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Pokemon-Return of the shadows


I walk this lonely road
Pokemon: Return of the shadows
Ok if your sign up was approved and as of April 4, 2011 all of them have been, I have the RP thread up so you may begin posting, also if you want to be a cipher executive(like a boss or head honcho) pm me and I will look over you profile(yes you must post one here first). Thank you

Hello I am new site and am starting a RP. This idea/RP may have been done before, but I don't see it on the fist page so I am making my own.

Plot: Many years ago the Cipher Organization tried to take over the Orre region, but in the end they were disbanded. Many years have past and they are doing the same thing again. This time the target was sinnoh, and they have succeeded. In only a few months most of sinnoh had been overrun by the shadows. Only hearthome, Snowpoint, Sunnyshore, and Vielstone are free from te shadows. Each of the gym leaders lead the town where their gym was. The other gym leader teamed up and the remaining pokemon and humans work together to survive. There are still wild pokemon that run free, some of which are shadow pokemon while other are not. Unfortunatly the Elite4 have been taken over and had to join them. Now the time has come to take our Region back, joon together and stop te shadows once and for all. We fight for sinnoh and all the poor pokemon that have thier hearts closed, this is the final push; GIVE IT YOUR ALL!!

OC character form
(Can be human or pokemon)

Species:(human/pokemon species)
Age:(pokemon level)
Bio:(not to long like 3-4 sentences or so)
Appearance:(name unique features for pokemon, and general appearance for human

*these questions are for pokemon only*
-Shiny/nonshiny/special coloration

*These questions are for Human only*
-Pokemon on hand:
-Occupation: (fighter, scientist, guard, etc.)
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Name: Ame
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Bio: Her home region is Hoenn, although since she lives in the city of Mauville, news of the Cipher Organization's takeover of Sinnoh reached her quickly. She feels the need to save Sinnoh because that was where her parents came from, though they don't go there often anymore. Sengo was her first Pokemon, given to her by her father who traveled internationally, and started her journey as a Trainer. Her parents aren't home much, but her Pokemon take care of her when she's home, and in return, she takes care of them. Now she's headed off to Sinnoh to help fight for the region.
Appearance: Ame is shorter than average for a 14-year-old; she's just under five feet tall (she can be sensitive about this). However, she has a slim build. Her hair is long and golden-brown. Usually she wears warm clothes, often colored light blue, which is her favorite. Her favorite outfit consists of a sky blue long-sleeved shirt, leggings of a slightly darker color, and grayish hiking shoes. She also carries a dark, slate-blueish bag that contains her Poke Balls and other items.
Pokemon on hand:
[Sengo] Zangoose (M)
[Hanabi] Magmar (F)
[Rie] Milotic (F)
[Edward] Braviary (M)
Occupation: A Pokemon trainer, though she likes to help out at the daycare sometimes.
How many characters can we have?

Name: Yaru
Gender: Female
Species: Pokemon/Vigoroth
Age: Twenty-eight
Bio: Born into a clan of the Slakoth evolution line, she was the omega of the clan, at the very bottom of the ranks, and was abused often. She became aggressive as a way to fight off her attackers, and often cheered herself up by wandering off alone into the deepest parts of the forest. One day when after she had been attacked, the Cipher Organization had taken over and capture most of her family. She and a couple of her clanmates were left, though they parted seperate ways.
Appearance: For some reason she was born with black fur, which made her picked on and abused by her fellow clanmates. But other than that, she looks like a normal Vigoroth.
Shadow/nonshadow: Nonshadow
Shiny/nonshiny/special coloration: Black fur instead of white.
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I will say 2 characters, preferable not two trainers unless you are sure you can remember both pokmon sets and who is who's. Oh and you are accepted also
Name: Luzetta "Luce" Martel
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Bio: Luzetta is a sly, cunning girl who knows what she wants, and has the ways and means to get it. She is not opposed to using her feminine charms to get what she wants. She usually has a plan, even in situations that seem as if there is no time to plan at all. If anyone tries to steal from this thief, she'll very likely deck them.
Appearance: She stands at around 5'07" with white-blond, wavy hair and bright, electric/neon blue eyes. She usually wears a black body suit (sort of like a track suit) and a black cloak held together with a ruby and gold broach. She is usually seen with her Volcarona hovering around her head.
Pokemon on hand:
Volcarona [Volcarona] Embraea (F)
Sneasel [Sneasel] Bandit (F)
Archeops [Archeops] Skree (M)
Jolteon [Jolteon] Voltali (F)

Occupation: Thief

Is this alright?
Name: Shadow
Gender: male
Species: Pokemon/Houndoom
Age: 23
Bio: Born into a houndoom clan within the Unova region, his fahers betray brough great pain on him. The clan murder his mom in front of him and he was outcasted from his clan and left for dead after being tortured and having his left eye cut out. He ran away to the sinnoh region and was captured and trained by flint's daughter, Raven. His trainer realized he was different and trained him to learn 2 moves no normal houndoom can use, Shadow force and Perish song. Though he had great strength there were side effects, both attacks cost lots of power and cost him the eyesight of his right eye. He has never used them again and learned to see using aura from his friend, Jax the lucario, Maylene's pokemon. After the Cipher Organization attacked, he was separated from Raven and has since lived at Lake Valor. (ok I just want to say that he is not all power full and great, he is blind but can see a short distance using aura sight, his energy levels are low due to the 2 special moves, he will only use shadow force to escape and perish song as last resort, he is a healer not a fighter and will stay aside during fights till something happens)

Appearance: Is a normal houndoom but, fur is silver; bones and horns are red; muzzle, tip if tail, belly, and paws are dark blue, he is missing left eye and right is hazed over red from blindness.

Shadow/nonshadow: nonshdow:
Shiny/normal/special coloration: special coloration(see appearance)
I want to get about 10 characters in all so maybe 5 more characters and I will start. I want to make sure people will like this so I don't put up a thread that will die very quick.
Name: Heavyfire
Gender: Male
Species: Heatmor
Age: 32
Bio: Heavyfire had always had a distaste for humans, but especially those antagonist groups. He thinks that Cipher and Plasma are especially weird and confusing - humans just don't always respect nature like they're supposed to. Heavyfire's never had a human Trainer, apart from an encounter about a year ago. There was an 11-year-old Trainer trespassing on his territory, and he decided to teach a lesson to her Serperior for crossing the boundary. In the end, the Serperior and its trainer apologized, but they really shouldn't have been so absorbed in their own affairs that they didn't notice the scratch marks he had left in the ground and trees.
Appearance: Heavyfire doesn't have many unique features, except he has abnormally large hands and feet.
Color: Shiny
Shadow: No
I finished my post, and here's my second character.

Name: Jano
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Bio: Born and raised in the Sinnoh region, he was greatly effected by the Cipher Organization's takeover. His parents were both member of the organization, and even though they honestly thought what they were doing was right, Jano just knew that something was wrong. Thus he has started fighting against Cipher, despite his parents' disapproval.
Appearance: Jano has been described as a very 'homely' looking young man, with side-spaced brown eyes and short brown hair. He's a little overweight, and seems to walk with a slight waddle. He's very pale and has tons of freckles all over his body. He wears a black tank-top, and, though a bit odd, a pink floral-patterned kilt.
Pokemon on hand:
Kecleon Kaku, female
Absol Rarity, female
Granbull Rochester, male
Occupation: Student at the Pokemon School, training to become a Ranger
Name: Davey
Gender: Male
Species: Beautifly
Bio: Owned by a trainer who was otherwise very abusive, Davey was somehow the "favorite." Where the others got neglect and beatings, Davey got attention and affection, possibly because of his unique features. Whatever the reason, his trainer was killed, and he was left on his own to wander with the other pokemon that survived the loss of their trainer...
Appearance: He looks rather pristine. His eyes are an amber color rather than blue.

-Shadow; Knows Shadow Down, Shadow Rush, and Shadow Half.
-Shiny/nonshiny/special coloration: His amber eyes.
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