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Safari Crashes


Overdosing on placebos
I recently updated my Safari web browser to the latest whatever version, and added a bunch of extensions to it.

I realized that I didn't really need all of the extensions that I had, and removed some.

Now Safari crashes as soon as I try to run it.

I've already restarted my computer, which solved the problem when it happened earlier, but that didn't help. I also tried to repair Safari using the installer, and when that didn't work, uninstalled and re installed it. Nothing.

If it helps, I'm using Vista.

What are some other possible things that I should try to get it working again, and how do I prevent something like this from happening again?
...try Firefox? Seriously, Safari on a Vista? Do you have Internet Explorer? Does that work?
Yeah, I've been using Google Chrome to access the internet.

You should really get a new OS and a new browser.
I've tried Ubuntu on this computer, but it won't recognize my wireless card.

uh, delete your local setting and see if that works?
Thanks! I've done that, and now I'm re-installing Safari.

And.....still nothing.
Vista sucks. I should know, I use it. Firefox or Chrome. The only ways to go. Get Windows 7 if you can. Otherwise, you'll be Googling a lot of Vista fixes. I've been having to tear this thing apart just to get basic software to work properly, and even now somethings (browser and internet things especially) still don't always work properly.

Is there any specific reason you have to go back to Safari? Otherwise, just stay on Chrome. It will have fewer issues on Vista.
I know Vista sucks, but for now, I can't just magic up myself a new computer. Besides, Safari used to work with it. I want to keep Safari because I like it, and the features it has that Chrome doesn't.
Uh, first, why the hell do you want to use Safari? The only reason I used to use it was because I had a Mac with almost no free disk space.

The newest version may not be compatible with Vista; if you can go back to Safari 4, it may help. Also, if there's any way you can get all of the add-ons back onto it without running it, you could fix it like that. I also have a feeling that upgrading your OS would probably help.
Features Safari has over Firefox:

Favorites screen.

X-out reminders.


When you're going to close a window, it usually warns you about losing stuff first. A feauture that I've found very useful.
Firefox has that switched on by default when you download it. o.o Well, when you close the window, not the tab.
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