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Pokémon Registration Office

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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Chimchar (m) Ability: Blaze
Lapras (f) Ability: Water Absorb
Gastly (m) Ability: Levitate

Link: http://dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=351217&postcount=2171

Well, I did everything you asked me to do. Now is my team approved?

Technically no, because that bank post has to link back to the post I just quoted. As I suggested, actually look at examples that have been approved and see what links to what if you still don't understand what "linking back to the purchase post" means. My post just before yours, for example--I linked to the bank post where it says "Fifty-seven!", and then when you click on that link you will see that the number 150 links back to my original post. That is what you are supposed to do.

And please make a new bank post. The bank staff are going to ignore the one you just linked to because it doesn't follow the rules, and they won't notice that you've edited. If you make a mistake, always make a new post rather than trying to correct the old one.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

[Aqua] Eevee (F) <Run Away> (how could I possibly have forgotten her?)
[Force Majeure] Eevee (M) <Adaptability>
[Die Hand die Verletzt] Shuckle (F) <Gluttony>
[Fisticuffs] Tyrogue (M) <Guts>
[Rhaetulus] Pinsir (M) <Mold Breaker>
[Sanjakubo] Seedot (M) <Chlorophyll>

and a water stone, leaf stone and thunderstone.


Re: Pokémon Registration Office

New party, please.

[Voron] Magnemite (None)
Move Mod: N/A
Body Mod: N/A

[Van Dam] Tyrogue (Male)
Ability: Guts
Move Mod: N/A
Body Mod: N/A

Bank Post
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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

You don't seem to have made a post in the Bank. Your purchase needs to link to the transaction you made.

Also, you need to choose genders and, where applicable, abilities for your Pokemon. I'm assuming you don't want nicknames?

I posted in the bank, they approved my account.


Vulpix- female
ability: flashfire

Evee- female
ability: run away

ability: overgrow

I'm not sure what you mean by applicable...
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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I posted in the bank, they approved my account.

Vulpix- female
ability: blaze

Evee- female
ability: run away

ability: synthesis


I'm not sure what you mean by applicable...

"Applicable" means "where it applies". What she meant was that since some Pokémon can have a choice between two different abilities, you need to make sure that you list the one you want. That situation doesn't apply to Pokémon that can only have one ability, like Chikorita, so technically it isn't necessary to list an ability for a Pokémon like that since everyone already knows what it would be.

Synthesis is not an ability. Chikorita's ability is Overgrow. Vulpix does not get Blaze and its only possible ability is Flash Fire. It doesn't especially matter since those are both one-ability Pokémon and you didn't have to clarify those as mentioned above, but I should probably just go ahead and clear that up now before someone gets confused later. Giving Eevee Run Away is fine, however.

As for the bank--perhaps you should read over the bank's rules again, and look at the examples and explanations Kusarigamaitachi and I gave at the bottom of the last page and at the top of this one. Yes, your account was approved, but all that means is that you have the money--you need to make a new post in the bank to actually spend it. Read the rules again and look at what other people have done, then make a new bank post that details your transaction and links to your team-gaining post in this thread (which should also be a new post).

And by the way, please try not to link to the page a post is on--link to the post by itself. To do this, find the post in question and then click on the little number in its upper-right-hand corner. That will open a new page with only that post, and that's the link you want. It makes things easier for the staff if they don't have to crawl through the entire page of a forum searching for one post.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Okay, sorry about that.

Sorry to drag this on, but when you make a mistake in transactions, you have to post everything over again. Also, the bank post needs to link to the registration office post (which you have done) and vice versa (which you have not).
Re: Pokémon Registration Office


You have to repost in both the bank and this thread after it is rejected in either thread. Now, for example, I have just rejected that post. Now you will have to post once more in this thread. Then you will have to post in the bank. Both of those new posts must link to each other, so you'll have to go back and edit one.

That equation should be in the bank post, and does not need to be in the post in the PRO.

(Far less important note: you're consistently misspelling them which implies it's not a typo (or that you're c/p-ing). It's eevee and chikorita.)
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Trying to get a signature move and attribute for Leaf, the Abra Psymon gave me for my birthday.

Ability: Synchronize
Signature Attribute: Lazy Abra

Leaf, just like any other Abra, spends most of his time sleeping. Leaf, however, would prefer spending all of his time sleeping, therefor being quite unwilling to battle. When Leaf battles, he has a habit of taking everything easy, and, more important, slowly. However, moving slowly also allows Leaf to spare his energy, making him more a durable than a rush fighter.

Effects: Whenever Leaf takes part in a battle, his speed is halved(or, in other words, counts as if it had been lowered by 2 points), meaning that most pokemon will attack before him. However, because he takes battles easily and slowly, his energy is raised by 2% every round. In addition, moved like Taunt, Torment, or other moves that focus on angering the target, have a 30% chance to fail(stacks with other modifiers), even if they should normally succeed.

Ability: Synchronize
Signature Move: Time Shards

Leaf, being an Abra, spends most of his time sleeping- that is, 20 hours a day. Sleeping so much has its effects on Leaf, making him sleepy at any time of the day. When battling, he is extremly slow, something that bothered him and his trainer a little. Therefor, Leaf had trained on creating energy crystals that would be able to slow foes down, effectively helping him stay slow while not putting him in danger. When Leaf uses this attack, he creates energy shards that, should they hit the target, enter their bloodstream and get stuck where muscles are located.

Type: Psychic / Stat: Special / Base Damage: 7% / Accuracy: 95% / Target: One / Energy: 9%

Effects: When Leaf uses this attack, and if it hits the target, it slows the target down 2 actions after the attack has been used. After the effect takes part, the target counts as if it would hold a lagging tail, effectively always attacking last. Attacks like refresh and Rest cannot destroy the Shards, but they automaticly disappear after 5 actions.

Duration: 1 action / Usage Gap: 6 actions

Hope this one will get approved O.O
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Ability: Synchronize
Signature Move: Time Shards

Leaf, being an Abra, spends most of his time sleeping- that is, 20 hours a day. Sleeping so much has its effects on Leaf, making him sleepy at any time of the day. When battling, he is extremly slow, something that bothered him and his trainer a little. Therefor, Leaf had trained on creating energy crystals that would be able to slow foes down, effectively helping him stay slow while not putting him in danger. When Leaf uses this attack, he creates energy shards that, should they hit the target, enter their bloodstream and get stuck where muscles are located.

Type: Psychic / Stat: Special / Base Damage: 7% / Accuracy: 95% / Target: One / Energy: 9%

Effects: When Leaf uses this attack, and if it hits the target, it slows the target down 2 actions after the attack has been used. After the effect takes part, the target counts as if it would hold a lagging tail, effectively always attacking last. Attacks like refresh and Rest cannot destroy the Shards, but they automaticly disappear after 5 actions.

Duration: 1 action / Usage Gap: 6 actions

Hope this one will get approved O.O

Technically your Abra hasn't been approved yet. You have to take Psymon's birthday thread post which links to the initial approval and repost the information in the Registration Office, along with aforemetioned post. And while I'm at it, I may as well point out that Tutu hasn't been approved yet, either. However, I'll point out some stuff for the signature move, anyway.

Wait a minute. The effects disappear after 2 action, but the shards themselves disappear after 5? It's rather unclear there. Do the shards somehow stop working after the initial 2 actions, and stick around for an extra 3 without doing anything? Some clarification for that is needed.
You should also list how long the shards last in the duration note, and up the usage gap to 9 actions.
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