Round 5
RespectTheBlade (OoO)


Orion (♂) /
Hatsya (♀)
Health: 69% /
Energy: 69% /
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Synchronize
Status: Special Attack +2. Special Defense +2.
Condition: Preferring the ground /
Feeling proud of herself for helping out.
Commands: Thunderbolt ~ Encore ~ Thunderbolt
Dar (OOO)

Argentavis (♂)
Health: 48%
Energy: 57%
Type: Rock/Flying
Ability: Rock Head
Status: Moderately paralyzed (15% chance of full paralysis).
Condition: More confident now that he’s back in the air
Commands: Iron Tail/Hone Claws ~ Mimic (Thunder Wave)/ Hone Claws ~ Iron Tail/Mimic (Thunder Wave)
The next round began as Orion nodded in thanks to Hatsya for her rescue last round. Now, it was time to take advantage of being back on the ground, and mobile once again. A little bit of focus was all it took for the ends of her hands to charge with electricity, just as they had several times already this battle. And, just as familiarly, it only took a few seconds before the Kirlia released his bolt of lightning towards his airborne foe.
Argentavis let out a sharp cry as the Thunderbolt hit his snout squarely and painful electricity coursed through his body for the umpteenth time this battle. The Aerodactyl was thrown backwards by the Electric attack – he was getting very tired of these by now – and, before long, began to fall ungracefully from the air.
Somehow, though, despite the attack’s unreasonably high power and the extra sparks settling back in his wings to complement those that were still there from the Thunder Wave he took earlier, Argentavis managed to catch himself and swoop into a wobbly flight just centimeters above the ground. With effort, the Aerodactyl lifted himself up just a little bit higher, and rushed straight towards Orion, trying to catch the Kirlia off guard.
Orion would never let himself be caught off guard, though. As his opponent approached, tail turning metallic like before, the Kirlia ducked out of the way as elegantly as could be expected. Argentavis screeched in frustration as he returned to his side of the battlefield. Nothing was going his way this battle – he was paralyzed, almost all of his attacks had been thwarted in some way or another, and there was this Arceus-forsaken paralysis that he just couldn’t get rid of. Maybe copying his opponent’s tactics would be the key to victory here.
With that in mind, though still furious, Argentavis closed his eyes and tried to remember how his opponent paralyzed him in the first place. It was a...thunder wave, wasn’t it? Yeah, he could do that, especially with all the static electricity inside him. Wouldn’t be any trouble at all, he was sure.
The Aerodactyl opened his eyes to see Orion halfway closer than he’d expected, cheering like a cheerleader for him. For perhaps the first time this battle, Orion gave Argentavis a genuine smile, and began to speak. A few sentences later, this time barely loud enough for the audience to hear (they didn’t speak Pokémon, though. They still had no idea what was being said), Argentavis was thoroughly convinced that his opponent was trying to help him out because he’d fallen so far behind, and that he was on the right track.
No sooner had Orion finished filling his opponent’s ears with enticing nonsense, then he quickly hopped backwards and shot another bolt of electricity at the Aerodactyl. Argentavis screeched again in pain - his injuries were quite visible by now - but he was still dead set on this idea. Maybe he could try to copy his opponent’s other attacks - Thunderbolt, maybe? That had certainly been getting Orion enough mileage this battle. But when Argentavis tried to remember the attack, he drew a blank. No, that wasn’t quite right. He just couldn’t remember how the attack worked. The Aerodactyl was still lost in thought trying to overcome his opponent’s strategy as Orion calmly walked back to the side of his awed teammate and the round drew to a close
End of Round 5
RespectTheBlade (OoO)


Orion (♂) /
Hatsya (♀)
Health: 69% /
Energy: 55% /
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Synchronize
Status: Special Attack +2. Special Defense +2.
Condition: Preferring the ground /
Orion is starting to become a role model.
Actions: Thunderbolt (critical hit) ~ Encore ~ Thunderbolt
Dar (OOO)

Argentavis (♂)
Health: 13% (Capped)
Energy: 49%
Type: Rock/Flying
Ability: Rock Head
Status: Severely paralyzed (25% chance of full paralysis). Mimic has been replaced by Thunder Wave. Encored into Mimic (2 more actions)
Condition: More confident now that he’s back in the air
Actions:Iron Tail (missed) ~ Mimic (Thunder Wave) ~ Mimic (failed)
Referee Notes
~Orion’s first thunderbolt not only was a critical hit, but it also hit its paralysis check, thus renewing Argentais’s paralysis from the top.
~Argentavis’s first Iron Tail missed. Again. Y’know, there was a RNG temple opened just recently in ASB central.
~Argentavis’s subsequent uses of Mimic failed without taking energy, due to the nature of Mimic.
~RespectTheBlade commands first next round.