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Uh, I didn't do it.
Got a cellphone? What's your ringtone? One of mine is Peanut Butter Jelly Time, but I sometime's use the codec from metal gear.
Mine rings, like a phone.

Not sure what it does when it gets a text though, I usually have it on vibrate anyway.
The Legend of Zelda theme for some reason. However I haven't turned my phone on in about a year and nobody ever rang me when I did.
My ringtone is the Route 24-25 theme from my Leafgreen game. Oh yes. And it used to be the Route 11 song, and before that the opening theme from the games.

And when I get a text it plays a recording of my friend saying "Tomato: the lime green puppy." Don't ask XD
I got a new phone two days ago and haven't set a custom ringtone yet, but on my old phone it was "Harder Better Faster Stronger" by Daft Punk.
I've currently got "Bleed" by Meshuggah on my phone. It's really loud, and it's fun to turn it all the way up and have it go off in a coffee shop (watching everyone in the shop get startled like that is priceless).
I like to think i don't have a mobile. What i do have is a Gecko... which is really embarrassing to own.
This little thing. Also in blue, so i'm lucky Mum didn't get me a pink one.

The ringtones basically consist of beeps of various tones that are meant to be tunes of some sort. One of them is titled "Oxoboxo"... wtf...
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I have the Objection! theme from the first Ace Attorney, but it feels sort of crappy to have something that good as a ringtone when no one ever calls me. :C

My phone's alarm-clock sound is Godot's theme (again from the Ace Attornies), the only thing that makes me even sort of happy about waking up early. :P
"Kernkraft 400" by Zombie nation :D

I thought the band was Kernkraft 400, and the song was "Zombie Nation"?

Anyway, I often leave my phone on silent and have no need for ringtones, really. If it's not on silent and someone calls, it plays the Ievan Polka as sung by Hatsune Miku. :x

If I receive a text, it play's prosecutor Payne's "OBJECTION!" sound. Short and sweet. Also, it often scares the crap out of the person next to you if they're not expecting it.
When I don't have it on vibrate, it plays one of the default sound effects, called doorbell. My phone is quite old.
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