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Religious Guy + Pokemon = This

I summon evil spirit Pikachu! Go, use demonic storm powers(Thunder) to smite my enemies.Now, demonmouse, fetch my 44 so I can "pump" some kids to steal thier cards! Excellent, now, my familiar, return to your spherical realm so I may worship the Almighty, Jigglypuff! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:evil:

Seriously, this guy is an effing idiot! Sorry, guy, but you are.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IF this were real, me and my uber Charizard would be killing YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, but that is what would happen;my Charizard commands it. SAVE ME ALMIGHTY JIGGLYPUFF!
Since dragons are, by some christians, devil beasts, I'd just love to see this guy's reactions to my three uber Charizards.
I think my face only made two expressions throughout the entire video. o.o and ._. So apparently I'm going to hell for playing Pokemon. Sweet =P. I think the sad thing is the fact people willingly attended that...And some people seem to be seriously listening... ._.
Why, oh why dear God did they display a picture of Jigglypuff when he was talking about demons. A Gyrados or Golem would have made more sense but, no, a Jugglypuff seemed more threatening. *Laugh of the century*
Honestly, some people are just plain dumb. As some comments said, this is olny ONE christan's opinon NOT all of ours...

Lemme explain he said you CANT GET SAVED my faimly and church belives anyone can get saved and we also think jigglypuff is not the devil.

Remind me, in which Pokémon game do you go around shooting people and "going into the streets and blowing each other away and blowing each other up herp de durf"?

Incidentally it was great when he was going on about Satan and Jigglypuff popped up. Less so when it showed people in the audience nodding, presumably not thinking "yup, this guy's an idiot" as they did so.
Remind me, in which Pokémon game do you go around shooting people and "going into the streets and blowing each other away and blowing each other up herp de durf"?

GPA Bidoof andreas. XD

Ah, just watched this. *shakes head* There are worse things out there to be ranting about than pokemon...
Gods, I hate the stupid. This person is... sad. A very very sad little man. Pokemon as Familiars... I mean, come on, what in the name of all Lords above and Below was he thinking?
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