It seems to me that you're just afraid that if you don't act as God's Yes-Man, then you won't get to go to the land of lollipop trees and soda pop rivers where all the "righteous" get to praise this self-centered maniac for all of eternity. I stress righteous because I just don't get how those adorable racist grandmothers would be able to go to heaven even though it's just "aww" inspiring to hear them make sweet prejudice comments about Native Americans. However, let me ask you this. Are you sure you want to live forever? You can't stop, you have to keep going. Do you think that's fair at all that you have to do the same thing while those that defended homosexuality will keep on burning and will never be forgiven by the so-called "All-Merciful"? In fact, why live forever? I finally became full-fledged atheist after I became convinced that life just ending for me at around 80 would be fine.
How did this become a religious debate? O.o
Well, we can stop it right here by me firmly stating that, if there is a creature out there with immense power to the point where it would be seen as a deity in our eyes, I HIGHLY doubt it gives a crap about what we do, as long as we don't go and irritate it (as in, if we found it and started prodding it to find out what makes it tick, THEN it would care about us. Care about killing us until we left it alone... O.o Actually, that would probably mean the end of religion as we know it o.O)
Anyways, the reason why I think virginity is so sacred... *sighs* Well, I have had more time to think about it (never thought about it that much before, so the best argument I had was that I was always told it was sacred, and it became a part of me), well... The first of almost anything can be special. Sure, the first fuck may not be special to some people, just like how the first, say, job is not special to many people. But there is still a percentage of the population that believes the first whatever is special, and should be cherished, making them want the moment to be perfect. (Ok, first job was a bad comparison, but I can't really think of many things v.v)
I am not, and never will be, one of those idiots that thinks that they will go to hell because they decided to give up their virginity before marriage. Like I said before, I just think after marriage is the most likely time that I would consider perfect. I could change my mind tomorrow very easily, and just say, "fuck it, the time is perfect now". It doesn't matter WHEN I think it is the perfect time. What matters is WHY virginity is so important to me. I can tell you now, if there was irrefutable proof that I was going to die in, say, a week, well, I would not remain a virgin for very long, because at that moment, I would think that it would be the perfect time. Hey, no time is more special than when you are about to die XD
Aurora King said:
May I ask why you're even in this thread if that's the attitude you're going to have? Debating is not shoving your fingers in your ears and going "I CAN'T HEAR YOU YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE WHAT I THINK"
I hope that was directed at Alexi, because I just said that I am not going to be taking that way out. If you guys can find something that changes my way of thinking, well, unlike a moron, I would actually go, "Hey, that makes sense! Alright, you have changed my mind". With the one post where I said it wouldn't be easy to change my mind, well, that was what I exactly meant. It wouldn't be easy. It is possible, just not easy. Understand?
Eevee said:
Sex is not special.
People are special.
Ok, that is bullshit. What makes each person special, beyond having different strands of DNA? If you mean that people can be special, then I agree. If you mean everybody is special automatically, then I would like to ask you what makes us all special, because the church says the same thing, and all they can come up with is that some deity that they never met and probably never will because it either doesn't give a crap about us or else is non-existent said so