Kung Fu Ferret
The Sultan
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- he/him/his
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I am a bit disappointed that there aren't any new fossils.
The Hawaiian islands are volcanic and only formed a few million years ago. It's not impossible for there to be fossils of some kind, but you're not going to see any extinct dinosaurs or mammoths or anything there. Considering how much attention they're paying to things like Hawaiian culture and actual invasive species, it would've been weird if there were native fossils.
I was quite worried when I first saw the design for Incineroar. When it finally got to Bulbapedia, I was like "Yay, it's not Fighting!"
I do know that Salazzle has a 100% chance of being female, and the starters have their typical 7:1 male to female ratio, but that's all I've managed to uncover.Does anyone know where I can find gender ratio information for the pokémon in Sun/Moon (including leaks)? I've seen plenty of posts of stats, learnsets, evo data, but I'm looking specifically for info on the gender ratio. For example, I'm guessing that the legendaries and ultra beasts are all genderless, and probably Magearna? Minior and dhelmise are probably genderless? Is the bounsweet line all female? And so on.
This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks.This Google Doc has the gender ratios in addition to pretty much everything else.
Sooo, now that the lucky among you are going to be getting the game in a few hours' time (or perhaps already have the game, if you found a less-than-legal download), what are your plans? Have you got your team all worked out yet, or are you planning to make something up as you go along? Want to use a bunch of new pokémon, or take advantage of all the older goodies they stuffed into the Alola 'dex? (Seriously, we have HOW many fossils and pseudo-legendaries??)
I'm not going to get my copy until Saturday, since I hemmed and hawed over preordering for so long that it eventually became moot, so I'll go in for my free card and poster instead.
As usual I want to make a team with as many new 'mons as possible. This is what I'm looking at:
(Midday) Lycanroc
Golisopod's spot is kind of a free space. I like the design quite a bit, but I might end up going with silvally there instead, depending on how/when we end up getting ahold of it in-game. Drampa's another possibility, if I can get a trade for it in a reasonable amount of time. Vikavolt's another possibility, and something that I imagine's going to be in my party all throughout the early game at least.
And then, of course, there's my one concession to past generations... The most fabulous of all Alola forms... Indeed, probably the most fabulous of all pokémon...
All in all I think this looks like a fun, balanced team to play. It's unfortunate that Spoopy Sandcastle and Fantastic Hair overlap types, but Spoopy Sandcastle and Fantastic Hair are kind of the most important members of the team, so nothing I can really do about that.