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School Projects

None left, but I've done some really epic projects for history this year. A presentation on naval battles of the civil war with comic books and short videos with puppets for world war II's aftermath. I'm proud of myself.
4 five-page essays for sociology
a 15minute presentation with handouts for english
a handout for spanish
and all my final exams (due) next week

I have to write an essay on Act I-II of Romeo and Juliet over the weekend, when I'm supposed to be having fun. Also, I've been putting off a project that's been due for weeks, along with countless others.
Hmm, let's see what's left....

• A research essay paper on the Internet for English that's due this coming Tuesday. I should really get started on it but given that next week is my last week of classes and is where all hell breaks loose i.e. final in-class tests, completion of big assignments... plus I only got my corrected outline for the research essay returned to me electronically today, I'll probably ask for an extension.

• A computer program for my Discrete Math class that implements an algorithm to compute the product C of the n×n matrices A and B directly from the definition of matrix multiplication. Oh, it's also due this Monday and thankfully it's not too difficult. ^^;

...And that's everything left for me to complete.
I have a math project due Monday. I have to use a poster to draw to scale a "map like" thing with a planet, and the sun. The planet is moving around the sun like an ellipse, and I have to make a pretty poster showing that. D;

I also have an English project coming up. It has something to do with The Great Gatsby.

Basically, my teachers are creating projects before schools over. Yay for cramming grades! T,T;
Okay so now for world geography class, we have to create a website that has a bunch of facts about a country in North or South America. I got Peru.
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