finally, he stepped into the room, his Mawile following after him. He looked down, smiling fawningly at his Mawile, Oochy.

"Remember Ooch, we need to super very quiet," he reminded the Steel-type. "Wi," his star Pokemon replied.

"Skulking in the room? I didn't really notice," John muttered under his breath, it was barely audible.

"Wait, Abyss is in here?!" John started looking around frantically, pacing on his hooves.
"I've got some C4 packed in secret area we could blow this place sky high," blade suggested as he pulled out the hydra he named Sally. He started cleaning the gun while waiting for the conversation to really start, he really wasn't a started but was one hell of a finisher.
John nodded at Luce, pulling the door shut after him. He flinched at the clicking noise it made when it was shut. And he flinched yet again when Blade pulled out a hydra.

"Do we really need to resort to weapons and violence?" John asked feebly, not even raising his voice from a whisper.

Suddenly, without warning, one of the PokeBalls on a necklace around his neck burst open, shooting out a strand of white light, which formed into the shape of a tiny elephant.

"Py!" The Phanpy, Goma, shrieked excitedly, wanting love and affection. Johnathan quickly covered its mouth with his hand.

"Shush, little one! We don't want to be discovered.." he muttered to the hatchling, voice level and sweet as honey.
"speak for your self, I'll make sure you guys are out, I wanna se the bastards corpse burn," he said in a serious tone as he reloaded the clean gun. He click the chambers shut and slung it over his back, waiting for anyone else to show up or a fight either would be exciting to him.
"Right...okay. On that note, I think we should be getting back to our rooms now. Abyss will be passing in 15 minutes and if we're not gone, well...we will be." Luzetta stated, standing up and ready to leave the room.
"fine by me,"blade says returning his tepig and standing up, he heads to the door ready to leave but stops and listens,"I think I hear voices, but I've been hear so long I'm proudly senile."
"No. I heard them too," Luzetta responded softly, padding lightly to the door and pressing one of her ears to it. The voices were muffled, but she could hear them. Luckily it was only a couple of grunts who thought they heard a noise. When she heard them walk away, she sighed and relayed this to the others.

"That effectively wasted 10 of those 15 minutes." She said, "And I hear Abyss. He's headed this way."
"Well either we bolt for it," blade said,"or we take my way," he said pointing to the drain hole in the floor.
He padded over to it, gave a great tug, and pulled it out and aside.
((Should I go ahead and join in the action now or wait a bit until a better time?))
(ok for now I am just gonna pretend John will b following us(belles character) because other wise we are stuck)
Blade handed each person a flashlight," ok it's a sewer so it is dark and smelly so watch it." he said heading down the ladder,"oh and I will lead you to another room on the opposite side o this building so we are far away from Abyss
(ps Lego maybe you can join us when we get to the other room)
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