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Closed Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

Forum Name: Darksong
Char Name: Aria
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Transform Species: Ninetales
Appearance: Aria is about five feet tall, with long blond hair. Her eyes are a dark green, and when she turns into Ninetales, her eyes stay the same color.
Personality: Played out
Bio: unknown
[Sakura] Scyther (F)
Determined, never gives up, and a fierce fighter. However, when not in battle, she is friendly; and, she will appear nice to enemies, then strike when they let their guard down.

[Goldensong] Ninetales (F)
Goldensong always pays attention to her looks, spending most of her time grooming. She moves with grace during battle, and avoids attacks fairly easily.
Relationships: open
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

It says it's still open... so!

Forum Name: Cryptica
Char Name: Shard of Darkness, or just Shard
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Transform Species: Golduck
Appearance: Shard has black hair and black eyes. He wears a blue shirt and khaki jeans. Shard's Golduck form also has black eyes, and his jewel is a dark red:


[Dusk] Pidgeot (F)

[Isaribi] Golduck (F)
Isaribi is named after the fish-luring fire used at night.

Relationships: PO
Other: none.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"Hmm... It's unlikely it will be in the Sinnoh underground. It's too popular and active." Mark said, "Maybe... it can be hidden somewhere we least expect it to be. I mean, it could be on Mt. Silver beneath a big rock. It's still beneath something." He sighed and let out his Mightyena. "Grrarrr..." She said. Mark patted her head. "It is another underground in Kanto. And currently we are in an underground too..." Mightyena seemed to enjoy the petting.

"We need more information." Mark said. "It is to risky to attack another one of Team Rocket's labs. We can risk losing more people..." He sighed. "Where are we going to start?" He meant searching for the Dew Drop.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

Forum Name: Darksong
Char Name: Aria
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Transform Species: Ninetales
Appearance: Aria is about five feet tall, with long blond hair. Her eyes are a dark green, and when she turns into Ninetales, her eyes stay the same color.
Personality: Played out
Bio: unknown
[Sakura] Scyther (F)
Determined, never gives up, and a fierce fighter. However, when not in battle, she is friendly; and, she will appear nice to enemies, then strike when they let their guard down.

[Goldensong] Ninetales (F)
Goldensong always pays attention to her looks, spending most of her time grooming. She moves with grace during battle, and avoids attacks fairly easily.
Relationships: open
It says it's still open... so!

Forum Name: Cryptica
Char Name: Shard of Darkness, or just Shard
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Transform Species: Golduck
Appearance: Shard has black hair and black eyes. He wears a blue shirt and khaki jeans. Shard's Golduck form also has black eyes, and his jewel is a dark red:


[Dusk] Pidgeot (F)

[Isaribi] Golduck (F)
Isaribi is named after the fish-luring fire used at night.

Relationships: PO
Other: none.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"I guess...Unless it's a different definition of Beneath, but I doubt that..." Travis said. "Is there any...legends, folklore, any sort of mythology surrounding the dew drop?" he asked, tilting his head to the left. Then the right. left...right...
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"Attacking a lab is a brutal, frontal assault style. This requires more of a stealth-based operation. I'm recommending infiltration... Some of us joining the rockets, some being caught... We can do our own research if they don't expect we're even there." Alex narrowed his eyes. "I don't know why I even agreed to the frontal assault, but you believed we'd get a lot more out of it. Beneath, huh? How about beneath their own very noses..."
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

A dark-looking boy listened to the conversation. He didn't have any ideas verbally, but he was turning things around in his mind.

Beneath... it's under something. Most likely the ground. But the hardest place to be would be under a building.... is that it?

He stepped out from in the shadows. "Underneath the ground.... and deep under something that's next to impossible to go under. That's my idea."
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"Maybe under the Rocket HQ? That would be so simple that nobody would look there..."
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"Possibly," said the boy, "but maybe somewhere else, too."

The boy was known as Shard of Darkness, but he got angry if he was called his full name. He prefered Shard.

"Other than that," finished Shard, "I have next to no ideas."
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"We could get a team of Luxray to use their X-Ray vision to look underground... but where are we going to get that many Luxray..."
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"Weren't the Eons originally residents of Houen? Could... could it be somewhere there?" Meryn guessed. She looked down at the Pokeballs at her waist. Neither of the Pokemon had any ideas, not that she'd expected them to.
"Ah... A trading center could have lots of Luxray. If we need to find anything, I could try digging."
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"That's a good idea, Alex. But what if they found out that we're the Eon's Hope? We would be taken to Giovanni, then get killed. No doubt about it. Or maybe he would make us help him searching for the Dew Drop." Mark shrugged. "Who knows?"

Beneath something... The Dew Drop is also called the Orb of Life, and it can control life and death... Could this have something to do with Pokémon, maybe?

"What Pokémon controls Life and Death? Mew for life and death for...?" Mark said. "A legendary, it must be..." Mightyena looked up at him, no expression in her face. "Got any idea, Mightyena?"

"Nope, no, zero, nuh-uh." She whispered.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"Oh... I forgot you can be a sandslash..." Echo looked away, embarassed.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"Well, let's see...Life and death...the two originated in Hoenn...Legendaries..." Travis said, pacing. Beka, who had been lying next to him, sighed.

"...Mt. Pyre, maybe? Or the cave of Origin. One's linked to Death, the other to Life..." She said, and he turned to look at her, before thinking it over.

Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"I think death is Giratina," said Shard quickly. "Just a random thought." He felt like changing into a Golduck and sneaking back into a shadow, but he was part of this group too. He had to help with the ideas.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"Beneath mt. Pyre and in the Cave of Origin... sounds good." Mark said. "Shall we go there first?"

"Definatly." Mightyena said, rubbing her fur against Marks feet. "Mt. Pyre first, I think. Since the Dew Drop is named Orb of Life, so that must have been what is the most important." She continued.

"How can Giratina have something to do with death? And how could we have reached it, anyway?" Mark looked at Shard.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"Should those of us that can fly and carry others do so? If so I'll carry someone small..." Echo mumbled.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

Aria was hiding, meanwhile. She finally gathered her courage and approached these people, holding her PokéBalls.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"...Don't we have any Teleporters?" Travis asked, confused. "I mean, if anything we could simply take a ferry with most of us disguised as Pokemon to save money..." He said, tilting his head again.
Re: Seekers of the Dew Drop, a Pokémon RP

"If that's true," Shard replied to Travis, "Then I can swim. I'm a Golduck." He smiled, except he wasn't very good at it. Every one turned out like an evil-looking grin.

((Shard's family pictures must have been scary.... |D ))
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