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Rate The Video Game Song Above!

Definitely one of the best in that game. It's a bit repetitive, but what video game songs aren't?
Let's go for a little more Wind Waker with Song of Storms (Brawl version).
I don't like FF music for the same reason Blazing do not like MMORPG music, That said, I do like Dancing Mad and and the Seymour Battle song. But don't dare to mention One Winged Angel, that song is overrated beyond what is possible.
I dunno, what's that reason? Also, One Winged Angel is teh shit :/

@Blaze: A bit boring, but beautiful song. 9/10

A really cool song played during a certain kind of battle in the game, which has been with the series forever.
Nowadays overrated just seems like a word thrown out as just a lame excuse to jump onto the "Anti-*insert game, series, or character here*" bandwagon, and when someone either doesn't want to, or can't give any good reasons as to why they don't like it. I'm not jamming on anybody in particular, but if you're gonna say you don't like something, you should at least try to give a good reason or two as to why you don't. I've seen it all too much on the GameFAQs boards, with people even saying things like "FFVII is complete sh1t because it's teh p0pularz!". And yes, I know I'm probably overreacting, but it's the truth, overrated really is just thrown out as a lame excuse not to like something these days, plus, I've been wanting to get this off my back for weeks (Can't really rant at GameFAQs, since it just gets you modded for trolling and flaming, even if it's for a game, and not a person). In retrospect, I suppose one COULD say that the word 'overrated' is overrated xD

And as a side note; The FFVII compilation is a perfectly fine series. The only bone I really have to pick with it was the crap battle system that was in Crisis Core; I don't want to have a chance at levelling up, I want to actually know I'm gonna level up for sure. I also probably like Cloud and Sephiroth for completely different reasons than most people, but that's a different story...

Anways, sorry about the wall of text. At least it's coherent!

@Erif's song; 7/10, it wasn't my favorite battle theme in the game.

This was
Keen-edged Blade - Tales of Symphonia

It was also an unused track in the ToSKoR OST. It plays during normal battles in the final dungeon, Derris-Kharlan.
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/owned. Agreed is every way possible.

I don't remember that song. D= Ayway, it was cool, kinda boring though. I like the Spirit's battle better.

The Moon
7/10 It was okay. Not really much else I can say about it.

Between Life and Death - Chrono Cross

The main boss theme from Chrono Cross, another of my favorites. Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda. It also plays in the prologue. Honestly, the PSX and SNES/SFC were the golden era of RPGs... Nowadays, RPGs just lack the same charm, and aren't as classic or even as good as something like, say Seiken Densetsu 3, or Suikoden II.
I actually really like that song now oAo 9/10 is all the music from that game that pretty?

hmmm... let's see... Dunno if this has been posted but I'm too lazy to check *flail*

Mirror B Battle Theme from XD. I love this one x3;
6/10 Too derivative and too many clashes with the synth drums.

That's really the point of Boomer Kuwanger's theme. It goes with his personality. If you've heard Gravity Beetle's theme in X3, it sounds just a little bit like Boomer's theme. Although it sounds a hell of a lot better in Irregular Hunter X.

@Male Gardevoire's song: 8/10, Nice song. Don't have much to say about it though.

Subterranean Base; Launcher Octopuld Stage - Rockman Irregular Hunter X/Maverick Hunter X (PSP)

Despite being so much easier than the original, Irregular Hunter is right up there with Rockman Rockman, REmake, Tales of Phantasia FVE, and Tales of Destiny Remake as the greatest remakes ever made. And Vile Mode is fucking. Awesome. I just hated how it retconned the other 4 X games in the series (Which is I don't consider the remake to be canon... Seriously, becoming Maverick is a choice? I think it's better off being a virus.)
Completely rocking.

Naming Friends - MOTHER 3
Here I go on my MOTHER 3 rage again, but MOTHER 3 is the best game ever made. This song, as obviously stated, plays in any of the naming screens and puts you in a perfect mood for naming one of your friends.
8/10. I always have a hard time naming my characters though, no matter what mood I'm in.

Getting my Rockman on still, but of course, this guy here calling himself Blazing Hearts plays every single game religiously, and has ever since his very first game was Mega Man 7;

Repliforce Air Base; The Skiver/Spiral Pegacion Stage - Mega Man X5

Stage of the only remnants left of the Repliforce from Mega Man X4. But of course, Everything there's gone Maverick... It's kinda sad really, that when you get to the boss, The Skiver is barely able to stay sane, but then the virus takes over his mind, turning him full Maverick, forcing you to fight him when X/Zero didn't want to fight him =/ Skiver shared the same sentiments. DAMN J00 SIGMA, THE BADDLE HAZ JUSD BEGUNNN
As said, there's no song that's not awesome from Megaman X.

Dr. Light's Theme - megaman X
This is my second favourite track of Megaman X, after Boomer Kuwanger, the second I heard this track I stood nearly gaping, filled with a feeling of awe and sadness.
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