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In defense of students everywhere (or, rather, myself), I have to say that, yes, the microwave and such makes everything soggy and/or plasticy, but it's fast, and when your kitchen's temperature is actually below freezing, you want to spend as little time there as possible.

I'm not saying anything against people who cook things quick when there's a pressing reason to, I'm just saddened that its come to a point where people have to be informed that there's a way to poach an egg other than an egg poacher, especially when I live in a country where (and yes, I checked this) no one I asked knew any other way to poach an egg other than this "trick" goldenquagsire picked up.
Yet Another Spaghetti Bolognaise Recipie:
-One package of ground beef
-A buillon (sp?) cube
-A handful of flour
-Half a sweet onion
-One small can of tomato paste
-One small can of tomato sauce
-One can of diced tomatoes
-Itallian seasoning

1. Chop up the onion
1. Toss in the beef and onion, cook the ground beef until brown
2. Dissolve a buillion cube in a glass/mug of boiling water
3. Sprinkle the flour on the beef and add the buillion.
4. Stir for about a minute and add all the tomatoes. Season as needed.
5. Let it sit for at least half an hour, add water if it dries out too much.
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Berry Smoothshake

- 1 bag of frozen mixed berries (feel free to use fresh if you can
- 3 scoops vanilla ice cream
- 1/2 to 1 cup berry juice (feel free to use other flavors, but berry is best to start out)
- 1 container mixed berry yogurt (again, other flavors work
- (optional) Sugar

Put the berries and ice cream into a blender until everything is in one liquid. Next, mix in the juice and yougurt, after that is fully mixed in, blend to your favorite thickness. Taste it. If it's too tart for your taste, then pinch in sugar to taste.

This is really good, I have it all the time. I could give you the recipe for the most amazing cookies ever, but then the secret will be revealed.
Curry Sauce

-Curry Powder

Fire up the stove with two or three tablespoons of butter in a saucepot. Add a tablespoon of flour and stir extremely well (preferably with a whisk) to break up the chunks that form. Add 2 tablespoons of curry powder and keep stirring. Before it burns, add a cup of milk. Keep stirring to make sure the flour/butter/curry distributes. The object here it to make the sugars in the milk caramelize, which will take over half an hour. It is during this time that you're free (when not stirring) to do things like chop up the onions, carrots and meat. This is where you personalize it, since you can use any meat you want and add any other ingredients you wish. I put in jalapenos and various spices such as paprika, cayenne pepper and Cholula hot sauce. Also more curry powder, if I think the flavor isn't strong enough. Eventually, the mixture will gain a yellow/brown-ish color and a goopy consistency. This is the caramelization I mentioned, so it's just about done at that point. You can put it on white rice, but I won't judge you if you get creative.
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Orange Pie

Materials required:

Mandarin oranges
Orange Jello
Cool Whip
Pie crust (preferably Oreo flavored)

Combine Jello, oranges, and Cool Whip until the mixture resembles an orange goo. Pour orange mixture into pie crust and let set in the freezer overnight. Add dark chocolate shavings on top for decor, if desired.
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Something less of a thing to regularly drink, but more like helping fevers.

- Ginger
- Green Onions
- Water

Basically, just chop the ginger and onions into small pieces (not too much of it, though) and put it into the water. Then boil the water, sort of like how you would make tea with leaves. To make it slightly sweeter, add sugar (brown preferred, but white works) or honey. That's it.

It's sort of spicy and sweet at the same time, but it's not bad. It helps fevers and sore throats though. You don't have to eat the ginger or onion pieces, to anyone who was wondering.
How to make ice for real:
Put water in the freezer.

How to make water:
Put ice in the microwave.

simple, right
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