A chickadee in love with the sky
- Pronoun
- she/her
sanderidge's active squad
Silverdust Patch the male Cinccino <Technician>
Pipsnap the female Prinplup <Torrent> @ Lucky Egg
Morei Rice Candy the female Sandslash <Sand Veil> @ Passho Berry
Soulbat the female Noibat <Infiltrator> @ Yache Berry
Zan the male Riolu <Inner Focus> @ Eviolite
Dreamling the female Abra <Magic Guard> @ Link Cable
Twinkletoes the male Meowth <Technician> @ Amulet Coin
sea fluff the female Seel <Thick Fat>
ice cream sundae kid the female Sandshrew (Alola Form) <Snow Cloak> @ Ice Stone
Triangle the female Togedemaru <Iron Barbs>
Eifie's active squad
Tassorosso King of Boo Foo Woo the female Sliggoo <Gooey> @ Shell Bell
Siradhan the male Natu <Early Bird> @ Kee Berry
topping percentage the male Paras <Dry Skin> @ Weakness Policy
Scuttlebutt the male Anorith <Battle Armor> @ Lucky Egg
Buckwheat the male Skiddo <Sap Sipper> @ Leftovers
Super Smile Tomato the female Darumaka <Hustle> @ Zoom Lens
Indyelle the female Phanpy <Pickup> @ Air Balloon
Vera the female Munna <Forewarn> @ Moon Stone
Gooch the male Gulpin <Sticky Hold> @ Eviolite
plant guy the male Corphish <Adaptability> @ Lucky Egg
Format: 1v1
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs
Arena: Twitter Itself. (has this been done yet??)
somehow, you and your pokemon have gotten sucked into Twitter Itself! everyone is now a party sprite, standing in the middle of a vaguely cleared-out central hub where all the tweets are flying around to their destinations. the ground is flat and pokemon will be able to find their footing just fine, although they might be a little disoriented at all the tweets rushing about them.
this is an old version of twitter, so every post the trainers make will have to fit the old character limit of 140 characters (excluding the actual command string, because Twitter Itself understands those things). because twitter is not a functional platform, trick room is in play for the entire duration of this battle, and because twitter is an electronic platform electric terrain is happening for the entire duration of the battle.
because this is twitter, tweets other than trainers' commands are getting posted, and they're flying about everywhere! these tweets are shaped like paper airplanes, and all are certainly steady enough for a party sprite to ride on, provided they can jump onto one with trick room happening and all that. because this is social media, the tweets are also responsive to pokemon energy, and will be rallied if a pokemon needs to summon something for a move - you could totally have a surf of tweets, or a rock throw, or whatever. there's no way to change the weather, though.
every round, there's a chance that a tweet will do something! a tweet first has to make contact with a pokemon, though, and this frequency is left to the discretion of the ref because i have no real idea of how large or small chances are.
all tweet contact chance/effects will happen at the end of the round, because this is when i think pokemon are paying the least attention. upon contact, tweets can divulge their message to the pokemon. this message can be any sound-based move. these moves are not affected by the damage cap, because this is twitter and the moves do damage to your soul itself - i mean, to your energy instead! so pokemon will have to be careful about that.
trainers can also (and do) write tweets to the opposing trainer, which will allow them to limit the trainer's next commands in a strictly flavorish way; they may not expressly forbid specific moves or move types, but they can specify that the commands have to, like, rhyme or something. the trainer that commands second in the round will post this tweet-restriction (also in the form of a tweet!!!) before the other trainer commands for that round.
if the trainer does not comply with the tweet, they will be attacked by a flood of negatively minded suburban soccer moms' opinions, and their pokemon will have a hard time understanding their next commands - again, at a chance set at the discretion of the ref, which should be a chance high enough to be amusing but low enough to not be frustrating. when pokemon are confused by a tweet, they'll just stand around looking confused, and probably get hit by a tweet if it's the end of the round.
we fight in Twitter Itself.
electric terrain is happening.
trick room is happening.
no weather changes. (clear weather throughout.)
your command flavor has to be 140 characters or less (your command string doesn't count towards this).
tweets are shaped like paper airplanes, but are much sturdier and can definitely hold a pokemon.
tweets are flying around everywhere and can crash into a pokemon.
crashing can happen at the end of each round.
upon crash, your pokemon is hit by one randomized sound move.
if the move is damaging, it does that percent of damage to your pokemon's energy, not hp.
every round before commands are posted, the trainer that will command second posts a flavor restriction on commands for that round.
if you don't write your command flavor to fit, your pokemon's actions on the next round each have a small failure chance.
sanderidge's active squad

Eifie's active squad

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