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Suggestions Scootaloo/Pinsir's Art Thread!

Re: (Another one of) Scootaloo's Art Thread!

aw, these are so cool. I wish I was this good when I was twelve.

i wish i was this good ever :p these are quite good and fun to look at too! you should be proud of yourself.

(also i want your mlp poster do you mind if i show up at your house and steal it)
Re: Scootaloo's Art Thread!

I was going to say the same thing as UV-- also, maybe a little shading on the bottom? Fade it gradually? That would give it the illusion of a rounder thing. While the shading you have is great, I think the shading on the bottom might add to it.
Re: Scootaloo's Art Thread!

Hey, that's really good! The eyes seem a little off, however; the left (our left) one is too far from the edge of her head, and the other one is too small in comparison. Other than that, it's perfect!
Re: Scootaloo/Absolutely's Art Thread!

Again, I LOVE this. The only thing I could see you improve is the eyes, but again, other than that, it's pretty much flawless.
Re: Scootaloo/Absolutely's Art Thread!


well I'm taking an art class and I was learning about shadow sensitivity today, so I practised it with Adriane's Keldeo figure
also yeah it's dark in this room i'm in right now so I used flash on my phone camera, so. quality.
Re: Scootaloo/Absolutely's Art Thread!

WHOAAAAAAAAA my god. You're really getting better and better. I have absolutely (heh heh that's your username) no nitpicks for that one.
Re: Scootaloo/Absolutely's Art Thread!

That's awesome. But where's the light source? It looks like the light is coming from below its feet, behind its tail, and above its back.
Re: Scootaloo/Absolutely's Art Thread!

That's awesome. But where's the light source? It looks like the light is coming from below its feet, behind its tail, and above its back.

:o You're right! I'm fixing it on the drawing now so I can get a clear visual on where the light source is.
another attempt at animating in gimp, using my sonic fc as a test subject for it. (yes i know its shaky, and the eyelids are probably moving too fast)
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