Will be leaving soon. Bye!!!
This competiton is now officially open!
Here are the 5 Different Contests:
CONTEST#1-PokemonTrainer Costumes
CONTEST#2-A new baby form for any pokemon (any skills can be used)
CONTEST#3-Recolouring any pokemon with the colours of another (please specify)
CONTEST#4-MEGASPRITE!-any sprite combination using more than 3 pokemon (make as bizarre as possible)
CONTEST#6-AMAZE US!-You can do anything for this, surprise us by doing something we never saw coming
*Points given for presentation, bizarrness, uniquenss (if thats a word)
Here are the rules:
Plz respect other peoples sprites and efforts
You may post any type of sprite for any of the contests (as long as its yours)
You can only post one sprite for every contest
Write like this plz otherwise they will be ignored
Name of sprite:(not overally important)
Pokemon used:
Write Balloon befor writing to show you've read the rules
The winner will be decided in November 1st-5th
Prizes as such shall not be given, and sorry if I can get trophies i shall but until then, good luck!
Good Luck
Simple as that!
Here are the 5 Different Contests:
CONTEST#1-PokemonTrainer Costumes
CONTEST#2-A new baby form for any pokemon (any skills can be used)
CONTEST#3-Recolouring any pokemon with the colours of another (please specify)
CONTEST#4-MEGASPRITE!-any sprite combination using more than 3 pokemon (make as bizarre as possible)
CONTEST#6-AMAZE US!-You can do anything for this, surprise us by doing something we never saw coming
*Points given for presentation, bizarrness, uniquenss (if thats a word)
Here are the rules:
Plz respect other peoples sprites and efforts
You may post any type of sprite for any of the contests (as long as its yours)
You can only post one sprite for every contest
Write like this plz otherwise they will be ignored
Name of sprite:(not overally important)
Pokemon used:
Write Balloon befor writing to show you've read the rules
The winner will be decided in November 1st-5th
Prizes as such shall not be given, and sorry if I can get trophies i shall but until then, good luck!
Good Luck
Simple as that!
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