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Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Evoli: Accepted.

DarkArmour: You mean, like a boss-type character to fight? Sure. I don't know if I can allow Master Hand or Tabuu as regular characters (They're pretty overpowered), but if you'd like to play Ridley, that's fine.
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

oh. What if I had Tabuu without his wings and slightly less strong? Or I could settle for DarkSamus. Anyway, i'll decide by tommorow. Maybe i'll pick the doctor. he'd be. different.
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Yeah, as long as you depower him a bit and don't godmode, I'll accept it.

DarkArmour: Accepted, just be careful. :D
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Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Name: Bara (Last name unknown)
Gender: female
Age: 1029
Species: Ghost (Of the human variety.)
Series: Pokémon (Forgiven character.)
Hero or Villain?: Hero
Appearance: Her black hair is up in a bun and she has brown eyes. She wears a indgo yukata with roses on it and a red obi.
Bio: *SPOILERS FOR FORGIVEN* Bara was born 1002 years ago. She had two siblings, her twin brother, Keshi (Before you say anything, symbolism.) and younger sister, Rinkei. Her parents died in the Splitting of the Islands. For reasons she cares not to disclose, she, with her brother, were murdered by Rinkei at the age of 27. She became a Shadow, a type of ghost that must possess to live and remanded so for 1001 years. After giving up her host willingly, she was allowed to become a ghost without disappearing. Due to dieing a violent death, she was given the ability to shapeshift. In fact, her form is one. Her real form is a lot more... terrifying. She also throws knives to fight.
Personality: She's quite motherly, almost to the point of nagging. She is good at reading people and understands most villains better than most people. She's also a relatively good cook.
Suggestions!: Instead of just Johto, why not all of the regions?
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Ketsu: Accepted.

And yes, I'm making a point to merge individual areas into their larger worlds (like Johto into the Pokemon world, Wily's Castle into Megaman world, etc)
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Holy moly, this was suggested yesterday and it's already gained so much speed!

Name: Mecha Sonic
Series: Sonic
Hero or Villain?: Villain
Personality: He's a ruthless, cold-blooded killing machine who takes joy in proving his power by any means necessary
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Name: Manfred von Karma
Series: Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney
Hero or Villain?: Villian
Personality: Very much a perfectionist, arrogant
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Name: Martin 'Marty' Harry Moonbeam Stewartson
Gender: Male

Age: 13
Species: Human
Series: Harry Potter
Hero or Villain?: Hero
Appearance: Thomas had bright green eyes, but in the accident that gave him his ultimate magic powers, they turned an icy blue. He has black hair and wears glasses.
Bio: Thomas was born during a solar eclipse, and a shining moonbeam hit his forehead and left a crescent-moon shaped scar there. In his first year at Hogwarts, a Potions accident caused his eyes to turn blue and gave him his ultimate magic power. He is a master of magic, and is actually a tutor at Hogwarts.

Personality: Kind and considerate, Thomas loves all living things. He has many friends, and is extremely likeable.


Name: Kirby
Series: Kirby (duh)

Hero or Villain?: Hero
Personality: Kirby is bright and affectionate, curious and bubbly. Pretty much like normal Kirby.
Other: He'd probably like FMC's character.
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Name: Ibiku
Gender: Female
Age: 138 human years
Species: Mightyena
Series: Pokemon
Hero or Villain?: Hero
Appearance: Just like any other mightyena except that her tail is slighty different and her fur is an aqua blue. (Check my avie for what I mean)
Bio: None. She's just an oddly colored Mightyena version of myself. ^.^;;;;
Personality: Usualy very happy-go-lucky and wierd, but can be moody and self contained. Somewhat random, but when times call for it she will show her seriouse and intelectual side. Very quirky and loves attention.
Other: Can use transform to turn into other pokemon, but only other pokemon.
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Blastoise428: Dear sweet buttery Jesus NOOOOOO!

Accepted. :P

Ibiku: Accepted
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

If you're taking suggestions still, which you probably aren't but worth a shot, Draenor. from Warcraft as well. Or Outland, the remnants of Draenor. They're accesible from Azeroth, though, so I don't know.

I accidentally spelled my own character's name wrong somehow. I've fixed it now, please correct it. Just add an 's' to the end of his first name.
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Ok...FMC has directed me here..and upon looking at her character, I'm going to use my OC Ming. Whom is this "Sister" Kate runs a farm with.


Name: Ming-Yue Ryuu / Mercy
Gender: Female
Age: 33
Species: Human / Homunculus of sorts
Series: FMA...kinda.
Hero or Villain?: Hero of sorts

Appearance: She has long ink black hair, tied back into two ponies that resemble bunny ears to some. She has piercing purple eyes and a angular face with rose colored lips. She stands at about 5' 8'', wearing a black wife beater under a long midnight blue trench coat, old beaten jeans and steel toed boots. On her right arm is a tattoo that looks like a stylized bow and arrow, and her left arm is made of metal as well as half her torso. At her side is a sword given o her by her father that she wears 24/7. She is Xing, as well as her parents.

In her Mercy form, her ponies stick out at the side of her head that curl at the ends, giving her a childish appearance. Her outfit is changed dramatically in this form. Her chest is covered with what looks like a pair of feather wings, her belly is exposed, but her waist is covered with what looks like white panties with a belt and a long puffy tail of feathers. On her back is a pair of wings that she uses to fly. She also has pale blue boots that come up to her knees, his mini wings ordainment on the heels. On her head is a helmet that looks vaguely like a cranes head with it's 'beak' curling over her face. On the sides of the helmet is what looks like a eyes. You could almost belief they can move.

Bio: She was born in a nice house in Xing, living there for abut two years before her family consisting of her mother, father, two older brother and her twin fled the country for...reasons you don't need to know as of yet. They fled into a tiny mountain town in Amestria, where they settled down at began a new life. No sooner had they stepped into the town did Ming find a friend named Kate. For ten years Ming has lived a happy life, until one night when she was sleeping at Kate's place, her house burned down and claimed the life of her family. Orphaned by that night, she was adopted by Kate's family and was raised a few more years before they too died, leaving Ming, Kate and Kate's little sister Mary orphaned. They spent years in Kate's house, making strong friendships with the towns people. Along the way, Ming met a boy named Ray Hawkfell whom she developed a crush for. Sadly, he died when he was trying to help Ming get her foot free from the train tracks. He only had time to push her out of the way before the train hit him. Her and hr sister decided to try to bring back both Mary and Ray, but failed. Ming lost her entire left arm, the skin and flesh over the left side of her chest and a few rib bones. Her body was mended with Automail that stretched from her collar bone to her hip. Her and her sister went into hiding and tried to find a place to start anew, developing their Alchemy along the way. At the age of 19, she joined the military with her sister and was given the name 'Moonstruck'. Her field of alchemy was the ability to create illusions and attacks one's mind, forcing them to bend to her will. The name Moonstruck was given to her for her alchemy skills, and the fact people thought she was nuttier than a fruit cake.

She left the military with her sister, branded as a traitor and was hunted down by Pride. She was the first to die, by her sister revived her with a Ishbalan ritual they learned in Ishbal. In turn, she revived her sister when she too was slain. Though she was no longer dead, she was branded as one of the soldiers of The gate of light, given the name Mercy. After that day, her and her sister settled down in the country and started up a farm. She was happily content until she and her sister found an odd portal in a cave that led to this place.

Personality: Cold. Simple as that. She is cold and reserved since mostly everybody she ever cared about has died. The only one she ever shows warmth to is her sister...and animals and small children. On occasion though, her silly side seeps out and can be found floating in the air pondering the day away and poking fun at people.

Her Mercy Form is similar, but she is more...how to say, sly

Other: Her Alchemy is Illusions, Mind manipulations, and the ability to defy gravity. She can summon a elegant Crane named Aslen, whom she talks to when needing help on something. Her strength is in hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting, making her a close-range fighter that would back you up in fight if your losing.
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Name: Midna
Series: Legend of Zelda
Hero or Villain?: Hero.
Personality: Nothing really specific.
Other: Should I keep her in cursed-imp form?
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Yay cause she's so pretty in adult form-

But since we have a Link, she's going to be a cutely-adorable imp.
Re: Rift in the Dimensions: Signups!

Never done a RP before but there's no time like the present eh?

Name: Viscus

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Species: Human

Series: Pokemon

Hero or Villain?: Villain

Appearance: I have hard silver eyes, my hair is jet black and short with a shock of red on one side, I always wear a Dark red t-shirt (the color of fresh blood) and Black Jeans. I have four pokemon on a silver pokeball belt. I don't have eye teeth (the teeth next to your two front teeth) So my canines are there instead.

Bio: Killer. That's what i do. In every battle if my opponent looses i have my pokemon kill theirs, and sometimes the opponent too. The police have been hunting me for a long time, the idiots aren't smart enough to look under their noses, I was on the police force as a forensic scientist before the world began to deteriorate. I have a facination with blood. The pokemon I currently have with me are Tyranitar, a shiny Absol, Typhlosion, and Gallade. The ones i don't have with me currently are Marowak, Scyther, Crobat, and Floatzel.

Personality: I'm vicious, again i have an obsession with blood, I seldomly show compassion and i tend to work by myself. Groups are for sissies. The only things i love or care about are my pokemon and myself. I prefer my food rare. If challenged to a battle I will not show any mercy whatsoever.

Other: Stay away from me unless you or your pokemon have a death wish. I might catch a pokemon i like but it's not likely.
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