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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Pony ride, anyone?


New member
Nah, seriously, I'm jokin'. I don't mess wiv people what might be underage. Not too much, anyway. Seems like most people here might be underage, so I'll be good. I'll only disturb ya a little, and I guarantee that you won't get very many of my jokes.

I'm ponyboy, an' I'm about as friendly as can be. No, not that friendly. I push buttons when I fink it's funny, and the entirety of my posts could be thought of as 'in character'. Yeah, I post like this in Gaia too. What of it?

Nah, I'm not a 'fur'. I don't engage in dressin' up like my character. There are some fings that even I find over the top. Dressin up an' runnin' around as a centaur wiv an entirely inappropriate sense of 'umour is somefin' I draw the line at.

Lastly, I ain't gonna post too often. Leastways, I dun expect to. I'm more of a... point an' laugh person, than someone what posts to keep the flames burnin' bright. I ain't been driven out of a place wiv pitchforks and torches yet, an' I intend to keep that record.

Yeah, I know I got bad grammar. It's, whatchcallit, deliberate. You dun' think someone could mash grammar this badly wivout knowin' what they're doin', do ya? Well, yeah, they could, but this time i's deliberate. Trust me on this.
Yeah? S'pose so. Looks like some people 'ere might be ole enuff to appreciate my 'umour. Not that I'm gonna be able ta break it out too often, I reckon.

So. 'Oo are ya, an' what d'ya fink of this place? Too uptight, I reckon so far. So busy bein' mature that they ain't got time fer a dirty joke or two. Or a dirty jokester. Or an amusin' accent.

Ah! I take it back. A tiggy replied while I was replyin'.
Welcome to TCoD. I am Dewgong. Call me Dewgong.

I can't exactly say I'm old enough to appreciate your humor, but I would appreciate it if you gave me some sort of an example of it. Ignore my age, it doesn't matter, you can't see it anyway.

I enjoy your accent, by the way.

Pony ride, eh? Shame you're not a ponygirl, or we could have some fun together, you and me...
I, am a ponygirl. (Well not really, but any excuse to have fun with you I have to take.)
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