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Riddle School and Riddle Transfer is AWESOME!


loves terra "brain cells? idk her" kingdomhearts

Riddle school is the journey that every student wants- To escape school! This link shows the third of riddle school, which i think is better than the first two, but the whole five part series is awesome, with the new one riddle transfer. 1, 2, and 3 are where Phil eggtree escapes school, the fourth is an april fools joke, but is significant to the 5th one, where phil is on a space ship and has to kill his friends from wihtin their dreams.

Riddle trnasfer shows them returning to earth, but are captured by Zone 5.1.

Play it for yourself!
Was this the game where you had to bribe the fat kid to get off the stairs with a chocolate bar, but you needed a dollar to buy him a bar from the vending machine? So you had to go through the most convoluted quest ever to get him money?
Yeah! I loved the music in... Riddle School 3 I think.

I played through all the way to 5. I was unaware there was a Riddle Transfer... should check that out.
link is broken

it is? Well, you can go on newgrounds and type riddle school or riddle transfer

Was this the game where you had to bribe the fat kid to get off the stairs with a chocolate bar, but you needed a dollar to buy him a bar from the vending machine? So you had to go through the most convoluted quest ever to get him money?

first two games you had to get a cookie, the 3rd you get pudding.

Yeah! I loved the music in... Riddle School 3 I think.

I played through all the way to 5. I was unaware there was a Riddle Transfer... should check that out.

yeah, it came out like a couple months ago. did you play through riddle school 3 twice without refreshing? =P
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