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Polish President Lech Kaczynski dies in plane crash

Haha, yup. Everyone else is going to the State of the Union and the SoA has to stay away in case of emergency. He's a bit "o.O" about it, actually.

One cabinet secretary has to stay away from the Capitol in case the building and all major government officials are blown away at one time. The Secretary of Agriculture is picked. The President has him come to the White House and as he leaves, he tells him:
"If anything happens... You got a best friend?"
"Yes, sir."
"Is he smarter than you?"
"Yes sir."
"Would you trust him with your life?"
"Yes sir."
"That's your chief of staff."

(I only posted this because I totally ship the President with his CoS)
It's like in Battlestar Galactica when the Secretary of Education ends up being the President! [because everyone more important than her dies.]
That's actually exactly what they do, in American politics. Whenever they have things such as the State of the Union or similar get togethers, one of the "not so important people" will be chosen to stay behind in case of a major catastrophe. I'm assuming that's what they do in Poland as well.

And yes, to be quite frank, the chances of Air Force One crashing are incredibly slim. Almost non-existent. Not only is it kept in the tip top condition at all times and the most perfect, turbulence-free routes always chosen to fly through, you also need about eight types of the highest kind of clearance to get within a mile of the thing.
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